Respecting Agencies

wantsome's Avatar
My last experience with an agency in Rochester was a few years ago when I called an ad for MILFs. I can't remember the name of the agency, but it definately stated in the ad that the ladies were "mature". I called and was told that my "date" would be at my hotel in about an hour. I was told she was blonde, busty, and hot. looking back I guess I could say they delivered. She was mid 30s, blonde, busty, and hot. Oh yea, she also was really large and the hottness was attributed to her wieght. She sweats easily! Well, I went through with the appointment and at the end she excused herself to clean up in the bathroom prior to leaving. Later it the evening nature called and I needed to take a dump. Sat on the can and realized she stole all of the butt wipes while "cleaning up".
Have yet to use an agency after that one!
offshoredrilling's Avatar
How I miss all the bars in Rochester that use to catered to the hobby. Screened each other over a drink.
In upstate NY Lexi has a valid point because there ARE some scumbags out there ruining the reputations of everyone else... We know who I am talking about so I will NOT bring that person up AGAIN (you know the whole beating a dead horse thing). Agencies that are run properly SHOULD NEVER have the shit going on that she mentioned!!!
I am just glad that NYS finally put this law on the books:

§ 230.34 Sex trafficking.
A person is guilty of sex trafficking if he or she intentionally
advances or profits from prostitution by:
1. unlawfully providing to a person who is patronized, with intent to
impair said person's judgment: (a) a narcotic drug or a narcotic
preparation; (b) concentrated cannabis as defined in paragraph (a) of
subdivision four of section thirty-three hundred two of the public
health law; (c) methadone; or (d) gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB) or
flunitrazepan, also known as Rohypnol;

2. making material false statements, misstatements, or omissions to
induce or maintain the person being patronized to engage in or continue
to engage in prostitution activity;
3. withholding, destroying, or confiscating any actual or purported
passport, immigration document, or any other actual or purported
government identification document of another person with intent to
impair said person's freedom of movement; provided, however, that this
subdivision shall not apply to an attempt to correct a social security
administration record or immigration agency record in accordance with
any local, state, or federal agency requirement, where such attempt is
not made for the purpose of any express or implied threat;
4. requiring that prostitution be performed to retire, repay, or
service a real or purported debt;
5. using force or engaging in any scheme, plan or pattern to compel or
induce the person being patronized to engage in or continue to engage in
prostitution activity by means of instilling a fear in the person being
patronized that, if the demand is not complied with, the actor or
another will do one or more of the following:

(a) cause physical injury, serious physical injury, or death to a
person; or
(b) cause damage to property, other than the property of the actor; or
(c) engage in other conduct constituting a felony or unlawful
imprisonment in the second degree in violation of section 135.05 of this
chapter; or
(d) accuse some person of a crime or cause criminal charges or
deportation proceedings to be instituted against some person; provided,
however, that it shall be an affirmative defense to this subdivision
that the defendant reasonably believed the threatened charge to be true
and that his or her sole purpose was to compel or induce the victim to
take reasonable action to make good the wrong which was the subject of
such threatened charge; or
(e) expose a secret or publicize an asserted fact, whether true or
false, tending to subject some person to hatred, contempt or ridicule;

(f) testify or provide information or withhold testimony or
information with respect to another's legal claim or defense; or
(g) use or abuse his or her position as a public servant by performing
some act within or related to his or her official duties, or by failing
or refusing to perform an official duty, in such manner as to affect
some person adversely; or
(h) perform any other act which would not in itself materially benefit
the actor but which is calculated to harm the person who is patronized
materially with respect to his or her health, safety, or immigration
Sex trafficking is a class B felony

THINK THAT IS WHAT IS GOING ON WITH ALL THE BUSTS.... Read the other subsections and that can be referring to the AMP busts... On the flip side this means all the SNEAKER PIMPS providing rocky prohibited topics to their workers that they will soon be going bye bye... It is NO defense if they try to say that they use themselves...

As for normal operators out there it has ZERO baring on... Oh and FYI there are more services than you are aware of that are pretty damn good .. I know Purple Rain AND VIXENS DOES not allow prohibited topics either.. That is the difference between a scumbag and an above board service.. I try to lend a hand to whoever I can.

