Let's Barter Ladies!

It freezes in Siberia.
The water thing is crazy. I've been afraid to brush my teeth so I've been using those instant disposable travel brushes that have the paste in them and your saliva activates it so you don't need water or anything. I just use some bottle water to rinse. But I use mouthwash too so in that case ya don't really even need bottle water. I just didn't want to rinse with the sink at all though. Even if they say its safe as long as you don't ingest it. Nah. Fuck that. When they are like "we haven't found any major pathogens yet but the water is still not passing minimum safety standards".... Nope. Even taking a shower I do that shit fast and close my eyes and my mouth. Freaky.
Biggoron's Avatar
Worried about not swallowing water...is on a site to bang strangers.

Yep LOL. You don't wanna get some bacterial shit. That's definitely worse than most of the activities you could do with strangers. The stranger thing is overplayed badly (meaning about germs and sex with strangers). Especially if you just use some discretion. Bacteria is everywhere. Germs. Virii. Everyone whose around late 20's or older and had sex basically has HPV already. And various other stuff too. You're gonna get some kinda germ every time you bang your wife too. No difference.

But you don't wanna drink or eat something that is known to be contaminated or doesn't meet even minimum water safety standards. I mean we already know city water is not all that great anyway. So ya. Just sayin. Sounds funny but real talk.
Dev Null's Avatar
Better to follow directions, but there's bound to be people that don't. It's not like there's been a major outbreak of cholera or anything else for that matter.

Minimize your exposure and you'll be fine. Listerine is your friend. Also vodka.
Better to follow directions, but there's bound to be people that don't. It's not like there's been a major outbreak of cholera or anything else for that matter.

Minimize your exposure and you'll be fine. Listerine is your friend. Also vodka. Originally Posted by Dev Null
Yea, gotcha. Totally. I feel the same. I'm not running out filling up my trunk with cases of water. But yea I don't really wanna drink the tap water or get it in my mouth until they say it's cool.

I just thought the prior statement (not your's Dev) was a little unnecessary and at least borderline representative of provocation or incite. I could be wrong. The written word...so meh. Who knows? Always hard to tell without emoji's, voice inflection, and so on.
Dev Null's Avatar
No worries. I'd probably get a little obsessive about it too if I lived in town. That's just how I'm wired.

But I'm also wired for putting things into perspective, so there you go.

I love to munch a gal's ass in session, but the first thing I want to do afterwards involves tequila.
Is the water worse than the feces your toothbrush is infested with?
Dev Null's Avatar
Oh, and those blow dryers in public bathrooms just concentrate fecal bacteria on your freshly washed hands. I usually just drip dry when there's no paper towels.

Yet, I still love munching a gal's ass in session. Just goes to show that human nature is complicated.
Yet, I still love munching a gal's ass in session. Just goes to show that human nature is complicated. Originally Posted by Dev Null
LMAO. Reminds me of CHIPS 2017 movie. The remake of the old CHIPS tv show that had the white and spanish California highway patrol officer duo.

Pena is Officer Francis Poncharello ("Ponch"). Dax is Officer Jon Baker.
Dax's character has a "major" issue with germs and smells. Major. It's fucking hilarious.
Pena's character has this sort of "sex addiction" type thing (lol). Not a real one but it's just funny.

Dax: "Ponch I just hope you're not using your sex addiction to prey on girls with low self esteem."
Pena: "What r u talking about?"
Dax: "Well, Ponch, its just that girl back at ur apt? Tina? Lets be honest. She's....<pausing>... and I'm being generous here...<pause again>... a *2* maybe" [she was not a woman with typical "attractive" facial features]
Pena: "What????? Tina's like a full blown 8! What are you judging them by Jon? Their hair, their teeth, their face?"
Dax: "Uhhhhh....<dumbfounded look>...well, uh, yeaaaaa Ponch. <with a look of like "ummm duhhhhh?">
Pena: "Jon! That's soooo shallow. What's wrong with you. Tina's sexy. Shes confident. She's great in bed. She's smart. She knows what she wants. She has awesome self esteem and a great attitude and personality. *THATS* sexy. Now *that's* sexy man."
Dax: "<looking seriously dumbfounded now> <pausing with a sigh>... I dunno Ponch. Are you sure? I hope you know what your doing and not just hurting girls."
Pena: "Dude. Real talk. I ate her ass. <winks>"
Dax: "You what???!!!!"
Pena: "Yup. She ate mine too. <huge smile>"
Dax: "Wtf? <looking freaked out>"
Pena: "dude everyones eating everyones ass these days. it's like standard."
Dax: "what??? you think that's *standard*?"
Pena: "yea dude."
Dax: "but what about hygiene man?"
Pena: "ok here you go. check the bathroom. see babywipes? bingo....good to go! "
Dax: "ok so what do you do if you don't see 'em?"
Pena: "<slight pause>.....fuck it.... I do it anyways <huge grin>"


Sidenote: The scene following that one is so hilarious that even after about 10th time watching this movie I still get stomach pains from laughing about Dax's character going into that crack house! Holy shit.

CHIPS 2017 (Michael Pena and Dax Shepard - it's good for a half dozen or so watches at least! Fucking hilarious!)
Dev Null's Avatar
Looks like Maya Rudolph is in it, so I'm in. I'd love to eat her ass. I can almost imagine the look on her face.
Ya she has a smaller part in the movie but that's also funny as hell too! LOL. Such a good movie. Really funny.
Dev Null's Avatar
It was pretty funny for an action flick. Not my usual thing, but I had a few LOL moments despite myself.

I did enjoy the parts about munching ass being standard.

It was kind of ego-deflating though. I know that I didn't invent the concept, because I'd read about it in Dr. David Reuben, and a buddy of mine in high school used to talk about doing it.

I didn't discover the joy of munching ass until late in life, and it made me feel like a bad-ass. Now it's just standard.

Oh well, onward and upward.