Racism of the left continues...

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Chef keeps writing inane things but the truth is early liberals had many of the same values as modern conservatives. FYI, conservative is spelled with a lower case "c" and please has a "s" at the end. So the modern conservative is like Franklin, Madison, Adams, and Jefferson. Maximum liberty and happiness for the maximum number of people. The modern liberal has more in common with Hegel, Marx, Mussolini, and Alinsky.
He needs to read the this...it's pretty explanatory.
The Democrats of today want to keep the blacks on
the plantation as where the Republicans want to help
them off the plantation...https://www.livescience.com/34241-de...platforms.html
The KKK is an alt-right racist organization just as antifa
is an extreme left violent organization...on the fringe.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
The KKK for all intents and purposes exists only in the history books and fevered minds of the left. Organized racists and white supremacists are vastly outnumbered by left wing hate groups.

Alt-right is another one of those leftist creations that means whatever you need it to mean.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Chef keeps writing inane things but the truth is early liberals had many of the same values as modern conservatives. FYI, conservative is spelled with a lower case "c" and please has a "s" at the end. So the modern conservative is like Franklin, Madison, Adams, and Jefferson. Maximum liberty and happiness for the maximum number of people. The modern liberal has more in common with Hegel, Marx, Mussolini, and Alinsky. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Wow. That’s a view from inside a bubble.

Arguing what was doesn’t change what is.

Fact is, the type of people who founded the Klan back then would likely be Trump followers today. And the kind of people who followed Lincoln back then would likely be Democrats today .

And the founding fathers, who sought to break away from the monarchy would likely be “amonynous” op-ed writers today.

Let’s try and keep this moment in history clean and pristine. This is the time that America fell to the very type of oppressor that resulted in its creation.
Wow. That’s a view from inside a bubble.

Arguing what was doesn’t change what is.

Fact is, the type of people who founded the Klan back then would likely be Trump followers today. And the kind of people who followed Lincoln back then would likely be Democrats today .

And the founding fathers, who sought to break away from the monarchy would likely be “amonynous” op-ed writers today.

Let’s try and keep this moment in history clean and pristine. This is the time that America fell to the very type of oppressor that resulted in its creation. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
History is very messy and subject to being written by the victors. A smart man such as yourself surely knows this.

As for revolutions, they don't tend to happen when times are the best financially in the history of the world, as we have now with President Trump.

The best economy ever. Gives us a fighting chance at holding the House and Senate, even though the party in power tends to lose in the midterms, historically. I expect we will lose seats to the bad guys of the left, but I expected Hillary to win by 50 points, so I could be wrong about whether or not the Republicans can hold off the party of socialism.
the term conservative as applied today has little if any relationship to the attitudes and intents of the democrat party of the jim crow era

democrats, both in the north and south, had prejudicial attitudes toward blacks well into the 1970's

but just as attitudes of people change, given information, interaction and communication, so must political parties change with the people to survive

the democrats, with Roosevelt, began a transformation into a statist party. the new deal era and programs began to attract blacks to the democrat party while the republicans were seen as favoring business

some democrats, who were conservative, a term not applied to indicate racial prejudice, but meaning people who didn't like the expansion of federal power and the favor given to labor unions for political purposes, began to leave the democrats

racial attitudes of the democrats, both north and south, finally began to change in the 60's and 70's by exposure to the sunlight. As new generations of democrats grew to maturity they began to leave behind the attitudes of their fathers but still they developed new ways to manage and control the black voting block

blacks had begun moving to the democrat party because of the new deal and then with the civil rights movement and attendant legislation, that movement increased as democrat presidents (kennedy and Johnson) during the turmoil became the white face of the movement and were able to manage that change even though legislation was passed in large part with republican help

as the democrat party became the party of the left, with expansive government, cultural wars, abortion, taxation, and a drift from what had been understood to be American values redefining that party, yes "conservatives" in the south or any region left the democrats

and as that happened the vacuum created in the democrat party was filled by many sorts of special interest groups. and even today that process is advancing with socialist and communist leanings

the dynamic animating conservatives today has not one thing to do with what chefnerd attempts to imply

so yes the democrats changed, from one evil to what might be seen as new evils. but their original evil did not become an evil of the republicans except by political accusation

below is something richard wormser wrote in his rise and fall of jim crow:

The Democratic Party identified itself as the "white man's party" and demonized the Republican Party as being "Negro dominated," even though whites were in control. Determined to re-capture the South, Southern Democrats "redeemed" state after state -- sometimes peacefully, other times by fraud and violence. By 1877, when Reconstruction was officially over, the Democratic Party controlled every Southern state.

The South remained a one-party region until the Civil Rights movement began in the 1960s. Northern Democrats, most of whom had prejudicial attitudes towards blacks, offered no challenge to the discriminatory policies of the Southern Democrats.