The role of a service is STILL very much a valid one on both ends is where I posted the role of an excellent service so I wont rehash it here.

I ask you hobbyists ONE very VERY very big favor. Before you knock ALL services. Try one and comment on that one.. It is NOT FAIR for any hobbyist to kick all of us in the proverbial gonads cause of one scumbag... Just like there are bad services out there, there are SUPER bad clients... YOU WOULD NOT BELIEVE THE NUMBER of DO NOT ANSWER numbers in the contact list..


PS LEXxxy bad analogy because the "mom & pop diners" are where most of the ecoli breakouts happen in the US (well excluding taco bell cause jesus I think they make their shit with ecoli)

My opinion is support independent Ladies all the way. It is like comparing Burger King to the amazing mom and pop burger stand down the street.
I personally am an indy and respect indys a lot more for a plethora of reasons. Us indys are the strong, strong willed, hard working, brave, entrepreneurs, and business savvy Ladies that struck out to do our own thing.
I also look down on agencies in due to lax security and the horror stories Ladies have told me about when they tried to leave, they got blackmailed as well as outed to their families.
I have been offered but agency was never an option for me. I could never imagine putting my safety, personal life, choices, and future in the hands a business other than mine again. I am extremely picky in regards to who I will spend my time with and I chose to stay very low volume. That is why I give prebook specials and return Gent specials, so I have time to pick and chose who I see and so that my dance card is full of prebooks before I even get into town. I could never imagine being forced to be high volume or being forced to see people that I know nothing about again. I already worked UTR and in the dark "with" someone when I first started and it was hell and scary. I was only allowed to know "Bob will be here at noon", no phone numbers, screen names, what sites they were from, what their screening answers were...NOTHING because they were "her clients" that I couldn't "steal them". That would be multiplied by 10 working for an agency.
Just my personal insight and my 2 cents here.
Support your local businesses owners
Originally Posted by Lexxxy
EEhhhh, just alot of people with difrent agendas.If everyone, agency and independant, just focused on keeping their own self square, the business will take care of itself.Too much paranoia and people blaming others for problems they created themselves. Guys are horney and looking for variety, no one provider or agency is gonna lock down any horny guy, to think so by trying to waste time trying to bash and discredit is a horrible waste of time and is transparent to anyone paying attention.
Nataleelovesyou's Avatar
I agree on NOT working for an agency....One particulair drama king of Rochester.I had to jump out of his moving car and run to a gas station. He tried robbing me of MY CASH,LOUIS VUITTON BAG, AND THREATENED ME numerous times. I had to put his ass in place. Why hand over your hard earned cash ladies...this business is not rocket science!!!!
offshoredrilling's Avatar
well maybe bottle rocket
Well! I mean, CMON!!!! ITS LOUIS VUEETON!!

I COULD NEVER HAD SAID IT BETTER... I LOVE THE INDY's & Other reputable agencies because they DONT bring drama to the game and CAUSE heat on us all!!!

EEhhhh, just alot of people with difrent agendas.If everyone, agency and independant, just focused on keeping their own self square, the business will take care of itself.Too much paranoia and people blaming others for problems they created themselves. Guys are horney and looking for variety, no one provider or agency is gonna lock down any horny guy, to think so by trying to waste time trying to bash and discredit is a horrible waste of time and is transparent to anyone paying attention. Originally Posted by JONBALLS
I know EXACTLY who you are referring to and it is the same SNEAKER pimp that I am.. You are a drama queen in and of yourself though... I remember the night you ran down the stairs trying to take pictures of girls that used my car.. I think it was because you thought I was associated with him... LOLZ I could never be associated with him and tried convincing you of that...

I must admit from the pix I am seeing of you that you have gotten WAY HOTTER than when I last saw you... Yes take that as a compliment!!! Oh and as far as not working for an agency, you applied to kittens AFTER that happened but we mutually understood that it wasnt going to be a good fit for both of us so we chose not to work together so i dont know why you are saying now that after that incident you wouldnt work with an agency; unless you suddenly decided otherwise.... Either way hun, I think yo will do awesomely..

