You get more with honey than with salt..

OTOH, have you seen the attitude that some ladies bring to this board? In my humble opinion, if a woman acts like an asshole, she deserves the same kind of feedback in return.
What's good for the goose is good for the gander. Originally Posted by tikkler33
I understand what your saying. It works both ways. I just have noticed a "dark tone" lately with some of the men on the boards. Not all of you are like that, just some that have been pretty nasty in their posts.

I guess it goes back to the cliche "treat others as you would like to be treated".

Mr Willy's Avatar
Those of us that are the older guys were taught at a young age that you respect women. I have been stood up on more that one occasion but I would never think of going off on the lady. Hell she may have had something more important on her mind than seeing me so I try to see her side too. But I always try to get back in touch with them because I am afraid something may have happened to them. Some times we work out a new time and others not. But all in all disrespecting a women is just about as low as you can get. A guy that hits on women is the lowest form of serpent.
Some of us younger guys were taught to be respectful as well.