Cash App?

As for an actual contribution to Guitars posting...

Sweetie, I am not sure why a lady would only use cashapp.
I could see it being a possibility if she didnt have a prepaid card and only had her app connected to an actual checking account and the area she was touring didnt have her branch conveniently located for her, as this sometimes happens.

I prefer cash myself. Cash is king. Unless the jerk decides to rip off a girl with motion picture money like what happened to me in Jackson a couple of weeks ago.
Cant we all just get along? I for one love me some Kynsley Morgan and have known her for 20 years. She has never once beating me or anyone I know out of money in those 20 years. She has however giving me countless top shelf encounters over the years. So I hate to look like a white knight but when I see someone called out over and over its hard not to say something. She might not be everyone's cup of tea but she is no thief at least not that I am aware of.
From your our home posting.

02-29-2020,05:16 PM. #26
Verified Companion
Join Date
Apr 2018
In the clouds

Barbie, I'm 21 years deep in this industry...stay out of my business, please and thank you!

Other justifications are not necessary and have no idea on crazy rant.
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  • ing
  • 03-10-2020, 12:37 PM
Ha you funny fellow, I funny too! You and me go get our micro peens yanked by boom boom girl at amp! Much fun! Me so horny!
So, why are you stalking me?
It all depends. Sometimes I’ll go out on a limb and take the bait. Sometimes i check reviews from you guys. I had a girl that only took cash and EXPLAINED to me why and it does make sense to me. However i have been scammed by some girls but it’s some i pass on and some I’ll try. One girl i did a review on took cash app only and i sent the payment and it’s been great ever since and some girl i only paid for vids and didn’t even get that so it all depends if i find a good review on her or not.
So nice to have a newbie show his youthful side, by again, ENGaging in drama where his nose does not belong.
How do you know I wear glasses when you just said you dont know me?
Certain things to make one go hmmm.
You said you read thread from oh2, so if that was the true case you would have seen the screenshot I posted calling the OP out about frozen venmo account. Which venmo is not relevant to thread on this board, about cashapp.
Also, repetitive patterns always are the hardest habits to break, wouldnt you say.
Texas, Virginia, DC...but always comes to Mississippi to attempt to strike like a cobra, but in actually is nothing more than a garden snake.
Stay in your own grass and stay the f*ck out of mine.
I made no reference to 20+ years but you just did. Shows you have been in my ass trolling Originally Posted by Kynsley Morgan

In quoting myself and getting a warning for unnecessary rudeness, which if anything...I am being politely and bluntly condescending to a toad...

I had sent feedback to a mod and completely appalled with the unprofessionalism in how that mod approached me from further communication with said mod.

He BLOCKED my ass!

Unreal and juvenile behaviour!

Please take me off this board. This place has become a joke!

My pictures are able to be put up with my face showing without my consent...unreal.

I have no voice on this board anymore...unreal.

I will not bow down and suck the fart out of anyones butt. Unreal.

I will not bow down and stays on my knees and be a concubine to trolls. Completely unacceptable.

What's next...we cant put up alerts on rapers because we are outing their identities? Unreal.

It has been wonderful with the gents I have met and the ladies I have built friendships with since 2009 on this board and prior to that...aspd.

But this board has become completely oxy-moronic and unjust, which is completely unacceptable in my opinion.

Yall know how to find me.

So much drama, rants and imagination. All cause of a posting of disagreeing to cash app and I posted a perfectly good example of why.
Maybe it is a good thing that drama queen is retiring. Since it appears that she is on many other boards and advertising sites, she can live without one.
Please grant her wish.

ing's Avatar
  • ing
  • 03-13-2020, 09:40 AM

So much drama, rants and imagination. All cause of a posting of disagreeing to cash app and I posted a perfectly good example of why.
Maybe it is a good thing that drama queen is retiring. Since it appears that she is on many other boards and advertising sites, she can live without one.
Please grant her wish.

Originally Posted by georgecam

My penis brother! Why bother nice lady? No penis brother this not nice you and me go elsewhere we tell everyone of our imaginary sex lives and pretend to be big shots and everybody be happy. Ok? Ok! You come over I have new hentai we watch we touch ourselves and giggle! Much fun! Come penis brother we go bother no one and we play!

So much drama, rants and imagination. All cause of a posting of disagreeing to cash app and I posted a perfectly good example of why.
Maybe it is a good thing that drama queen is retiring. Since it appears that she is on many other boards and advertising sites, she can live without one.
Please grant her wish.

Originally Posted by georgecam

I dont believe anyone mentioned retiring
Hey WakeUp and Deer Hunter, why don't y'all ban this ass clown georgeclown? Stevie Wonder's blind ass can see it's ENG! Maybe WU is too bust stalking Valarie to notice and Dee Hunter is too big of a chicken shit. Or maybe both of you are too busy taking turns sucking off St. C in his new hideout. You know the one on dumbass lane, where his scared ass ran to avoid getting linked by the new TX law.
Oh and Deerhunter how the fuck did some dumb retard make you a mod with 9 pages of infractions?!?!? WOW CAN YOU SAY DOUBLE STANDARD BOYS AND GIRLS!
And I bet these ass clowns start replying to this after any bans take effect.
Deeznutz00's Avatar
Cash can't be traced but if I use cashapp which is tied to my bank account, it can be traced. I pay my barber via cashapp and I can go through and see everytime I've paid my barber for a haircut. I wouldn't want to go back and see or have my s/o see every time I've transferred x amount to whatever user name. Just two cents from someone who hasn't been in the game that long.
Deez, you made good point. The guy in my post clearly stated that the lady in question got the pre payment. The picture the lady in question posted clearly appear touched up.