I agree on NOT working for an agency....One particulair drama king of Rochester.I had to jump out of his moving car and run to a gas station. He tried robbing me of MY CASH,LOUIS VUITTON BAG, AND THREATENED ME numerous times. I had to put his ass in place. Why hand over your hard earned cash ladies...this business is not rocket science!!!! Originally Posted by shanastjames
offshoredrilling's Avatar
I know EXACTLY who you are referring to and it is the same SNEAKER pimp that I am.. You are a drama queen in and of yourself though... I remember the night you ran down the stairs trying to take pictures of girls that used my car.. I think it was because you thought I was associated with him... LOLZ I could never be associated with him and tried convincing you of that...

I must admit from the pix I am seeing of you that you have gotten WAY HOTTER than when I last saw you... Yes take that as a compliment!!! Oh and as far as not working for an agency, you applied to kittens AFTER that happened but we mutually understood that it wasnt going to be a good fit for both of us so we chose not to work together so i dont know why you are saying now that after that incident you wouldnt work with an agency; unless you suddenly decided otherwise.... Either way hun, I think yo will do awesomely.. Originally Posted by Kittens_Inc
WTF that is TMI. Unless you want to stir the pot. And thanks for the information about you.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
So I google pocket rocket to look for something like this to go along with the bottle rocket

but I also find.

you just got to love using google, yahoo, ask. or any web search engine to look for things. you never know what all will come up. sometimes taking you on a wtf side trip.

And so this lipstick looks to have duo function. Note the guys on the lipstick container. Ya not one old over weight bum with a pick cap. Ya not a one like me. And after all, are the guys on this board nothing but a pocket rocket that pays to boot.

mmmm, topic, sorry, just stirring the pot. looking for it to be on topic latter with less mmmmm aaaahhhhhh drama.

And why does lipstick always end up on my errrr sorry I meant
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 05-27-2011, 07:40 PM
I know EXACTLY who you are referring to and it is the same SNEAKER pimp that I am.. You are a drama queen in and of yourself though... I remember the night you ran down the stairs trying to take pictures of girls that used my car.. I think it was because you thought I was associated with him... LOLZ I could never be associated with him and tried convincing you of that...

I must admit from the pix I am seeing of you that you have gotten WAY HOTTER than when I last saw you... Yes take that as a compliment!!! Oh and as far as not working for an agency, you applied to kittens AFTER that happened but we mutually understood that it wasnt going to be a good fit for both of us so we chose not to work together so i dont know why you are saying now that after that incident you wouldnt work with an agency; unless you suddenly decided otherwise.... Either way hun, I think yo will do awesomely.. Originally Posted by Kittens_Inc
WOW, don't you think you revealed a little too much info there? Shanastjames may not have wanted that to all be public knowledge. Poor judgment, especially considering you run an agency where people should be able to trust you with things.
WOW, don't you think you revealed a little too much info there? Shanastjames may not have wanted that to all be public knowledge. Poor judgment, especially considering you run an agency where people should be able to trust you with things. Originally Posted by GP
PLEASE... What did I reveal??? That she took pix? Or wanted to work with an agency WHEN SHE SAID she didnt??? Just calling to carpet the BS going on around here and YOU JUST LIKE TO INSTIGATE SHIT so please have at it... Me I am going to bang a chick...
offshoredrilling's Avatar
PLEASE... What did I reveal??? That she took pix? Or wanted to work with an agency WHEN SHE SAID she didnt??? Just calling to carpet the BS going on around here and YOU JUST LIKE TO INSTIGATE SHIT so please have at it... Me I am going to bang a chick... Originally Posted by Kittens_Inc
mmmm I would think both. But that me thinking. And most of the time that is not a good thing. But if it was me, next post would be "".
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 05-28-2011, 05:23 AM
It could have been info she did not want out there. It is not your decision to make, Like i said, poor judgment. As for me being an instigator....Maybe a little, but I will definitely call a spade a spade when I see one.