The Free Speech / FCC Paella

I B Hankering's Avatar
I only wish they would put as much effort and money into newborn children's health and welfare as they put into newly fertilized. Originally Posted by WTF
I just think condoms are less expensive than government funded abortions, and I’m also against government funded Viagra. Now there is conundrum!

I do find it strange to give an unwanted child life only to want to put it to death after it has grown up and murdered one of your family members. Originally Posted by WTF
A Freudian slip?
You made a point, yes. I don't like the term "unwanted children" though. If I wasn't unwanted, then no one should be!!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-22-2010, 08:34 AM

A Freudian slip? Originally Posted by I B Hankering
No, if someone murdered a family member...they are reduced to an it.

You made a point, yes. I don't like the term "unwanted children" though. If I wasn't unwanted, then no one should be!! Originally Posted by FLWrite
No one should be....but the reality is that there are many many that are. Those, in my view, would be money and time better spent by the Pro Life crowd.

Maybe I shoulda posted this on This Christmas, This is What I'm Tired Of...

No more unwanted, uncared for children!
Two things:

First if you do not believe that a Petra dish contains 'life' as I know it, then you can believe in abortion and not the death penalty and be consistent. Actually you can believe in both without believing the Petra dish part and be consistent! Originally Posted by WTF
Are you referring to a petri dish?

At least you were consistent in your misspelling.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-22-2010, 08:51 AM
Are you referring to a petri dish?

At least you were consistent in your misspelling. Originally Posted by pjorourke
I spell it how I pronounce it!

Good thing spelling isn't on Planned Parenthood's check off list!
I B Hankering's Avatar
@ WTF I was just poking. Your grammar was correct, but it would have been more humane to use “he” and/or “she.” I thought my other remark about government funding both procreation and abortion was more thought provoking, but what the hey!?
Rudyard K's Avatar
You guys are ignoring the number of persons who were cleared after being convicted and sentenced to death. If more law schools would do innocence projects, the rate would be higher. There's no difference between the innocence of the unborn and the innocence of the wrongly convicted.

The system itself is not perfect, and since it is not, the death penalty should be taken off the table. Most civilized countries in the world do not impose the death penalty. From Wiki:

I do not understand this rush to the maximum sentence in this country in the criminal law. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
And you ignore the fact that a lot more folks get killed by criminals that are let go by the system than get killed on wrongful convictions.

Like you system is perfect. And it is horrendous to have and innocent get executed wrongfully. But no more horrendus than having an inncoent get murdered.

You get an "A" for nobility for the wrongfully accused...not so much for the wrongfully victimized.
Rudyard K's Avatar
Getting back to the original subject though...I'm not sure I understand enough about the FCC action to formulate an opinion. But I do agree that some government regulation is neccesary...even if distasteful. Kind of like broccoli.
John Bull's Avatar
Reduce the FCC to managing the smooth operation of the sale of airspace. Kill the Dept of Education!
But I do agree that some government regulation is neccesary...even if distasteful. Kind of like broccoli. Originally Posted by Rudyard K
Ahh, but even broccoli is palatable with enough cheese sauce. We just have to find the "right" cheese sauce for regulation.
Now thats not a bad idea -- covering Washington in cheese sauce.
Now thats not a bad idea -- covering Washington in cheese sauce. Originally Posted by pjorourke
Wasn't that Pelosi's job description?
You guys are ignoring the number of persons who were cleared after being convicted and sentenced to death. If more law schools would do innocence projects, the rate would be higher. There's no difference between the innocence of the unborn and the innocence of the wrongly convicted. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
That's why the retiring Supreme Court Judge Stevens said he was now opposed to the DP (death penalty). As I have posted before, the guys who did the break-in and subsequent killings in Cheshire Connecticut are the best argument for the DP (death penalty).

But as I also noted, the DP (death penalty) lets them off easy. They really should be the resident glory holes at the Somers Correctional facility. It is in Connecticut so the other inmates would know who these turds are. Medium security so they would not be isolated from the general population and justice could meted out by their fellow inmates. It would be worth every extra dollar for these two.

Should anyone on death row actually be innocent and are executed you cannot reverse that action.
John Bull's Avatar
I've always thought a DP might be fun. Summerhill, what do you think?
I've always thought a DP might be fun. Summerhill, what do you think? Originally Posted by John Bull
Your mind is in the gutter. But then again, so is mine. Let me go notify a mod about this unsavory activity.

Yes I edited my post with (death penalty) added next to DP for all you late arrivals/readers.