The leftists want to destroy your city too

So much for being a sanctuary city till the scumbag illegals come home to roost

NYC Mayor Eric Adams calls for migrants to be sent to EVERY U.S. city as Big Apple becomes overwhelmed with thousands of new arrivals daily and looks to ease burden

New York City Mayor Eric Adams has called for migrants to be sent to every major city in America as he continues to try and solve the Big Apple's overwhelming immigrant crisis.

The mayor has reopened many of the city's closed hotels and turned them into migrant shelters to deal with an influx of asylum seekers in the past months and expected arrivals in the coming weeks.

However, on CBS' Face the Nation Sunday, Adams told host Margaret Brennan that this is 'not a burden on one city' and proposed a shared solution.
'We have 108,000 cities, villages, towns,' he said. 'If everyone takes a small portion of that, and if it's coordinated at the border to ensure that those who are coming here to this country in a lawful manner is actually moved throughout the entire country, it is not a burden on one city.' Originally Posted by berryberry
Good plan to all sanctuary cities not any others.

The democrats want these people for future votes that’s the plan. Let the democrat run cities take all these people.
berryberry's Avatar

The democrats want these people for future votes that’s the plan. Let the democrat run cities take all these people. Originally Posted by Chase7
They do indeed. That is why the southern border is wide open. Senile Biden is letting these scumbag illegals into the country hoping they will be leftist voters in the future

The funny thing is how these so call sanctuary cities - like NYC and Chicago - made a big deal about declaring themselves sanctuary cities when President Trump was in office. It was all for show because back then, President Trump had the border as secure as it has been in ages. So these sanctuary cities didn't have to take in hordes of scumbag illegals. now that they do, they realize the error of their ways and don't want all teh scumbag illegals. Funny how that works
We both give our money to "scumbag illegals trying to destroy our cities" who then send it to the biggest leftist country on the planet. You don't seem too worried about that. The notion that Biden has the border "wide open" in an attempt to gain future democrat (not leftist like the PRC) voters is ridiculous. Has Biden disbanded the border patrol? Has he torn down "the wall?" Are the checkpoints no longer there? Are there no longer lines at the checkpoints?
berryberry's Avatar
You clearly have not been paying attention to what has been happening at the border.

Yes, it is wide open. Senile Biden has turned the checkpoints into scumbag illegal invitation stations, giving them appointments a number of years off into the future which they will never show up for along with phone, bus tickets, etc to further their invasion of our country
berryberry's Avatar
Q: Why's the Biden Border Crisis happening?

A: Joe Biden's catch and release policies.

As long as people know they will be released into the United States, they will illegally come to the country.

Criminals and gang members included.

The border is WIDE OPEN

HDGristle's Avatar
You clearly have not been paying attention to what has been happening at the border.

Yes, it is wide open. Senile Biden has turned the checkpoints into scumbag illegal invitation stations, giving them appointments a number of years off into the future which they will never show up for along with phone, bus tickets, etc to further their invasion of our country Originally Posted by berryberry
If it's wide open, how did they catch those terrorists on the watch list?

Stop pretending this is a binary all or nothing.
berryberry's Avatar
Too bad you can't pay attention

Senile Biden has turned the checkpoints into scumbag illegal invitation stations, giving them appointments a number of years off into the future which they will never show up for along with phone, bus tickets, etc to further their invasion of our country. The border is wide open. Just because they catch and reject a few doesn't mean it is not wide open to everyone else.
HDGristle's Avatar
That's not an open border. Your goal posts for what constitutes an open border are wider than the actual border.
berryberry's Avatar
Me thinks thou protest too much

Why do you support the wide open border?
Why do you support the invasion of illegal scumbags?
Why do you support your fellow leftists wanting to destroy your cities?
HDGristle's Avatar
1. Becuse you would have opened fire on Jesus himself
2. The Bible
3. Sodom and Gomorrah
Certainly doesn't look wide open to me:
berryberry's Avatar
Sanctuary City Bummed Now That It Has To Do The Actual 'Sanctuary' Part

NEW YORK, NY — After taking great pride in the label of "sanctuary city," New York City officials have reportedly begun to panic due to actually having to serve as a sanctuary for incoming illegal immigrants.

"We didn't really think it through with the title," said Mayor Eric Adams. "In reality, our desire was to call attention to ourselves and signal how virtuous we are. As in most cases, we're not actually interested in providing care and shelter to any people in need. We want to tell other people they have to do it instead."

The Big Apple's infrastructure has begun to strain under the weight of increasing numbers of migrants arriving in the city from the southern border. Despite railing against southern red states and demanding they show compassion and allow masses of undocumented immigrants to enter the country, citizens of liberal-run cities are now desperately trying to avoid sheltering migrants themselves.

"This isn't how liberalism works, folk," said local activist Stinson Dean. "We're supposed to be all talk. We tell everyone how much we care, scold them for not caring as much as we do, and then do nothing. Get these brown people out of my neighborhood!"

At publishing time, as New Yorkers sought a way to absolve themselves of any actual responsibility, super-rich liberals in the city had likewise called their accountants to find loopholes to avoid having to "pay their fair share" of taxes.
Sanctuary City Bummed Now That It Has To Do The Actual 'Sanctuary' Part

NEW YORK, NY — After taking great pride in the label of "sanctuary city," New York City officials have reportedly begun to panic due to actually having to serve as a sanctuary for incoming illegal immigrants.

"We didn't really think it through with the title," said Mayor Eric Adams. "In reality, our desire was to call attention to ourselves and signal how virtuous we are. As in most cases, we're not actually interested in providing care and shelter to any people in need. We want to tell other people they have to do it instead."

The Big Apple's infrastructure has begun to strain under the weight of increasing numbers of migrants arriving in the city from the southern border. Despite railing against southern red states and demanding they show compassion and allow masses of undocumented immigrants to enter the country, citizens of liberal-run cities are now desperately trying to avoid sheltering migrants themselves.

"This isn't how liberalism works, folk," said local activist Stinson Dean. "We're supposed to be all talk. We tell everyone how much we care, scold them for not caring as much as we do, and then do nothing. Get these brown people out of my neighborhood!"

At publishing time, as New Yorkers sought a way to absolve themselves of any actual responsibility, super-rich liberals in the city had likewise called their accountants to find loopholes to avoid having to "pay their fair share" of taxes. Originally Posted by berryberry

That you post this like it's the truth is both hilarious and sad. Do you understand that Babylon Bee is a satire site? I wonder how many other untruthful quotes you've attributed to people. Why do you display such a blatant disregard for the truth?
berryberry's Avatar
Seems you do not understand the definition or use of satire

Maybe this will help

Satire: the use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues.
Seems you do not understand the definition or use of satire

Maybe this will help

Satire: the use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues. Originally Posted by berryberry
Oh I understand what satire is quite well. It seems that you're not acknowledging that you posted it as if it were an actual quote from the mayor. If you wanted to be truthful you would have posted the link to the Babylon Bee so people could see that it's satire. How many other times have you posted satire as if it were the truth?