Robert Kraft massage parlor case

KosherCowboy's Avatar
If you are only making 5% in the stock market, you are not doing your homework, or your investment broker is taking your money to do nothing.
I have been kicking ass in the past 2 years, with just a couple bad months, and I am not an expert in stocks or funds.
I have made more money in the past 2 years than I made in the 4 previous years before the Trump took office.
Being close to retirement, I have nothing to complain about. Originally Posted by Warptcuck
I would have to agree that someone has a shitty financial adviser. YTD two stock accounts are up 9 and 12 percent and my mutual funds up 10 %. The bonds are up 2% and 4%. I am no expert either I just spend it and let someone else manage it to avoid any fuck ups or emotional moves that might cost me money...

I am like you, I have just as much today as when Trump took over and that includes all the money I have spent/drawn. The market has basically paid me to go to Germany monthly since Spring 2016 , pay my bills, property taxes, eat like a King and I do not work. I will just draw it down and spend it. No need to die with money and no one to give it to. When my day comes it comes...

My ' acceptance' of 5% is in theory not reality ( another poster claimed the market up only 5%) but if someone told me today I will die in 30 years and every year the market will appreciate 5% with no down years to counter that 5% and I account for what I spend and inflation I would do just fine especially since I have no kids or woman in my life to gnaw away at what I have.

I like to let someone else do the work and as they tell me ' it is time in the market not timing the market' and tells me to go enjoy it and he takes I think .008% quarterly. Less than a percent. IMHO cheap compared to doing it on my own and fucking up. Anyone who only got 5% the last year is not watching their money very well. In all fairness to Obama the same funds boomed..

My Dad once told me the experts lose, the idiots lose more and the ones who make money let someone else do the work. I am a big believer in financial advisers. However if someone is only up 5% in the last year or year to date they probably managed it themselves..

Unless we get some recession or the economy tanks for some unknown reason Donald J. Trump is going to be reelected and by the time the polls close out west it will all be over anyway. The last election was close. This will be a fucking blowout.

The Californians may as well stay home and not vote as their massive electoral votes won't be enough to overcome the greatest electoral deficit since Mondale got slaughtered.
Chung Tran's Avatar
if someone is only up 5% in the last year or year to date they probably managed it themselves.. Originally Posted by KosherCowboy
not true.. the S&P 500 is what is up 5% the past year, the largest index/non-managed Fund in the World. in reality, MOST managed funds lag the S&P 500.

this thread is about Robert Kraft, and what the Court may do regarding his spreading Kraft Mayonnaise all over the hands of an aged Chinese Jack Shack employee.
KosherCowboy's Avatar
not true.. the S&P 500 is what is up 5% the past year, the largest index/non-managed Fund in the World. in reality, MOST managed funds lag the S&P 500.

this thread is about Robert Kraft, and what the Court may do regarding his spreading Kraft Mayonnaise all over the hands of an aged Chinese Jack Shack employee. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
The court case is a waste of money and time at this point. There won't be a conviction if so there will be a pardon. Kraft will get every break in the book. They will cheat for him. Just like his Patriots did

What the hell was he doing at some jack shack anyway, a man of his stature and wealth can buy the best; Florida has some of the best or the guy could have flown in his meat.

At least he didn't hire the porn star attorney...
I don't suppose mr Kraft would use his position and money to take a stand that what happens between two consenting adults is no business of the government ?

And, don't bring up the lame ass trafficking argument. None has been shown in this case.