Am I Wrong

MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
Don't second guess yourself. If your intuition is screaming something is even a little off (even if a guy's screening checks out)....LISTEN.
jillyclaire's Avatar
If a guy asks me to recite my profile to him, my rates, what he gets,etc., red flags always go up. I think you were right to listen to your gut.
L.T. Watson's Avatar
but ive never understood how some providers will want references off of here BUT have a backpage ad up and dont ask no questions at all if you contact them thru bp. smdh
SknyDiva's Avatar
but ive never understood how some providers will want references off of here BUT have a backpage ad up and dont ask no questions at all if you contact them thru bp. smdh Originally Posted by L.T. Watson
This does occur!! Lmao!! As if you don't know who they are seriously
I am just now seeing this, but I agree with those who said it is definitely fishy. You stay in control, that will keep you safe. If he can't play by the rules then he cannot play. Simple! You can live without him, and I do mean live/be safe, and without ANYONE else who doesn't want to comply. I would block that pos.