Is it disrespectful for a lady to make light of our jobs?

I do. Not enough to do it if I weren't paid, but I enjoy it.

Of course, I also realize that 99.993% of the population would hate it and/or think it was deadly boring. Definitely not sexy. They're just wrong. Originally Posted by Chevalier
I'm with Chev. I love my job, find that I get to be around and work with a lot of fun, intelligent people and it's given my the chance to travel to a lot of wonderful places around the globe.

Unlike Chev, my job is definitely sexy and I think that I even have that written on my business card somewhere.

All kidding aside (no, it's not really sexy), although my job itself might bore some to tears, the things that surround my job (ex. travel) have really helped to break the ice in many situations.

To the OP, although I can understand why this might get under your skin, I wouldn't sweat it too much if possible.
I would not be offended, as long as she is willing to lie about me being sexy.'s nothing that a good skull-fucking can't cure.
Judge Smails's Avatar
Move on and find an ATF that raves about your job, or not. Good news is your choice...

I consider myself lucky in that over a longer term, I have loved my profession, of course mixed in with the periodic bad day/ week.
Hell, I'm old and retired. No one cares about what I did as long as the money is green.
Captain Caveman's Avatar
LOL my job is NOT sexy but pays decently. I am okay with that. When asked I avoid talking about my job because I really don't want to bore anyone to death.
Guest012211-3's Avatar
Move on and find an ATF that raves about your job, or not. Good news is your choice...

I consider myself lucky in that over a longer term, I have loved my profession, of course mixed in with the periodic bad day/ week. Originally Posted by Judge Smails
LOL, you can always fall back on guessing weight at the carnival...sorry, inside joke

OR just wear a thong to work...that's SEXY!
pyramider's Avatar
At least she did not fall on the floor laughing when you tooks off your pants.
flowerflower1's Avatar
i love my job... it is one of the greatest feeling to look forward to going to work each day. i get to play everyday and help people... not getting rich but having a great life.....
restaurantguy67's Avatar
But the more I think about it the more pissed I get Originally Posted by Hercules
That's the problem right there. Spending a lot of time thinking on and analyzing an offhand comment only causes problems...for you more than for her.
Guest012211-3's Avatar
That's the problem right there. Spending a lot of time thinking on and analyzing an offhand comment only causes problems...for you more than for her. Originally Posted by restaurantguy67
Herc: Yes, you really need to take a step back and consider the source. Recently, you did express that less input from the ladies created a more peaceful board.

So there you's gonna happen no matter what...don't lose sleep over it, or do... it's your choice, LOL.
I always view someone giving their opinion about me or about something about me as this..

Their opinion can only bother me if I gave a shit what they thought, I don't, so it doesn't...

Hercules..don't know you, and I mean this nice.. but does a girl taking money for sex, does her opinion really matter? probably not..

Now I do understand what your asking, its the principle of the matter.. if you was to make some quip about her and her chosen profession to her face, she would black list you, write some tirade about the experience etc etc.. therefore, women in some instances should learn that sometimes the only thing their mouth is good for is to put a cock in, and sometimes their thoughts on subjects..the person don't give a damn about..sometimes its time to shut the f^ck up and do what your being paid to do..

Unfortunately obviously this person has no manners.. it wasn't her place to say anything, and I don't know how your humor is but I guess you could have laughingly responded with

"ya and your job is so fucking honorable..way to make mom proud"..but we all know how that would have went..

sucks it happened, I think to often guys suppress their true thoughts in instances like that.. I would have informed her, that I really didn't care for the comment.. that I didn't pick a job based on its sexy factor, I picked one I like, do well, and pays the bills..oh..those bills I just handed you ..that I can have back if you have a problem with my job..

some people are bitches, we are all whores(there is no avoiding it), but to comment to a paying CUSTOMER about their profession is not needed, tacky, and she should face the backlash from that
I don't get it. I'm no mind reader, but what did this purveyor of pleasure mean when she said our fellow hobbyist's job was not "sexy". What jobs does she consider "sexy"? Logic would dictate, given her chosen profession, that "sexy" relates to income. Any service provider of quality knows that "bad energy" ain't part of the agreement.

What did she intend to convey? How would you take it? And, more generally, how do you handle disrespect in this hobby. Ladies, other than saying that you don't need the money enough to put up with his bullshit, handle disrespect?
Hawkeye9's Avatar
lie about your job and it all works!!
Donnie Brasco's Avatar
Next time you see a provider when asked about your job just tell the them, "I'm bringing sexy back".