Push the Button

bambino's Avatar
America is tired of war. We have and entire generation that has been in some type of shooting war since their birth.

Our enemies know this.

The saying goes that evil will prevail when the righteous fail to act. As I have stated in times past, I had my war. I’m an old man. I’m not the one who will have to go and face death.

Throughout history, tyrants and thugs have longed to subjugate those who they thought were weak or had no Will to fight. We are certainly not weak. Our military, despite certain politicians attempts to have us beat or swords into plowshare, is still the mightiest fighting force on the planet.

That is 50% of the equation. The other 50%, the will………
HedonistForever's Avatar
So, we knock a few jets and helicopters out of the air over Ukraine and Russia is going to launch nuclear ballistic missiles at the US with the certainty that we and GB and France ( maybe ) will honor their NATO commitment and also launch against Russia?

Nope, not buying it.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
what is the difference between Serbia/Kosovo and Russia/Ukraine in regards to military intervention?
The Russian civilians are not that happy with their leader. Not sure if putin gives a shit though. Hopefully there will be enough smart people in the room if putin tries anything with his nuclear threats. Originally Posted by Tsmokies
My god you would hope somebody would stop him.

I personally think Putin has morphed into a reincarnation of Joe Stalin. He seems to rule with absolute power. Reports are he is paranoid as hell. Nobody will dare question him out of fear of that knock on the door, ……..followed by a bullet in the back of the head.

Like many of the older guys on this Site, I grew up in the fear of a nuclear war. (Remember “duck and cover”in elementary school). All through Detante’, Equal Distruction, etc.

Then the Soviet Inion collapsed and since we have lived pretty much in a much sane world.

No this.

Maybe Lynsay Graham is right. Someone needs to take Putin out.