Who can give a bbbj?

Wait she's bad news? Originally Posted by als1357
I’ve never seen her. She no showed on me twice.

Apparently, at one time, her nickname was “the Queen” and she was the top provider in the area.

They say her man-mades are even nicer than Vanessa Ink’s.

She has an open menu, is up for Greek, and there have been varying reports that she did BBFS. (Of course, I’ve never met her, and those are just rumors).
If you can tag SC than you are a an instant God Level Gamer—but don’t bet all your horses on that horse.
I don’t know the P’Cola scene too well. But, most providers work during the day.

From what I’ve heard she’s pretty much open and available, if she’s awake.

The key to my answer is it’s late at night and the OP wants a quick fix. Had it been a daytime request, there would’ve been others I would’ve recommended. Originally Posted by blackbird_nevermore
Oh yeah, okay,,that makes sense,,it’s her sleep cycle—lol
Let's hear them still? Originally Posted by als1357
In no particular order.

Cassandra Bree
Autumn Fox
Lindsay Sinclair
Eva Moore
Kara (there are three Kara’s in P’Cola, not Kara21 and not the one you reviewed. There’s another one that is pretty nice but has bad teeth. Her Greek is supposed to be really good).
Pippi Long (but she might not be here)

Those are the reputable ones I could think of that are in P’Cola.
If you can tag SC than you are a an instant hero—but don’t bet all your horses on that horse. Originally Posted by bc1969
Who is SC? I feel dumb.
Who is SC? I feel dumb. Originally Posted by blackbird_nevermore
Wait she's bad news? Originally Posted by als1357
I wouldn’t say bad news just has been flakey in the past with guys getting the run around or being stood up has happens to me a few times

But hell she may be having a good day and you may get lucky go for it and post a review

Never hurts to try hell I even thought about it tonight lol
SexyChloe— Originally Posted by bc1969
God, I feel dumb. /facepalm
In no particular order.

Cassandra Bree
Autumn Fox
Lindsay Sinclair
Eva Moore
Kara (there are three Kara’s in P’Cola, not Kara21 and not the one you reviewed. There’s another one that is pretty nice but has bad teeth. Her Greek is supposed to be really good).
Pippi Long (but she might not be here)

Those are the reputable ones I could think of that are in P’Cola. Originally Posted by blackbird_nevermore
Top list, but who is a last minute hook up? I have seen Bree and nln with no advance notice but I was lucky, who is ready now!

als is ready
Top list, but who is a last minute hook up? I have seen Bree and nln with no advance notice but I was lucky, who is ready now!

als is ready Originally Posted by bc1969
I was going to say Cassandra Bree and NLN

But, since ALS struck out with them, I think his best chance at night is Sexy Chloe.

(Not being facetious or sarcastic)
Appreciate you guys.
Good luck, ALS. Let us know if you score a home run.
Charlie wants to do it. Anyone can provide feedback on if she's worth it or not?

Oneputbirdie's Avatar
Charlie wants to do it. Anyone can provide feedback on if she's worth it or not?

https://pensacola.skipthegames.com/f...w/919132782024 Originally Posted by als1357
Charlie wants to do it. Anyone can provide feedback on if she's worth it or not?

https://pensacola.skipthegames.com/f...w/919132782024 Originally Posted by als1357
I’ve never seen her, but the reports on her were favorable.