Will this board adapt to allow forums for Homosexual Hobby Related activities?

I agree gay male providers shouldn't be allowed. Other area is fine for TS reviews, I see nothing at all wrong with that idea, if fact would cut down all the trolls and flamers on our reviews. Originally Posted by TSKrystiKakes
I mean, everyone should be welcome here, but having Gay Males as Verified Providers just seems burdensome. I think it's a moot point because I think the Gay community would prefer their own safe place anyway.

Kristi, I need to stop by in Other more often...it's a fun place!
Whispers's Avatar
Welcome to ECCIE.

We're glad you found us. Yes, another alternative here and we truly hope our idea catches on. This is a public board, and for the time being, completely free to join.

ECCIE, pronounced 'ECK-ee', wishes to give you, the hobbyist and provider community, a freely accessible, easy-to-use platform to exchange information and share your thoughts and ideas.

A recent void spurred the idea, and we hope as many of you as possible choose to join in and become part of our growth. Whether you wish to participate in discussions, post reviews, advertise as a provider, chat, or simply browse our pages as a lurker, we value every segment of our community and offer you a home here at ECCIE.

Just scattershooting here, but we'd like to throw out some thoughts to give everyone a better understanding of our rationale in creating this board, your role here, and how we look at moderating the board.

First things first-

Everyone is welcome. Yes, EVERYONE. We say that in the truest form of sincerity. Now, we can't guarantee that someone won't wear out their welcome, but here to begin with, everyone starts with a clean slate.

While you will not find the rigid enforcement of rules on this board, that does not mean we are without reasonable guidelines for community interaction. Sure there will be a few rules to follow, but the vast majority of you have participated on other boards and likely already have a good understanding of how to conduct yourselves on an adult message board.

Keyword: ADULT. We are all adults here, and our number one rule is to remember that. We welcome everyone's thoughts, opinions and ideas. We encourage lively and spirited discussions. With that said, we ask that you respect those around you. There's room enough for everyone, and while there will obviously be widely differing opinions expressed, we want everyone to feel comfortable in expressing their thoughts freely. We know drama goes with the territory. We're not going to pretend it can be excluded from our forums, BUT our goal is to keep it simmering, and hopefully avoid ever reaching a boiling point, or level which would be considered damaging to our board, an individual, or any segment of our community.

As time goes by, and things evolve around here, im sure we'll have to make decisions that will effect someone who participates here, either a group or individually. Please know that we're committed to making sure that any staff decisions made will be geared toward facilitating discussion and exchange of information. There are no personal agendas here, and frankly, we won't tolerate that. Our staff is here to keep discussions on track and assist in the many maintenance and housekeeping tasks that go along with a message board of this type. We're not going to force our opinions down your throat, or become overzealous in the enforcement of rules. ECCIE is intended to be a safe haven for the responsible hobbyist and provider and as our database of information grows, so too will grow the value of ECCIE for our membership.

So, to sum things up. ECCIE is here for YOU. We can't tell you whether we will experience fast growth, or whether members will slowly trickle in. In either case, please know that the ownership of this board will remain committed to making this an easy-to-navigate, user friendly online experience that meets the basic needs of our community without adding so many frills that our core focus gets lost in the mix. You will see this site evolve and progress at a good pace as time goes by. We welcome your feedback, and will genuinely take all ideas under consideration.

As a final note, ECCIE ownership will remain involved with this site in all regards. We plan to learn from our mistakes as well as the mistakes of others. We expect ECCIE to be safe and secure for our members. Steps have been taken and will continue to be taken to always ensure that.

Thanks and enjoy your stay,
Food for thought.
Originally Posted by Dorian Gray
I agree...... and Time has gone by and will continue to do so..... hence my question in regards to future plans.....
Whispers's Avatar
I agree gay male providers shouldn't be allowed. Other area is fine for TS reviews, I see nothing at all wrong with that idea, if fact would cut down all the trolls and flamers on our reviews.

that's another thing.....as far as "another board"? Gay males DONT LIKE TS, they like MEN, as narrow your views are, all aren't. Gay men HATE TS pre or post op. They like MEN Originally Posted by TSKrystiKakes
I am not discussing the mechanics of it.....

I simply prefer the idea that the target audience here will remain heterosexual men and there will not develop forums for MM FF and who knows what else....

It's bad enough that we are surrounded with advertising daily but as a concession it is at least targeted towards heterosexual and typically depicts pretty ladies....

How will people feel if they wake up one morning and the ads link to some guy taking it up the ass from some other guy and ads targeted at gay males?
I am not discussing the mechanics of it.....

I simply prefer the idea that the target audience here will remain heterosexual men and there will not develop forums for MM FF and who knows what else....

It's bad enough that we are surrounded with advertising daily but as a concession it is at least targeted towards heterosexual and typically depicts pretty ladies....

