Gentlemen sharing their pictures

oh no, the upside isn't about looks. It's about safety.

If we're corresponding on P411 and I've checked out your picture, and then we meet a few days or weeks later and I look through the keyhole and it's NOT the one in the picture, I'm not opening the door.

It's a safeguard against LE getting a gentleman's P411 ID and password.

I suppose LE could take down his picture and put up their agent's, so the longer we've been corresponding, the better.

ShysterJon's Avatar
oh no, the upside isn't about looks. It's about safety.

If we're corresponding on P411 and I've checked out your picture, and then we meet a few days or weeks later and I look through the keyhole and it's NOT the one in the picture, I'm not opening the door.

It's a safeguard against LE getting a gentleman's P411 ID and password.

I suppose LE could take down his picture and put up their agent's, so the longer we've been corresponding, the better.
Originally Posted by HoneyRose
Huh? It would be a lot easier for a cop to open a new P411 account than to assume someone else's. I'm sure the owners of P411 do a careful job screening applicants, but it's extremely easy for LE to develop false identities.
I figure at some point in the near future there will be a cheap, readily available face recognition software (a cheap version of what is available to the security industry). I will scan a photo and the software will go looking for matches.

"Remember, just because you're paranoid, doesn't mean they aren't after you."
--Catch 22
Still Looking's Avatar
The question asked in this thread is, could there be any down side to a guy posting his pic on his P411 profile? I think the question should be, especially with the risks involved, why should a guy post his pic on his profile? Why would a provider care in the least what her client looks like? That's why hobbyists pay providers -- because we're fat old nebbishes, and they wouldn't play with us unless we paid them! If a provider wants to base her decision on whether to see a hobbyist on his appearance, maybe she should put that in her ads -- for example, "All clients must strongly resemble Brad Pitt, Denzel Washington, or Alex Rodriguez." Oh, and of course she should also put, "Services provided at no charge." Originally Posted by ShysterJon
Ah, I look like Richard Gere with a getter ass and I'm a lot funnier! That's what ISIS tells me! LOL
I have it on good authority that LE is on P411 and has been for some time. It's easy, when a guy is busted he gets a walk in return for his P411 credentials, eccie, etc. Beware of Little Rock.
I think its a good question.

If he is single, no family, minimum risks and all that jazz.

I have had guys send me their pics, not sure why, but I guess they wanted me to know who was coming up to my door. No problem with that.

Im sure sending pics or posting it on P411 is not for everybody, which is greatly understood due to the discretion factor.

Perhaps there is a reason why Gina decided to give guys the option of posting their pictures.
Fort Worth Punk's Avatar
Just because a guy is single, no family and minimum risk now doesn't mean that will always be the case. There is no good reason to take the risk.
Im not saying its okay for guys to post their pictures, im not saying its not okay im not their puppetmaster.

Im saying maybe the guys who do post their pics, may not have risks, careful with their selection of the ladies they choose.

Afterall not of us providers are bat shit crazy. Some of actually mind our own business, stay to ourselves and not even think about exposing a hobbyist, we have our own life.
Fort Worth Punk's Avatar
I never said anything at all about you, or anyone for that matter. However, what a guy needs to remember is situations change. Anyone who assumes they will never have any risk is foolish. Frankly, the "I have no risks" guys generally underestimate what risks they actually do have. I say this as a single guy with much less to lose than many of the members of this site I have known. Even I realize there are people in my life who could do some serious damage if I were not careful.

I'd also add that that lady you have a great relationship with now may not always be a friend. Her situation may change as well. A future boyfriend may decide to get nosy. Her computer or phone may end up in the hands of someone else. And I'm not even talking about the risks of actually posting a pic on the web.

Simply, there is too much that could change and could go wrong. The potential negatives far outweigh the potential positives. The hobby shouldn't be treated like Facebook.

After all not of us providers are bat shit crazy. Originally Posted by lisa.lisa0302
All of us on here are bat shit crazy to some degree.

Fort Worth Punk is pretty smart for a punk. Things change, but the web is like a time capsule