How Many????

Toreador_one's Avatar
363 and 1/2
I keep a log, with dates, locations, names, contact info etc. The idea is one day after I retire I'll track each one of them and thank them (well most of them) for the good memory.

The 1/2 is for a questionable encounter, one night affair both had too much to drink, I remember screwing her, she says it did not happen so I am giving us both the benefit of the doubt and counting it as half. ( so, no, it was not for a midget you perverts!!!)


Yes, all the above is BS, I lost count at about 70 about 10 years ago.
SofaKingFun's Avatar
Phil A.Cheaux's Avatar
I was out with the girlfriends today and the question, how many have you slept with came up and it got me to thinking, hmmmm maybe 20 guys total LOL.. Do people REALLY keep up with that number? How many have you slept with? Or how many do you think you have slept with? WHEW!! Originally Posted by hollyofhouston
I keep waiting for you to say youll be mine then hopefully we can consumate things and I will no longer be the world's oldest virgin. LOL
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
Way too many. But nowhere near enough.
mrhunt's Avatar
I am proud to say I was one of the 20.
3 or 4 I seldom sleep with them usually just sex and send them home.
Total.. Originally Posted by hollyofhouston

more than 250, less than 300 somewhere in between..
Yes, i do mean screwed, fu*ked, boing boing, made love or made whoopi with..
boardman's Avatar
I never counted although they were all memorable enough. Probably around 25 in and out of the hobby.
Mojojo's Avatar
I'm still a virgin I lost it but found it under my bed the other day when I was cleaning my room
SofaKingFun's Avatar
Holly said, "Boing Boing". TFF!
That's what you meant "Boing Boing" hell I thought you said "Boring Boring" our last visit.
Whew glad that's resolved.

That's what you meant "Boing Boing" hell I thought you said "Boring Boring" our last visit.
Whew glad that's resolved.

LOL Originally Posted by SP Hunter
Baby, NOTHING boring about you!!!!
Never enough.
About 45 ladies in the last year or so. Married before that and it was only 1. Hoping to be holl's #21st or 22nd!!