How will people feel if they wake up one morning and the ads link to some guy taking it up the ass from some other guy and ads targeted at gale males? Originally Posted by Whispers
THATS what u DONT get, the guys that see us TS ARE heterosexual.......seriously, u need to talk to a guy that likes TS, ask him if he is gay and why not, maybe then u will understand, opinions do vary.....GAY men like MEN u dolt!!! lol sheesh!
Whispers's Avatar
THATS what u DONT get, the guys that see us TS ARE heterosexual.......seriously, u need to talk to a guy that likes TS, ask him if he is gay and why not, maybe then u will understand, opinions do vary.....GAY men like MEN u dolt!!! lol sheesh! Originally Posted by TSKrystiKakes
I have not stated a problem with TS's

This thread was not started as a discussion about TS's

It is about how far the board will go as the community grows.....

Will it lose it's current focus which seems to be heterosexual men?

In regards to your statement "GAY men like MEN" I agree.... You sir are a man and when a man engages in a sexual act with you it is a gay/homosexual act. That is my opinion.

Once again though... Discuss the thread and future of ECCIE>.. This is not a T/S discussion....
LNK's Avatar
  • LNK
  • 12-01-2013, 12:00 PM
At the moment, in Austin, we have a Post-Op TS receiving Verified Provider Status and a Showcase. His stated opinion is that he has no obligation to tell and although he currently HAS it in his profile there is no obligation for him to do so.

Personally, I have no desire to read anything from or about him...... Nor do I have any desire to see any of the other types of information I mentioned in the OP.

The day I log in and there are ads for men seeking male customers, showcases for men, review sections for all the different freak shows that others enjoy will be one day too long that I stuck around.

I am not that open minded. Originally Posted by Whispers
I guess I'm the bearer of bad news, then. You've stuck around too long.

This is already embraced on the board...the Other Review forums are absolutely teeming with these encounters...as they should be... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
As much as it irks me to say so, I agree with Wakeup's post. That ship has already sailed.

Welcome to ECCIE.

We're glad you found us. Yes, another alternative here and we truly hope our idea catches on. This is a public board, and for the time being, completely free to join.

ECCIE, pronounced 'ECK-ee', wishes to give you, the hobbyist and provider community, a freely accessible, easy-to-use platform to exchange information and share your thoughts and ideas.

A recent void spurred the idea, and we hope as many of you as possible choose to join in and become part of our growth. Whether you wish to participate in discussions, post reviews, advertise as a provider, chat, or simply browse our pages as a lurker, we value every segment of our community and offer you a home here at ECCIE.

Just scattershooting here, but we'd like to throw out some thoughts to give everyone a better understanding of our rationale in creating this board, your role here, and how we look at moderating the board.

First things first-

Everyone is welcome. Yes, EVERYONE. We say that in the truest form of sincerity. Now, we can't guarantee that someone won't wear out their welcome, but here to begin with, everyone starts with a clean slate.

While you will not find the rigid enforcement of rules on this board, that does not mean we are without reasonable guidelines for community interaction. Sure there will be a few rules to follow, but the vast majority of you have participated on other boards and likely already have a good understanding of how to conduct yourselves on an adult message board.

Keyword: ADULT. We are all adults here, and our number one rule is to remember that. We welcome everyone's thoughts, opinions and ideas. We encourage lively and spirited discussions. With that said, we ask that you respect those around you. There's room enough for everyone, and while there will obviously be widely differing opinions expressed, we want everyone to feel comfortable in expressing their thoughts freely. We know drama goes with the territory. We're not going to pretend it can be excluded from our forums, BUT our goal is to keep it simmering, and hopefully avoid ever reaching a boiling point, or level which would be considered damaging to our board, an individual, or any segment of our community.

As time goes by, and things evolve around here, im sure we'll have to make decisions that will effect someone who participates here, either a group or individually. Please know that we're committed to making sure that any staff decisions made will be geared toward facilitating discussion and exchange of information. There are no personal agendas here, and frankly, we won't tolerate that. Our staff is here to keep discussions on track and assist in the many maintenance and housekeeping tasks that go along with a message board of this type. We're not going to force our opinions down your throat, or become overzealous in the enforcement of rules. ECCIE is intended to be a safe haven for the responsible hobbyist and provider and as our database of information grows, so too will grow the value of ECCIE for our membership.

So, to sum things up. ECCIE is here for YOU. We can't tell you whether we will experience fast growth, or whether members will slowly trickle in. In either case, please know that the ownership of this board will remain committed to making this an easy-to-navigate, user friendly online experience that meets the basic needs of our community without adding so many frills that our core focus gets lost in the mix. You will see this site evolve and progress at a good pace as time goes by. We welcome your feedback, and will genuinely take all ideas under consideration.

As a final note, ECCIE ownership will remain involved with this site in all regards. We plan to learn from our mistakes as well as the mistakes of others. We expect ECCIE to be safe and secure for our members. Steps have been taken and will continue to be taken to always ensure that.

