Be careful what you wish for...

DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
can you imagine if Obama had called for an armed uprising against 3 Republican governors? the right would have gone absolutely apoplectic and called for criminal charges and removal from office immediately.

same with trump declaring he has total authority to order the governors what to do. "The authority is total." if obama had said that, the right would have gone completely apeshit and demanded his immediate impeachment.

trump thinks he an emperor instead of a president. there's something called the 10th Amendment that limits what the federal government can do. the genersl police powers are left to the states. course since he doesn't read-never mind read the Constitution-that concept is totally lost on him.

for those of you griping about Trump commentary, these are brand new infractions. never been discussed on this board. he's tough to keep up with.

his greatest goal is to turn the us into a banana republic, and to be called "dear leader" by his fawning press and state tv otherwise known as fox news. anyone who aint down should be arrested immediately and sent to the gulag. and no, i'm not kidding. i wish i was.

he will go down in history as the worst president ever. harding and buchanan are breathing sighs of relief from beyond. "dang that was a close one." Harding and Buchanan are off the hook.. Originally Posted by pxmcc
How many threads are you going to cry about President Trump? You come off as being totally obsessed and just out and out easily triggered by anything Trump.

{Talking nicely like I would toward a friend and not talking in a condescending manner} need to take a step back and just read your comments and you'll see the obsession I'm talking about. You may be a well read and educated man, but you're not coming off on this site as one. You come off as a laughing stock and instead of people wondering what you're going to post next, people are just laughing at your diatribes.

Is having an obsession, like pxmcc toward President Trump, good of bad for you?

From google

OCD obsessions are repeated, persistent and unwanted thoughts, urges or images that are intrusive and cause distress or anxiety.
it's all about attention DJ
The only one we are missing is shine....but then again...maybe we aren't
  • pxmcc
  • 04-21-2020, 07:53 AM
How many threads are you going to cry about President Trump? You come off as being totally obsessed and just out and out easily triggered by anything Trump.

{Talking nicely like I would toward a friend and not talking in a condescending manner} need to take a step back and just read your comments and you'll see the obsession I'm talking about. You may be a well read and educated man, but you're not coming off on this site as one. You come off as a laughing stock and instead of people wondering what you're going to post next, people are just laughing at your diatribes.

Is having an obsession, like pxmcc toward President Trump, good of bad for you?

From google

OCD obsessions are repeated, persistent and unwanted thoughts, urges or images that are intrusive and cause distress or anxiety. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
it's all about attention DJ
The only one we are missing is shine....but then again...maybe we aren't Originally Posted by tbone2u
nope. just amazed the new lows trump stoops to every new day as president. it's beyond the pale.
boardman's Avatar
can you imagine if Obama had called for an armed uprising against 3 Republican governors? the right would have gone absolutely apoplectic and called for criminal charges and removal from office immediately.

same with trump declaring he has total authority to order the governors what to do. "The authority is total." if obama had said that, the right would have gone completely apeshit and demanded his immediate impeachment.

trump thinks he an emperor instead of a president. there's something called the 10th Amendment that limits what the federal government can do. the genersl police powers are left to the states. course since he doesn't read-never mind read the Constitution-that concept is totally lost on him.

for those of you griping about Trump commentary, these are brand new infractions. never been discussed on this board. he's tough to keep up with.

his greatest goal is to turn the us into a banana republic, and to be called "dear leader" by his fawning press and state tv otherwise known as fox news. anyone who aint down should be arrested immediately and sent to the gulag. and no, i'm not kidding. i wish i was.

he will go down in history as the worst president ever. harding and buchanan are breathing sighs of relief from beyond. "dang that was a close one." but Harding and Buchanan are off the hook.. Originally Posted by pxmcc

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
can you imagine if Obama had called for an armed uprising against 3 Republican governors? the right would have gone absolutely apoplectic and called for criminal charges and removal from office immediately. Originally Posted by pxmcc
The one good thing about the Donald is that he exposes his racist, bigoted, and ignorant supporters for who and what they are. Of course the right his supporters would be going bat shit gaga if Obama did a quintilla of the shit this ass clown has done. It also exposes the deep sinister hypocrisy of so called "American Values" and especially the religious right. It's all such a fucking joke.

My good friend Trae speaks eloquently about it.

