Biden quote: Shoot them in the leg

10 rounds ... 18 rounds ... so what? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Yeah so what. I think if the Officer would have shot the suspect in the leg ten times there would have been two police funerals. That Officer was in a rather extraordinary situation that most people wouldn't have lived through it.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
You shoot center mass, to kill. Biden is a fucking moron.
LexusLover's Avatar
What a fucking maroon. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
That just about sums up Biden aka Mr. 25th Amendment!
What a fucking maroon.
Btw, do I really need to explain everything that's wrong with his comment?
The highlights are in the last couple paragraphs though. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
And THIS guy is going to be the Democrat Nominee.
10 rounds ... 18 rounds ... so what?

#1: "It wasn’t a burglary, but John Mullery, aged 42, had broken in to the apartment of his girlfriend to kill her." ... It was a "burglary" ...

#2: With all due respect ... this line of the description you gave "All of the shots hit the suspect above the waist and the man kept coming at him with a pipe" creates a much different visual image than was described in the story in the blog ... in which there was a lengthy struggle with beatings and two weapons were involved with a speed loader ... as I mentioned.

My point was, and is, if as originally generally described the bad guy "kept coming" there would have been insufficient time to fire 18 rounds with two reloads even with speed loaders.

The real lesson is don't carry a ".38 special" to a gunfight or any fight!

To the extent that I misinterpreted your description my apologies. Originally Posted by LexusLover
In Law Enforcement it's the luck of the draw and you work with what they give you. In 1977 the Smith & Wesson 38 Special Revolver was standard Departmental Issue.
LexusLover's Avatar
In Law Enforcement it's the luck of the draw and you work with what they give you. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Where on Earth did you get that gem?
LexusLover's Avatar
You shoot center mass, to kill. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
That is incorrect. As a policy matter and training, the patrol officer (as opposed to special operation shooters) are trained and TAUGHT that shooting a person is to disable them so they can no longer be a threat to the officer or a third-party. Police officers are not trained and taught to "shoot to kill"! Center mass is an available target that is relatively easy to hit and contains vital organs that will disable the person if struck.

Customary/standard training is for the officer to learn to "double tap" when firing at the other person with the power of two rounds in quick succession to put the person down and sufficiently disable them so they are no longer a threat.

If they die, so be it. But that is not the goal. If anyone told you otherwise ... they are full of shit.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
It’s a bit different in the army, but I certainly cede the point for cops.
gfejunkie's Avatar
What a fucking maroon.
Btw, do I really need to explain everything that's wrong with his comment?
The highlights are in the last couple paragraphs though. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
Can you imagine what the headline would be like if Trump had said anything close to that...

"Trump urges police to shoot black people!"

That would be it. Trust me.

Not that they aren't doing it already.
That is incorrect. As a policy matter and training, the patrol officer (as opposed to special operation shooters) are trained and TAUGHT that shooting a person is to disable them so they can no longer be a threat to the officer or a third-party. Police officers are not trained and taught to "shoot to kill"! Center mass is an available target that is relatively easy to hit and contains vital organs that will disable the person if struck.

Customary/standard training is for the officer to learn to "double tap" when firing at the other person with the power of two rounds in quick succession to put the person down and sufficiently disable them so they are no longer a threat.

If they die, so be it. But that is not the goal. If anyone told you otherwise ... they are full of shit. Originally Posted by LexusLover
It's actually the other way around, if they live so be it. Why do you think silhouette targets have an "X" in the center representing Center mass? which is a for the most part a kill shot and the largest area to land a shot that would neutralize the threat.
  • oeb11
  • 06-02-2020, 04:42 PM
When an officer is plsced in a position of needing to use deadly force to protect themself - or other innocents individuals - they must make split-second decisions the damn lawyers spend years poring over in frame by frame analysis second-guessing the cops.

When a cop is confronted and forced to use deadly force - the perp deserves the result.

"Pants down - Hands Up"!!!
LexusLover's Avatar
It's actually the other way around, if they live so be it. Why do you think silhouette targets have an "X" in the center representing Center mass? which is a for the most part a kill shot and the largest area to land a shot that would neutralize the threat. Originally Posted by Levianon17
All "silhouette targets" DON'T have "an "X" in the center" ... !!!

... you will not find the phrase "kill shot" in any law enforcement training materials approved by LE training standards in this state for certification to become a police officer and for subsequent CLE for "first responding" officers. PERIOD!

You keep using bravado blog information as your sources. You've already misstated the content of one and incorrectly paraphrased it with your own loose language. "Center mass" is not a "kill shot"! Give it a rest.
LexusLover's Avatar
It’s a bit different in the army, but I certainly cede the point for cops. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Military training is not relevant to law enforcement training, which is one good reason for the hesitancy of deploying military to confront citizens on the streets. As a show of force by presence, yes. Do you remember "Kent State"? Those were Guardsmen (NG has served in every major military excursion by this country since the country's inception. They are considered "military" but have "civilian" activity training.)

#1: The vast number of response calls by LE involve 1-2 officers with some calls considered mandatory 2nd officer backup calls.

That's the reason why there are so many ambush calls in which an officer arrives and gets killed (or seriously wounded) as he/she steps from their patrol unit ... sometimes don't even get out.

Aside: Not many stores get looted over that!
LexusLover's Avatar
All "silhouette targets" DON'T have "an "X" in the center" ... !!!

... you will not find the phrase "kill shot" in any law enforcement training materials approved by LE training standards in this state for certification to become a police officer and for subsequent CLE for "first responding" officers. PERIOD!

You keep using bravado blog information as your sources. You've already misstated the content of one and incorrectly paraphrased it with your own loose language. "Center mass" is not a "kill shot"! Give it a rest. Originally Posted by LexusLover
All "silhouette targets" DON'T have "an "X" in the center" ... !!!

... you will not find the phrase "kill shot" in any law enforcement training materials approved by LE training standards in this state for certification to become a police officer and for subsequent CLE for "first responding" officers. PERIOD!

You keep using bravado blog information as your sources. You've already misstated the content of one and incorrectly paraphrased it with your own loose language. "Center mass" is not a "kill shot"! Give it a rest. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Maybe they don't use the term "Kill Shot" but it's all understood.