Thanks and enjoy your stay,
Food for thought. Originally Posted by Dorian Gray
Note the other part highlighted in RED.

Seems to me you're pursuing a personal agenda.

I haven't heard of or seen any posts advocating for male providers here. Perhaps you've seen some that I've missed?

Personally, I can't even picture myself with a TS, but I don't see what the problem is. As far as I can tell, TS providers aren't interested in "tricking" anyone into seeing them.

As someone said earlier, if you don't like it, don't read it. You'll soon learn whose posts to avoid, and hopefully won't be scarred for life in the process.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 12-01-2013, 02:59 PM
I was actually thinking of posting a similar thread. There are women hobbyists as there are men, and male providers as there are female. It would be great to accommodate everyone being that the entire hobby itself proved taboo to the civie world. Originally Posted by Eva Damita
No it wouldn't.

That is actually what I am concerned about.

I would prefer a much more close minded approach and charter that makes this a private club dedicated to the exploration of the hobby in relation to genetically female providers.

The rest can find another board. Originally Posted by Whispers
This is already embraced on the board...the Other Review forums are absolutely teeming with these encounters...as they should be... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
I find the closed-minded interpretation somewhat concerning. As Wakeup points out, there are already many variations on the theme in Other Reviews, and it goes well beyond that with massage parlor reviews, Another Realm posts, etc. This is a very diverse umbrella we operate under and while I would like to see the site be ecumenical, I think it is reasonable to have separate areas--similar to what we already have. Certainly a male escort area is no farther afield than the political forum.

Personally I am only interested in the ladies, but even within that there are topics (such as the gang bang one on this page) that are not my cup of tea. Easy enough for me to not go there if I don't want to. And if the male escort pages were separated, the same would apply--those who are interested can go there, those who are not don't have to.
Wakeup's Avatar
and at what point do they "spill out" and want their own forums? And when they do what does the board do?

That's why the question.

I would rather see a policy adapted early enough to send that business off to other boards and not be open to it here on ECCIE....

Think of the ads we could get bombarded with! Originally Posted by Whispers
They already have their own forums for their reviews. Their discussions about the hobby belong in Co-Ed just like any other discussions. The board doesn't have to do anything.

We get ads already, why does anyone care what those ads are for as long as they make money for the board.
Whispers's Avatar
They already have their own forums for their reviews. Their discussions about the hobby belong in Co-Ed just like any other discussions. Originally Posted by Wakeuр
How would "Male Male" discussions be CoEd?
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 12-01-2013, 06:09 PM
I have no problem about that, but there are separate forums for discussion of other sub-groups of the bigger escorting world so I would see nothing wrong with a separate forum for that either.

Either way, I don't see it as a big deal.
Whispers, for someone who says, "I dont want to hear or read about these type of things" You sure seem to have a LOT of input on the Austin thread about this young person. Could it be that you speak out of both sides of your mouth?
Whispers's Avatar
Not at all.... What am I saying different here than there? That thread is about one specific person.... This is about policies/guidelines and the future....

But the idea of a Post op TS not labeling his self as one prompted thought on the subject....

I think that TS's is about as as far into "fetish" as I care to see things go..... there are few of them to contend with....

If the board opens up to the whole homosexual community/ same sex interactions....... at some point we have a bit too much in our faces every day.....
Cpalmson's Avatar
As stated, I think there are viable forums to discuss the activities associated with the OP. I'm not gay. I don't condone gay activism b/c I think those individuals have an agenda that is destructive to our society as a whole. By that, I mean those in the gay community who want their lifestyle to be considered "normal'. They are not normal. For the vast majority of gays, I think they are perfectly content with keeping silent. It is the small minority that ruin it for the entire community. I say live and let live, but don't flaunt your behavior in my face. Having said that, I see nothing wrong with gays having a place on ECCIE to discuss and review. Heck, I don't mind if there are male providers out there with showcases-- be it hetero or homo sexual.
Wakeup's Avatar
How would "Male Male" discussions be CoEd? Originally Posted by Whispers
First, you must have missed the description of the forum..."Hobby-related discussions belong here. Let's keep these discussions on-topic, thought-provoking, and more importantly...entertaining!" That's a legitimate side of the hobby, and is perfectly open to being discussed there.

Second, Co-Ed means that both sexes can participate in the discussions, not both sexes are required to participate in the sex act to discuss it, they're free to discuss male-male material as well. Why would that change?
First, you must have missed the description of the forum..."Hobby-related discussions belong here. Let's keep these discussions on-topic, thought-provoking, and more importantly...entertaining!" That's a legitimate side of the hobby, and is perfectly open to being discussed there.

Second, Co-Ed means that both sexes can participate in the discussions, not both sexes are required to participate in the sex act to discuss it, they're free to discuss male-male material as well. Why would that change? Originally Posted by Wakeuр
Wasn't it named Co-ed Discussions on ASPD way back in the day because that was the only place ladies could post?