SPOCK!!!! Leonard Nimoy dead at 83.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
In the spirit of this forum............keeping it political.

President Obama issued a statement on the death of Nimoy ( a liberal Democrat).

In that statement, Obama (our 1st Selfie President) referred to himself (multiple times) of course, and left out paying any thanks or acknowledgement to Nimoy's military service.

Thanks for your service Sgt. Nimoy. RIP Originally Posted by Whirlaway
You're a fucking asshole.
Nope. Obama is the asshole, a narcissistic one at that!

You're a fucking asshole. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You have got to be one of the dumbest in this forum.

I can't figure out if you can't count or can't read.

You post Obama's statement, say you read it, then tell us you don't see where Obama referred to himself several times?

Tell us just how dumb do you think we are?

Revisit what you wrote and report back again. We will give you a re-test.

BTW, are you minimizing Nimoy's service because he was in the "entertainment division" ?

We know Obama didn't think much about it; preferring instead to aggrandize his own experience with Nimoy's on screen character - Spock. And as Commander-In-Chief, ignoring Nimoy's service. Nimoy enlisted - he wasn't drafted into service ! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
So he can't say he liked the guy or recount a meeting he was lucky enough to have had? Jesus Christ you are some piece of work. As for how dumb you are, I think you're pretty motherfucking, goddamn dumb to try and twist something like this to be political.
An appropriate remembrance from our Commander In Chief should not have excluded Nimoy's service.

But Obama is a self absorbed narcissist; he can't help injecting his life experiences into everyone else's...living or the recently dead.

I am sure Obama sees himself in the Spock character.....big ears, cool, hip, logical detachment, above it all attitutde.

Is Obama using his mind-meld powers on ISIS to submit?
Who needs the military or CIA when we have the persuasive powers of Obama.

Originally Posted by Whirlaway
It's called relating, you douchbag. You don't know anything about journalism or press releases or anything of the like. If he liked the guy, he should say he liked him. And if he met him, he should say he met him. You're hopeless and quickly becoming just like IB dipshit.
It's called relating, you douchbag. You don't know anything about journalism or press releases or anything of the like. If he liked the guy, he should say he liked him. And if he met him, he should say he met him. You're hopeless and quickly becoming just like IB dipshit. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Yssup Rider's Avatar
It's called relating, you douchbag. You don't know anything about journalism or press releases or anything of the like. If he liked the guy, he should say he liked him. And if he met him, he should say he met him. You're hopeless and quickly becoming just like IB dipshit. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
+ 2

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Nope. Obama is the asshole, a narcissistic one at that! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Like you, wordsmith?
  • MrGiz
  • 02-28-2015, 09:54 PM

I suppose [Xxxxxx] would have been happier had Obama not said anything at all.
Originally Posted by bigtex
Congratulations, supposition Well Done
  • MrGiz
  • 02-28-2015, 09:57 PM
Double Post
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I'm probably the only here who has Nimoy's album. Here is a sample;

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5lnFMJnwq9Q Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

that's actually not too bad. much better than this rather infamous tune ..

even that's 10x better than any of that "Spoken Word" crap Shatner did.

talk about "strangling the cat" sheesh.

or this "disasterpiece"

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I did like Shatner on Leno with Ben Folds singing (?) Common People.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Here is what is funny? Obama wanted to honor Spock (not Nimoy) and he said that the hand sign was the "universal" symbol for "Live Long and Prosper". Right....another lie coming from Obama. It is not universal and it does mean live long and prosper. It is, according to Leonard Nimoy, a sign given by a rabbi during a ceremony. It was is Jewish blessing...

You can check out the link or read the book "I am not Spock".

Here is what is funny? Obama wanted to honor Spock (not Nimoy) and he said that the hand sign was the "universal" symbol for "Live Long and Prosper". Right....another lie coming from Obama. It is not universal and it does mean live long and prosper. It is, according to Leonard Nimoy, a sign given by a rabbi during a ceremony. It was is Jewish blessing...

You can check out the link or read the book "I am not Spock".

http://www.businessinsider.com/leona...-salute-2015-2 Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
You're sad. Everyone who ever grew up watching Star Trek knows exactly what that sign means. He may have co-opted it, but we all know it means live long and prosper. Are you filled with so much guile that you can't even be honest about this? You're arguing that Obama was wrong because he didn't tell us the Jewish meaning behind the symbol? When everyone in the world knows it as Spock's sign? Is that really what you're going to argue and get behind. Even in a man's death, you can't stop and just let it go. Not even for a minute. That's really, really sad.
The village idiot speaks...................a guy who can't count or read........or you have your head so far up Obama's ass you can't see.

Which is it dumbshit?

BTW, you saying Nimoy's military service is of no importance because he served in the Army Special Services? And it is Obama's lack of (expressing) respect for Nimoy's military service that deserves attention, not mine. But Obama, being the supreme narcissist has to make Nimoy's death all about his own life experience.

Where exactly does he refer to himself several times? It's pretty easy to prove you wrong when all I had to do was just read the words for myself. And as for his military service, he was in the Army Special Services or entertainment division of the Army. It's something many actors did during WW2 and after. You're a sad, sad individual to not even let this pass without making it political. Your lack of respect in even this situation, is unfortunate.

Here's his statement. He says he loved Spock. That's only natural in a statement. He also recounts a meeting he had with Nimoy. Also only natural in a statement.
Long before being nerdy was cool, there was Leonard Nimoy. Leonard was a lifelong lover of the arts and humanities, a supporter of the sciences, generous with his talent and his time. And of course, Leonard was Spock. Cool, logical, big-eared and level-headed, the center of Star Trek’s optimistic, inclusive vision of humanity’s future.

I loved Spock.

In 2007, I had the chance to meet Leonard in person. It was only logical to greet him with the Vulcan salute, the universal sign for “Live long and prosper.” And after 83 years on this planet – and on his visits to many others – it’s clear Leonard Nimoy did just that. Michelle and I join his family, friends, and countless fans who miss him so dearly today
Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
The village idiot speaks...................a guy who can't count or read........or you have your head so far up Obama's ass you can't see.

Which is it dumbshit?

BTW, you saying Nimoy's military service is of no importance because he served in the Army Special Services? And it is Obama's lack of (expressing) respect for Nimoy's military service that deserves attention, not mine. But Obama, being the supreme narcissist has to make Nimoy's death all about his own life experience. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Make a press release without using the word 'i'. Go ahead. If you even know the proper form. You're seriously complaining that he said Michelle and I? SERIOUSLY? You are very, very sad. I can't imagine the micro penis you must have to get butthurt over this. I never said his service was unimportant. Never said it. Merely said it was in the entertainment division and that many actors did it. You added the rest.