He's writing a book (with thoughts from SC)"How I got infected with TDS and lost what little mind I had"...and he's sharing a few of the excerpts.
  • pxmcc
  • 04-21-2020, 01:38 PM
He's writing a book (with thoughts from SC)"How I got infected with TDS and lost what little mind I had"...and he's sharing a few of the excerpts. Originally Posted by bb1961
no it's called "trump's fuckery fully explained" for all of ya'll that can't see what's plain as day, that we have a russian and turkish asset in the WH who is the most incompetent and corrupt president in the history of the Republic who has continuously thrown uncle sam under the bus to pursue his own profits and corrupt agenda. he is a chronic liar, stealer and cheater, and he is stuffing his pockets with your tax dollars every day he is in the WH. he is a real estate person who treats his presidency as a part-time side hustle. and he's lazy af. he is never prepared for anything at his job. he spends most of his time golfing, tweeting, eating, and watching Fox News. that's our president in a nutshell.
Well guess what? You’re going to get 4 more years of Trump! The Dems cant put a worthy opponent against him. Ol sleepy cant beat him! I guess the world is blind? Trump 2020!
Russ38's Avatar
can you imagine if Obama had called for an armed uprising against 3 Republican governors? the right would have gone absolutely apoplectic and called for criminal charges and removal from office immediately.

same with trump declaring he has total authority to order the governors what to do. "The authority is total." if obama had said that, the right would have gone completely apeshit and demanded his immediate impeachment.

trump thinks he an emperor instead of a president. there's something called the 10th Amendment that limits what the federal government can do. the genersl police powers are left to the states. course since he doesn't read-never mind read the Constitution-that concept is totally lost on him.

for those of you griping about Trump commentary, these are brand new infractions. never been discussed on this board. he's tough to keep up with.

his greatest goal is to turn the us into a banana republic, and to be called "dear leader" by his fawning press and state tv otherwise known as fox news. anyone who aint down should be arrested immediately and sent to the gulag. and no, i'm not kidding. i wish i was.

he will go down in history as the worst president ever. harding and buchanan are breathing sighs of relief from beyond. "dang that was a close one." but Harding and Buchanan are off the hook.. Originally Posted by pxmcc
nope. just amazed the new lows trump stoops to every new day as president. it's beyond the pale. Originally Posted by pxmcc
no it's called "trump's fuckery fully explained" for all of ya'll that can't see what's plain as day, that we have a russian and turkish asset in the WH who is the most incompetent and corrupt president in the history of the Republic who has continuously thrown uncle sam under the bus to pursue his own profits and corrupt agenda. he is a chronic liar, stealer and cheater, and he is stuffing his pockets with your tax dollars every day he is in the WH. he is a real estate person who treats his presidency as a part-time side hustle. and he's lazy af. he is never prepared for anything at his job. he spends most of his time golfing, tweeting, eating, and watching Fox News. that's our president in a nutshell. Originally Posted by pxmcc

  • pxmcc
  • 04-21-2020, 05:20 PM
^^well russ which point do u

actually pick any point you like and i'll prove it.
You're obsessed px. Your life will be easier if you just step back and smell the roses a little.
and lets not forget our president calling for an armed uprising in 3 states against the duly elected governors following the advice of public health experts. Originally Posted by pxmcc
How do you extrapolate his use of the word "liberate" to "armed uprising?" Or did you just run with what the liberal media said in their typical way of over-dramatizing/twisting everything the Pres says?
TryWeakly's Avatar
Everything still good on my end so no complaints.....
#Trump2020 Originally Posted by Russ38
TryWeakly's Avatar
it's all about attention DJ
The only one we are missing is shine....but then again...maybe we aren't Originally Posted by tbone2u

True dat.
  • pxmcc
  • 04-21-2020, 07:12 PM
How do you extrapolate his use of the word "liberate" to "armed uprising?" Or did you just run with what the liberal media said in their typical way of over-dramatizing/twisting everything the Pres says? Originally Posted by Bowser98
combining the use of liberate with a reference to 2nd amendment rights being taken away equates to an armed uprising. there are far right militias that are literally waiting for Trump to just "give the word" for exactly that, an armed uprising.

if trump loses in november and calls the results fake news, what happens next is gonna be fun to watch-fun in the "i love mayhem" sense. no matter what happens after he loses, it will be fun to watch. you think he's going to peacefully step down like every other losing president? hell naw. things are gonna get super interesting no matter what. i might start stockpiling (legal) weapons like the right wing militias have already done before the election. trump is a malignant clusterfuck of a president. when you have loyal americans like admiral mcraven calling out trump for fuckery, you know he's bad news.