The hobby & relationships??

Audrey Astor's Avatar
Developing serious feelings about a semi retired or active Provider, IMHO, is never a good idea. Something about Providers that make them ingrained into your soul. More so than a civilian woman. Times can be good when retired but torture when she goes active again. Originally Posted by Nik McPratt
This has been a struggle with me for 3 years. Ugh!

Can I ask what you mean by, "something about providers that make them ingrained into your soul, more so than a civilian woman"? I'm not criticizing what you are saying, I am truly curious, so I know....
I'm fairly new to the hobby but have been in open relationship. I never asked my partner to change what she did with other guys because that would have changed her. I just requested that she use covers and keep some special time for me. Relationship lasted until she had to move out of state for work. I loved hearing her stories and our sex was amazing. We had no secrets and I knew when she was hooking up with another guy. Those stories were always before sex, whether it was me or her. Lasted 3 years before she moved and still hwar from her off and on.
I don't see how seeing or dating a provider would be any different. Except that she'd have new stories every day.