Kansas City ranks No.2 in study of men looking for prostitutes online

Longermonger's Avatar
Hey, if those dummies that sampled Backpage for one month want to broadcast their findings on the local news and tell would-be hookers that THERE'S GOLD IN THEM THAR HILLS!, then that's fine with me.

For us on this website, it is a warning that we rely too heavily on Backpage. If Backpage gets shut down then we'll be in the wilderness for a while.

Reasons I can think of:
1. KC is one of the fattest cities....so providers take better care of themselves physically?(Most do, some definitely don't)

2. Way Way too many d00ds.....and I've noted this recently...EVERYWHERE SO many guys.

This thread could definitely make for some interesting discussion.
This is nothing to be proud of. LE will have a good reason to carry out more stings.
We should all lie low for a while.
BoyGeniusEric's Avatar
No way Subie. If we're gonna make it to the top, we need not stifle our desires!
Bomb Pop's Avatar
I'm starting a research group, I need funding. Make your checks out to: Citizens Against Sexual Harrassment" or just use the acronym for ease of payment. Thank You for your support.
I think along side the test of men looking for prostitutes there should be a study on how often the (non-working girl type of) women in the same cities put out. If you aren't blowing your man once a week and fucking him on a regular basis, he's bound to get it from somewhere.

The way I see it, if a man likes frequency or variety, then provide the frequency or variety; and if you can't change it up or put out on a regular enough basis, then you have no room to freak out when he fucks a random chic. Either you do it, or if you don't want to or don't enjoy it, then let someone else. Too many restrictions on free will these days. Unfortunate.
wanna get married?

I think along side the test of men looking for prostitutes there should be a study on how often the (non-working girl type of) women in the same cities put out. If you aren't blowing your man once a week and fucking him on a regular basis, he's bound to get it from somewhere.

The way I see it, if a man likes frequency or variety, then provide the frequency or variety; and if you can't change it up or put out on a regular enough basis, then you have no room to freak out when he fucks a random chic. Either you do it, or if you don't want to or don't enjoy it, then let someone else. Too many restrictions on free will these days. Unfortunate. Originally Posted by PleasantSurprise
KCSmutMonkey's Avatar
wanna get married? Originally Posted by clusterlizard
LOL, it's too bad I could only like her comment once!
bartipero's Avatar
The ad may have something to do with responses, particularly if it's TGTBT. But I suspect that they may be using a flawed formula given OLindsey's observation, with which I agree, and some of the observations of the article itself. The article said they extrapolated the population result based upon a formula used to estimate jaguar, tiger and marijuana use populations. That may be good for math class, but the fact of the matter is until someone makes an accurate count by which to test the accuracy of the formula it's just a glorified guess. One thing it does do is make it look like a situation exists here that LE ought to focus upon and that the system here is such that they can do it easily, like low hanging fruit. So, look out. Articles like this usually turn up the heat until interest wanes.

Now--let's get out there and prove them right everybody!
There's been a steady increase in interest in internet escorts and sting operations anyway. They're using the excuse of human trafficking to bust everyone they can get their hands on. I'm not saying that human trafficking is a joke, because it is serious, but they need to focus on cases where that is actually happening instead of bothering us. It really doesn't change anything IMO.
There's been a steady increase in interest in internet escorts and sting operations anyway. They're using the excuse of human trafficking to bust everyone they can get their hands on. I'm not saying that human trafficking is a joke, because it is serious, but they need to focus on cases where that is actually happening instead of bothering us. It really doesn't change anything IMO. Originally Posted by Allie_Kat

I find your statement interesting because a couple of weeks ago I read some article (Some magazine I read in a waiting area). It more or less said that 85% of the escorts were being forced, and that many of the escorts were kidnapped/sold/etc from other parts of the US or other countries that had to many liberal ideals.

I'm not saying that is or isn't the case, but it makes one wonder just what the real numbers are. Although people have to face the fact human trafficking and the selling of sex go way way back even before most printed texts.

Come to think about it I was in a church waiting on a friend to get done with a meeting. She's a bit of a fire and brimstone type.
Redwolf's Avatar
There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics!
Helicopter206's Avatar
The research was done years ago, but was just released.
The next research done should be about pimps, and or management.
Why are girls just stopping by for a week or two, I say this because they are here one day than gone the next. I wouldn't call them providers.
Maybe we could get them to do another study, what is the true meaning of GFE.
Another could be what should be the going price point for services or listed menu.
Should there be a list of top 25 providers per city.

On another note way does it take three reviews for a provider to get up graded to VP, when it only takes the client to post one review and they get their PA. Do the mods get with the providers to make sure they has seen this client before giving up the PA so fast. I feel everyone on this site should have to write a review every 60 to 90 days to keep their PA, and if they are lurkers, they get less info in the review. No phone number, or web info, no services provided, no price point, and they can't see the recommendation. This would also limit the LE from getting easy info on the providers.

Back to topic, you girls rock keep KC close to the top of the Hooker Boards, and Research.
BTW I like doing Research. It's fun, I hope you feel the same.
CryptKicker's Avatar
On another note way does it take three reviews for a provider to get up graded to VP, when it only takes the client to post one review and they get their PA. Do the mods get with the providers to make sure they has seen this client before giving up the PA so fast. I feel everyone on this site should have to write a review every 60 to 90 days to keep their PA, and if they are lurkers, they get less info in the review. No phone number, or web info, no services provided, no price point, and they can't see the recommendation. This would also limit the LE from getting easy info on the providers. Originally Posted by Helicopter206
Your facts are incorrect. See this post about becoming VP (http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=466420). There is nothing saying that the figure is 3 reviews and reviews are only 1 of 3 criteria that can gain a lady VP status. They also do not have to be from ECCIE. And just 1 of the 3 can do it in certain instances. As far as the gents are concerned, an accepted review gets them 6 weeks of PA. So they have to at least write an acceptable review once every 40 days or so to keep their PA. PA can also be purchased which is at the owners' prerogative.

It more or less said that 85% of the escorts were being forced, and that many of the escorts were kidnapped/sold/etc from other parts of the US or other countries that had to many liberal ideals. Originally Posted by Heelnipper
As far as 85% of sex workers being coerced into doing it through various threats, etc... I'm not sure how you could ever put a true number on that. Just looking at the various review sites it is hard to believe that large a number of reviewed ladies are forced to do it. Of course, outside of the US I would imagine the ability to accurately count the numbers is greatly reduced.
Sens55's Avatar
There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics! Originally Posted by Redwolf

Amen. I remember in business statistics one of our exercises was to take the same study and each side had to use the study to make opposing arguments. It was REALLY easy.

And sorry guys. If I were more active, I'm SURE I could have pushed up to #1!

But I read the article and the director of the program noted that it may actually be a lack of other venues in KC that makes that ONE site proportionately higher. Other cities have multiple online venues, so the results from any ONE site (which this study only studied ONE site) is diluted.

And Kaos. Two ways to ready the economics on this. Prices going up is one. New entrants into the market is another