ASPD off-line at 9 PM CST

Dick Diamond's Avatar
Goodbye I will miss you!
Fancyinheels's Avatar
I need a box of tissue, and a drink. I was there 'til the bitter end.
johnnybax's Avatar
its not that odd of an occurrence though to type and have it not load for hours lol
ok so i don't have to go get myself banned
johnnybax's Avatar
They were letting FireJade have the "last word" at 9pm, and it never got posted. Now the site is not working.

She couldn't even figure out how to post her last boisterous self aggrandizing words.

"hugs" Originally Posted by rekcaSxT
i loved the selective caps
Thats all Folks.
Time to get back to what really matters, the Hobby and Fun Times!
Despite how alienated I felt at the end, I'm not happy about this. It's a damn shame.
johnnybax's Avatar
I need a box of tissue, and a drink. I was there 'til the bitter end.
Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
miss all the drama yet?
Lea Madisson's Avatar
rakuguy's Avatar
I wonder where drama goes when it dies... L.A. maybe?
simpleton's Avatar
so was I fancy. I had one last good post. saying goodbye to all the dbags. I only wish I would have posted that thread earlier or maybe google snapshotted it.
And so it ended.

Had 3+ years on there, 19 reviews approved, another 5 or 6 that weren't and about 260 postings.

Time to move on.

R.I.P. ASPD and long live ECCIE

The Colonel
johnnybax's Avatar
Despite how alienated I felt at the end, I'm not happy about this. It's a damn shame. Originally Posted by enderwiggin
I will have fond memories of a lot of pussy I fucked because of ASPD but I won't likely miss the site. It was on its last leg the last 2 years with bandwidth problems and then the crash that took it offline for the better part of Q1+2 2009
so was I fancy. I had one last good post. saying goodbye to all the dbags. I only wish I would have posted that thread earlier or maybe google snapshotted it. Originally Posted by simpleton
You got a real-world LOL from me. Unless... Was I one of the douchebags!??!
Really weird its gone.. Ive met alot of nice and good people from there but sure i will still do so :=)