I'm starting to get a little uneasy about this...

It's a legitimate question. I go see a provider for a session ... that's one thing. If she is carrying controlled substances ... that carries a different set of risks.... I'll take my chances on beating a solicitation rap versus a controlled substance charge...

Providing security for a provider plying her trade carries one set of risks .... the risks for providing security for a controlled substance run ... carries a different set of risks ... perhaps a different fee structure would be in order... or at the very least ... lay out up front what your fees and services cover... Originally Posted by ThatManFromTexas

However, I don't think Mack is a provider. He is a bodyguard. Unless he does both?

Either way, Mack I would steer clear of anything to do with illegal substances period. Don't jeopardize your profession in that way.. far far worse for you if you are arrested and they ramp up charges including drugs.
thebodyguard_69's Avatar

However, I don't think Mack is a provider. He is a bodyguard. Unless he does both?

Either way, Mack I would steer clear of anything to do with illegal substances period. Don't jeopardize your profession in that way.. far far worse for you if you are arrested and they ramp up charges including drugs. Originally Posted by Guilty Pleasures
Just a bodyguard lol thanks

But yea I've learned from that situation and hope I don't come across a client that would put both of us in jeopardy like that.
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
You have a fair point, but this is one of those rules I have no problem helping the mods enforce. We're under vice's microscope enough without bringing the narcs in on the action too. This is one of those things that should be discussed through back channels, or better yet not at all. Originally Posted by enderwiggin
Bear with me here... I'm old and slow... I think I understand the gist of the rule... and Gawd knows I'm wayyy to conservative to tolerate much less use or promote a controlled substance ... but if you post that you find it unacceptable to see a provider if she possessed a controlled substance ... does that come under the "discussion of use ... "

If it does ... how would you post an alert on anyone who engaged in that activity during a session?
CivilBarrister's Avatar

It's easy to say to LE that I had no idea what kind of business my client was into if they were ever busted in a sting because I'm licensed to provide security to anybody and I usually never ask what they do for a living unless they tell me first, I just get them to where they need to get to safely and without harm. but Mary J is illegal whatever way you put it in that situation and there's no talking your way out of that.
Originally Posted by Mack_@MBRPPS
I think you answered your own question: DON'T ask a client why she wants to go somewhere - she is just making another stop. Then you have deniability.

You could (should) have a written contract/policy that outlines your clients are not permitted to carry anything illegal with them when you transport them to and from their destinations. That should include, but not be limited to non-prescription drugs, weapons, unless your client has a CHL, etc.

So if a client honestly tells you she wants to make a "pickup of ______ (insert anything illegal)" - you have to say no. However, if she simply tells you to drive to a certain location because she has to tell someone something, then it is ok.
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar

However, I don't think Mack is a provider. He is a bodyguard. Unless he does both?

Either way, Mack I would steer clear of anything to do with illegal substances period. Don't jeopardize your profession in that way.. far far worse for you if you are arrested and they ramp up charges including drugs. Originally Posted by Guilty Pleasures
Ahem... men arrested for consorting with providers are generally charged with Solicitation ... reading comprehension is your friend ...
Bear with me here... I'm old and slow... I think I understand the gist of the rule... and Gawd knows I'm wayyy to conservative to tolerate much less use or promote a controlled substance ... but if you post that you find it unacceptable to see a provider if she possessed a controlled substance ... does that come under the "discussion of use ... "

If it does ... how would you post an alert on anyone who engaged in that activity during a session? Originally Posted by ThatManFromTexas
Perhaps its just me, but I find its best to assume that every member here finds it unacceptable to discuss or participate in those activities the site owners have deemed inappropriate to discuss. If they don't, then its a simple matter of stating, "When I showed up, she was doing something we're not allowed to discuss...etc." For my hobby-dollar, that tells me everything I need to know. I don't need specifics.

I'm not trying to be a censor, but this is one of the rules I genuinely believe is in place for our protection.
thebodyguard_69's Avatar
If you decided after you did it, that you no longer want to do that again, I would say just wait and see if she even brings up again and if so, just be honest with her. Originally Posted by Victoria of Houston
Thanks for your input. I definitely agree with that.
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
Perhaps its just me, but I find its best to assume that every member here finds it unacceptable to discuss or participate in those activities the site owners have deemed inappropriate to discuss. If they don't, then its a simple matter of stating, "When I showed up, she was doing something we're not allowed to discuss...etc." For my hobby-dollar, that tells me everything I need to know. I don't need specifics.

I'm not trying to be a censor, but this is one of the rules I genuinely believe is in place for our protection. Originally Posted by enderwiggin
dearhunter's Avatar
This is a dangerous subject in more ways than you are obviously considering.
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
This is a dangerous subject in more ways than you are obviously considering. Originally Posted by dearhunter
You can't trick me into posting on this subject again ... oh, wait... dang you DearHunter...
thebodyguard_69's Avatar

You could (should) have a written contract/policy that outlines your clients are not permitted to carry anything illegal with them when you transport them to and from their destinations. That should include, but not be limited to non-prescription drugs, weapons, unless your client has a CHL, etc. Originally Posted by CivilBarrister
Thanks for bringing that up actually because I usually utilize written contracts when I deal with celebrities or people of higher importance for that matter and it does prohibit the use, sale, and purchase of any illegal substance under my watch. I noticed with some escorts that everything is almost always last minute and short notice and everything agreed upon is pretty much only in email or text, if not all verbal.

So if a client honestly tells you she wants to make a "pickup of ______ (insert anything illegal)" - you have to say no. However, if she simply tells you to drive to a certain location because she has to tell someone something, then it is ok. Originally Posted by CivilBarrister
I'm a criminal justice major and I guess I should probably know this already but here's my question: If I do lay down that restriction (of illegal substances) with a client in a text or email prior to doing business with him/her would it do me any justice with LE (if we get caught in that situation) when a client tells me to go one place but I really had no idea I was actually taking them to pickup _________(illegal substance)....would the logs/transcripts of our conversation help me in any way? Sorry if I'm getting a little too technical. I'm not expecting anyone to answer this anyways lol
JohnnyFarangly's Avatar
I'm a criminal justice major and I guess I should probably know this already but here's my question: If I do lay down that restriction (of illegal substances) with a client in a text or email prior to doing business with him/her would it do me any justice with LE (if we get caught in that situation) when a client tells me to go one place but I really had no idea I was actually taking them to pickup _________(illegal substance)....would the logs/transcripts of our conversation help me in any way? Sorry if I'm getting a little too technical. I'm not expecting anyone to answer this anyways lol Originally Posted by Mack_@MBRPPS
That and/or a disclaimer on your website could not hurt, but I dont think it would be a GOoJF card.

Taxi drivers face the same problem. You need to keep plausible denial at all times.
Ahem... men arrested for consorting with providers are generally charged with Solicitation ... reading comprehension is your friend ... Originally Posted by ThatManFromTexas

Well I was thinking he was providing as well as being a bodyguard.. but I wasn't sure till he posted and clarified! Anyone ever watch that show "Hung" on HBO?

I love that show! Anyway.. back on topic..
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar

Well I was thinking he was providing as well as being a bodyguard.. but I wasn't sure till he posted and clarified! Anyone ever watch that show "Hung" on HBO?

I love that show! Anyway.. back on topic.. Originally Posted by Guilty Pleasures
No... but I heard you were on a hung jury once....