One of the consequences of the Democratic victories in the South was that many Southern Congressmen and Senators were almost automatically re-elected every election. Due to the importance of seniority in the U.S. Congress, Southerners were able to control most of the committees in both houses of Congress and kill any civil rights legislation. Even though Franklin Delano Roosevelt was a Democrat, and a relatively liberal president during the 1930s and '40s, he rarely challenged the powerfully entrenched Southern bloc.

-- Richard Wormser
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Don’t remember any Republicans in Texas until the 1990s, when the conservatives in the Democratic party switched parties to escape the rising tide of minorities, women and young voters in the party.

What was can’t be changed. What exists today is the issue here.
Hotrod511's Avatar
Wow. That’s a view from inside a bubble.

Arguing what was doesn’t change what is.

Fact is, the type of people who founded the Klan back then would likely be Trump followers today. And the kind of people who followed Lincoln back then would likely be Democrats today .

And the founding fathers, who sought to break away from the monarchy would likely be “amonynous” op-ed writers today.

Let’s try and keep this moment in history clean and pristine. This is the time that America fell to the very type of oppressor that resulted in its creation. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
This is just nothing but utter BS on your part yssup just because someone voted for Trump does not mean they are race hating people. Again your hatred for Trump fogs your judgement of people you don't even know
I B Hankering's Avatar
Don’t remember any Republicans in Texas until the 1990s, when the conservatives in the Democratic party switched parties to escape the rising tide of minorities, women and young voters in the party.

What was can’t be changed. What exists today is the issue here. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

You must have missed it when they taught the Battle of Galveston and the Battle of Palmito Ranch in school. On both occasions the Republicans got their butts kicked.

The Battle of Galveston was strategically a bigger and more costly affair, and, at that time, necessary. But the Battle of Palmito Ranch was wholly unnecessary, as the war was all but over, and it was fought only because of the greedy political aspirations of the Union commander. Kinda like hildebeest unnecessarily putting people in harm's way in Benghazi and ultimately losing the election because of her demonstrated incompetence and blatant avariciousness for political gain at great cost to those who served below her.
Don’t remember any Republicans in Texas until the 1990s, when the conservatives in the Democratic party switched parties to escape the rising tide of minorities, women and young voters in the party.

What was can’t be changed. What exists today is the issue here. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
United States Senator John Tower
from Texas
In office
June 15, 1961 – January 3, 1985
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
The myth continues....
Yssup Rider's Avatar
This is just nothing but utter BS on your part yssup just because someone voted for Trump does not mean they are race hating people. Again your hatred for Trump fogs your judgement of people you don't even know Originally Posted by Hotrod511
I did not say that. I said the founders of the KKK (who according to this discussion were the white ultra conservatives of their time). How many ultra conservatives of any racial group would you say did not support Trump?

Don’t assume what you cannot prove.

And please read what I write before you react to it.

Thank you kindly.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Oh there were a few Republicans. Like Tower. Connolly switched parties too. Clements was a R. There were a few members of the Legislature here and there and a few members of Congress but the real political battle between liberals and conservatives took place within the Texas Democratic Party.

The Lobbies started successfully running Republican candidates against the activist judges controlled by trial lawyers in the late 80s. It wasn’t the party but the “interests.” They flopped the majority of the Supreme Court in 1988.

The large scale migration of conservative Democrats to the Republican party in Texas didn’t occur until after Ann Richards was elected. Suddenly the face of the party wasn’t the old conservative white lawyer but minorities, women, etc. scared the shot out of people.

People started switching parties over the next four years and in. 94 she got beat by Dubya. Same conservatives, different party.

Texas has always been conservative.
And when the LYING LIBERALS of this state send up left wing loonies like Abortion Barbie and Leticia Van Depuke as their choice for Governor and Lt. Gov., it will REMAIN conservative. Run one of those Socialist Castro brothers next time and see if HE doesn't get stomped on at the polls !
Oh there were a few Republicans. Like Tower. Connolly switched parties too. Clements was a R. There were a few members of the Legislature here and there and a few members of Congress but the real political battle between liberals and conservatives took place within the Texas Democratic Party.

The Lobbies started successfully running Republican candidates against the activist judges controlled by trial lawyers in the late 80s. It wasn’t the party but the “interests.” They flopped the majority of the Supreme Court in 1988.

The large scale migration of conservative Democrats to the Republican party in Texas didn’t occur until after Ann Richards was elected. Suddenly the face of the party wasn’t the old conservative white lawyer but minorities, women, etc. scared the shot out of people.

People started switching parties over the next four years and in. 94 she got beat by Dubya. Same conservatives, different party.

Texas has always been conservative. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Yes, excellent characterization of the party shift in Texas. You are a smart person.
As you might imagine, I hated Ann Richards. Bitch thought she was hot shit. She was lucky to have run against that total moron Clayton Williams who would have won had he only kept his stupid fucking mouth shut.