CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Hey, BigAssTucks! Why won't you answer my question?
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 07-17-2014, 04:31 AM
Libtards always ignore direct questions, when the true answer does not fit into their lies. Pelosi is the typical scumbag COCKSUCKING LYING LIBTARD.
LexusLover's Avatar
Now that we have heard from the Patriarch of the Notorious Idiot Klan, errrr Clan. Originally Posted by bigtex
You are calling me an idiot ... and you voted for Obaminable twice?

Reid and Pelosi are your ... ilk ... not mine. They're enablers of Obaminable.

You obviously don't know what an idiot is .....

..... you voted for one twice and support his enablers.

And you liked that so much you want some of Hillarious for 8 more years!
pyramider's Avatar
Why does a vineyard need a tennis court?

You are calling me an idiot ... and you voted for Obaminable twice?

Reid and Pelosi are your ... ilk ... not mine. They're enablers of Obaminable.

You obviously don't know what an idiot is .....

..... you voted for one twice and support his enablers.

And you liked that so much you want some of Hillarious for 8 more years!
Originally Posted by LexusLover
I can say with 100% certainty that I have never voted in any political race for a candidate named Obaminable or Ilk. I am equally as certain that I never will.

i am near 100% certain that I have never voted for a candidate named Pelosi, but it is remotely possible that a candidate with that name might have slipped through the cracks in a rather obscure race, at some point in my voting history. In any event, I do not recall having ever voted for a Pelosi.

As for a candidate named Hillarious, I am also 100% certain that I have never voted for anyone with that last name. And I am equally certain that I never will.

In fact, I will go out on a limb and boldly proclaim that I have never and will never vote for a candidate with the first, middle or last name of Hillarious.

As it relates to a candidate named Reid, it seems to me that in 2002, 2004 or 2006 (somewhere in that time frame) I voted for a County Commisioner candidate named Reid. I can't recall her first name, but I do not believe that she is the same Reid you are referring to. Why would you be concerned by a County Commissioners race in a rural Texas Gulf Coast county? However, if that is in fact the same Reid, then yes, I did vote for her. Once as I recall! Other than that, I do not recall having ever voted for another candidate named Reid.

It probably doesn't matter, because I strongly beleve this was another LLIdiot diversionary tactic and/or wild goose chase.
Irrelevant topics seems to come quite natural to the Patriarch of the Notorious Idiot Klan, errr Clan.

Since I have been very open and have responded appropriately to your numerous questions and/or concerns. Why don't you return the favor? Have you ever voted for a Governor, Vice Presidential or Presidential candidate with the last name of Bush?

If so, how many times?
LexusLover's Avatar
Why does a vineyard need a tennis court? Originally Posted by pyramider
Which one? The answer is different.
LexusLover's Avatar
I can say with 100% certainty that I have never voted in any political race for a candidate named Obaminable or Ilk..... blah, blah, blah...... Originally Posted by bigtex
How would you know? Even with your 20-20 hindsight x-ray vision.
How would you know? Even with your 20-20 hindsight x-ray vision. Originally Posted by LexusLover
LLIdiot, are you doing the "cut and run" shuffle again?

The only unanswered questions left on the table were:

Have you ever voted for a Governor, Vice Presidential or Presidential candidate with the last name of Bush?

If so, how many times?

Why did you choose to ignore the only remaining unanswered questions?

Do you have something to hide?

After all, you are a proud Democrat. Are you not? At least you claimed you were?

Or was that another lie?
pyramider's Avatar

Photo was of Liberal Brad and Angelina Jolie's Vineyard? is Pelosi's non union spread in Napa..

Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Which one? The answer is different. Originally Posted by LexusLover

If you had looked at the photos, it is Pelosi's.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Pelosi is a typical liberal elitist piece of shit. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
and your asinine comment demands retort.

I would have guessed that deserved a "snort"....and if not a "snort" then a "snick".

and your asinine comment demands retort.

DIPSHIT. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I can't believe you posted the wrong photo in the OP AGAIN! I guess that was a booby trap.

BTW -- amid the outrage, incredulity and frothing at the mouth, don't you hate unions?

I guess you'll take any story and ruin with it.

Kinda like posting stories about gay Tea Wipes. Or Republicans who do hire documented workers...

What's your point?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Bigkotex, someone asked you a simple direct question. Are you going to duck and ignore it? Inquiring minds want to know. Originally Posted by lustylad
Go away Junior. No seat at the table for you, you IBIdiot wannabe.
lustylad's Avatar
The only unanswered questions left on the table were:

Have you ever voted for a Governor, Vice Presidential or Presidential candidate with the last name of Bush?

If so, how many times?

Why did you choose to ignore the only remaining unanswered questions? Originally Posted by bigtex

No bigkotex, you left out another unanswered question that was directed to you:

"So, BigAssTucks, what is your opinion of Pelosi using non-union labor in her vineyard, while extolling the need for more and stronger unions?"

No balls, huh? Is that why they call you kotex?

Go away Junior. No seat at the table for you, you IBIdiot wannabe. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Hey assup, the question was posed by COG, not IB. I thought it was a good question that deserves a thoughtful answer. Don't you agree? Why doesn't kotex respond? I would be interested in seeing your answer as well. Notice how I have refrained from calling you a dipshit (even though you are one).

LexusLover's Avatar
If you had looked at the photos, it is Pelosi's. Originally Posted by pyramider
I did .. look at the photos.

Having seen both Pelosi and Jolie ..... it would depend on why to have one.