Presidential candidate Yin Yang wants to give EVERY citizen $1k a month.

He should change his name to Ying Yang. Originally Posted by bambino
Or Wun Dum Fuk, lol.
Ill take Fred up to divide the country. I will lead the liberals Ill take $ 10,000 to start and increase to $ 5,000,000 tax free since I will help those who cant help themselves. Mentally illness, handicapped, and the challenged. I will probably locate them to the Houston area since that is a diversified shithole. We in Dallas are a little to Bourgeoise to deal with "comonomers and street people. Ill probably get an armed security guard staff, Im think maybe the Mexican Mafia or maybe the Crips. Republicans can stay on the other side. When we run low we will just head too Trump Land, Hopefully we would not have to do that much. I know how scardy cats the Trumps are. Also we will take Washington DC, NYC, Chicago, California, Texas, Florida and Las Vegas. Birth care will be illegal. Each new born will receive a one time $ 673.. bonus points. One last thing. We will take the MAGA hats so they do to waste Originally Posted by themystic
You make a lot of good points, and it would be worth it to pay your side to occupy the shitholes.

Let's start physically dividing this country!
Replace NAZI with "National Socialist", er, wait...
themystic's Avatar
Or Wun Dum Fuk, lol. Originally Posted by Levianon17
racist comment
  • Tiny
  • 04-06-2019, 11:30 AM
Every citizen should have at least $ 1,000. He makes good points for this. If you understood Christian ideology better this wouldn't be so threatening to those on the right. Please read the book of Acts. ( That's in the Bible, if you have one) Originally Posted by themystic
Mystic, How about leaving it up to the states? If people in California want to do this and pay for it, let them have at it. If people in Wyoming don't, then they don't. A big problem in this country is the politicians in Washington want to impose their will on everyone. While I think the Democrats are more guilty of this, it definitely cuts both way, with the Democrats guiltier on economic issues and the Republicans on social issues.
  • Tiny
  • 04-06-2019, 11:35 AM
A couple of weeks ago, I googled the 1920 NAZI political platform, and I found an English translation of their 25-point platform, this was from before Hitler even joined the party.

If you review that party's platform you would be shocked to see how similar it is with a lot of today's public discourse [from the left].

For each instance where the NAZIs say 'Jew' replace it with "The wealthiest 1 percent of American households".

In our public discourse today there is a lot of hostility toward 'corporate greed' and 'capitalism', to stop these things would require the nation to first 'nationalize' all industries. And to divert all capitalist profits to social programs. Which is exactly what the NAZIs did when they came to power.

'Guaranteed education for all' it is right there.
'Guaranteed employment for all' it is right there.
'Guaranteed healthcare for all' it is right there.

I did not copy this from anyone else.

As I explained I read the NAZI platform myself.

If you have any doubts, I suggest that you read it for yourself.

The platform of Bernie Sanders and AOC is exactly the NAZI platform pre-WWII, that led to WWII. Originally Posted by RetiredSubmariner
Excellent post, I've thought about this a good bit. The only disagreement I'd have is that neither the Nazis like Hitler nor the Democratic Socialists like Bernie and AOC want to nationalize all industry. Rather they want everyone and every industry working for the government instead of the other way around.
RetiredSubmariner's Avatar
That sounds like TM's platform....Hummmmmm...
But...TM isn't a NAZI... Originally Posted by bb1961
I did not say that RM was a NAZI.

I said the Dem platform is very nearly identical to the NAZI platform.

Excellent post, I've thought about this a good bit. The only disagreement I'd have is that neither the Nazis like Hitler nor the Democratic Socialists like Bernie and AOC want to nationalize all industry. Rather they want everyone and every industry working for the government instead of the other way around. Originally Posted by Tiny
The NAZI platform did require that all industry had to be nationalized, so all profits could go to fund the government.

In 1920 the mantra was that all the wealthy industrialists were Jews. Today the word 'jew' is missing, but the Dems have been using the mantra of 'income inequality' and using examples of CEOs in their arguments. The only way to fix 'income inequality' is to require that all corporate profits go directly to fund the government [ie, nationalize all industry] which leads us back to the 1920 NAZI platform.

Seriously if you google it yourself and read it, you would be shocked at how much the Dems today have cloned the NAZI platform.
I did not say that RM was a NAZI.

I said the Dem platform is very nearly identical to the NAZI platform.

The NAZI platform did require that all industry had to be nationalized, so all profits could go to fund the government.

In 1920 the mantra was that all the wealthy industrialists were Jews. Today the word 'jew' is missing, but the Dems have been using the mantra of 'income inequality' and using examples of CEOs in their arguments. The only way to fix 'income inequality' is to require that all corporate profits go directly to fund the government [ie, nationalize all industry] which leads us back to the 1920 NAZI platform.

Seriously if you google it yourself and read it, you would be shocked at how much the Dems today have cloned the NAZI platform. Originally Posted by RetiredSubmariner
My point is TM identifies as capitalist who says he is a capitalist/socialist...what ever fits his narrative at the time.
He calls everyone a NAZI...his favorite word directed towards those who disagrees with him...when in reality HE IS THE NAZI...hates the Jewish people and wants the Gumment to be the almighty nanny to all.