Heather holiday has a PIMP!

Elephant's Avatar
Angel... We will only forgive you if you start doing BBBJ...lol
sixxbach's Avatar
Angel... We will only forgive you if you start doing BBBJ...lol Originally Posted by Elephant
and do 30/100 sessions with CIM...
onehitwonder's Avatar
Hmmm. sounds like they ALL were with the same guy and everytime one of them leaves him and strikes out on her own she starts a thread, I asume to hinder their business. They ALL at some point worked/were friends with her and she didn't have a problem with it then!?

just sayin.......
Angel... We will only forgive you if you start doing BBBJ...lol Originally Posted by Elephant

this thread rocks.

I've been in bed sick with a kidney stone for two days, and finally, something made me laugh!

Thanks Angel! We couldn't have done it without you...

Oh, and when you're ready to try that BBBJCIM, let me know...
Hmmm. sounds like they ALL were with the same guy and everytime one of them leaves him and strikes out on her own she starts a thread, I asume to hinder their business. They ALL at some point worked/were friends with her and she didn't have a problem with it then!?

just sayin....... Originally Posted by onehitwonder
No way Heather was involved with these guys in the past. She is not even from Texas, she is from the northeast US and this is her first time out here in Texas. Sounds like Angel is either trying to mess with Heather's potential business in Dallas or Angel's pimp is trying to force Heather to go under his wing.

Heather has a genuine accent that gives away she is from the northeast and not from Texas (along with an ID to prove it). The poor girl got caught up in Angel's drama without even knowing who she is.
and Leon is getting larrrgggerrr........
Why would any hobbyists contact you now.. Originally Posted by VictoriaLyn
While I don't know if it holds true in this world, in civilian life the crazy ones are by far the best in bed. At least that's been my experience.

CBJ is a deal breaker though. Sometimes I wonder how CBJ girls stay in business. Perhaps I'm too picky though.
playingnthedark's Avatar
Ray007's Avatar
She's young guys give her a break!
Sensual Sophia's Avatar
She's young guys give her a break! Originally Posted by Ray007
This has nothing to do with age. It's about character. I knew it was wrong to make false accusations against people by the age of 5 and most people who aren't sociopaths know the same thing. At least she had the decency to realize her mistake and apologize, so I'll give her that. Everyone makes mistakes. But her youth is no excuse and totally irrelevant.
rrrabbit's Avatar
This has nothing to do with age. It's about character. I knew it was wrong to make false accusations against people by the age of 5 and most people who aren't sociopaths know the same thing. At least she had the decency to realize her mistake and apologize, so I'll give her that. Everyone makes mistakes. But her youth is no excuse and totally irrelevant. Originally Posted by Sensual Sophia

Amen. I like you already.
I just want to apologize I did let my personal life get involved in which I shouldn't have to whoever you are heather holliday I apologize for starting this bs which had nothing to do with you. But with me an annabelle I was just lashing out in anger that's all. And to all the hobbyists I apologize to you as well you have my number to contact me. Sorry Originally Posted by angel
I'm impressed Angel admitted she was wrong and made the public apology. Very risky considering Heather's fan club (and anyone else who could possibly benefit from knowing Angel was lying) would be quick to pounce.

"You live, you learn."
Sensual Sophia's Avatar
I'm impressed Angel admitted she was wrong and made the public apology. Very risky considering Heather's fan club (and anyone else who could possibly benefit from knowing Angel was lying) would be quick to pounce.

"You live, you learn." Originally Posted by JR7
I agree. It takes guts to admit when you've made a mistake.
Really are you fucking kidding me?Did you just throw this girl under a bus because you were mad at someone else??????????????Why would any hobbyists contact you now..hell if they are $10 short what would you accuse them of???????:ra nting: Originally Posted by VictoriaLyn
<kids Vicky>
dogsmack's Avatar
I wanna book a double with Angel & Annabelle, oil us all up, and then let them settle it in a cat fight with me in the middle. What do you say girls?

Shit, I think I just came thinking about it.