Standing Straight Punked You GOPP daily

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[QUOTE=Mr MojoRisin;1060536657]
Bullshit, I broke it off in him many times, so did multiple posters. The guy is a moron, you must be one too if you're going to stick your neck out for that asswipe.

Jim Originally Posted by themystic
And just as Lube Wide Ass has his WK with MT Fluffer, now " Perfesser " Peter Puffer has his in mistake !
Hotrod511's Avatar
Lipstick the iconic moron that he is! Loves being abused
Your attitude per "then man" hasn't changed since Election Day, mystic, has it? Of course, nothing's going to ever change those feelings; I get it. Short of Trump curing cancer for good, wiping out World Hunger, Poverty, Disease, and (all) Human Sins, there's really not a whole lot he can accomplish that'll make you feel different about "the man". Again, I get it.

(We all know) you've had an axe to grind with "the man" ever since those past business dealings with DJT went south and (again) I get it. My attitude per that...? F*ck with my money and you're directly f*cking with my ability to provide for my family....and let me tell ya Loud and Clear, cuz.... that's a damned sure way to get on the fightin' side of me, also. Odds are we'd never saddle up ever again and be buds, let alone have business dealings, after something like that.

And, ya know, maybe I'm reading it all wrong. Maybe you've said "hey, let by-gones be by-gones" and you've erased any negative feelings about him screwing you outa that money (I doubt it but lets go with it for the sake of argument, right?)

Maybe it truly is all about (a difference) in political views and (his) agenda and you truly don't feel he's "the man" for the job.

Maybe you really do believe he's a closet Russian agent and has masterminded the most elaborate plan in the history of our country (if not in the world). Think about that: a Russian plant who took on all comers during the primaries and (eventually) the Chosen One, HiLIARy Clinton herself. And through amazing planning he and Putin (also a fellow White Supremacist and card-carrying KKK member btw) deviously executed the unthinkable: a Russian agent sitting in The Highest Office of the United States.

You and others call him a stupid moron time and time again.....and yet the question has to be asked: how could he be so GD stupid and (yet) achieve what most would label Mission Impossible? I'm sure you and Standing Straight have a logical, healthy explanation for that....and I'm all ears to hear it.

Maybe its a simple explanation....the fact HiLIARy was a terrible candidate and Trump was the proverbial blind squirrel finding a nut...right place at the right time. Or maybe it was the genius of Putin....who had never met Trump personally prior to the elections...collaborating with him from afar to pull off the greatest hoodwink known to mankind.

I welcome you opening a New Thread (reasonably penned...void of name calling and insults) to explain how all of this unfolded. You and Standing Straight have the floor...have at it.
StandinStraight's Avatar
After reading a lot of his posts, you GOPPers never debated him. You just threw out the F bombs, etc. He punked you Trump people regularly. Dont let the idiots run you off SS. Its the same old tired liars responding. There really aren't that many. I think most of them are probably Russians. Originally Posted by themystic
Thanks for the kind words Mystic.
You are right about the deplorables they rarely have anything to say other than insults and character attacks.
I believe the reason for their lack of depth is that the side they take on any issue is so obviously either racist or nonsensical that they really can’t mount any type of real debate.
Like handing out AR15’s to 18 year olds or defending Roy Moore, so they just act like deplorables and spout vulgarities.
Remember too that deplorables were Trumps chosen base for their ignorance and lack of education, so the bar we should set for them in any debate is very low.
Deplorables don’t bother me because I understand them, it’s why I compare them to my rabbits, rabbits don’t think much either and just react to stimulus.
Until Trump deplorables were unheard and just considered uneducated low life racist, now that they have a fellow low life uneducated racist in the White House deplorables are noisier but still just uneducated low life racist.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Salami you have zero. Name any facts you have " won" a debate with. I cant find any. Youre a dumb hillbilly loser Originally Posted by themystic
No sir, your “facts” are meaningless, all you have is your own retarded speculations..

The only thing debatable is just exactly how big of an idiot your truly are.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Thanks for the kind words Mystic.
You are right about the deplorables they rarely have anything to say other than insults and character attacks.
I believe the reason for their lack of depth is that the side they take on any issue is so obviously either racist or nonsensical that they really can’t mount any type of real debate.
Like handing out AR15’s to 18 year olds or defending Roy Moore, so they just act like deplorables and spout vulgarities.
Remember too that deplorables were Trumps chosen base for their ignorance and lack of education, so the bar we should set for them in any debate is very low.
Deplorables don’t bother me because I understand them, it’s why I compare them to my rabbits, rabbits don’t think much either and just react to stimulus.
Until Trump deplorables were unheard and just considered uneducated low life racist, now that they have a fellow low life uneducated racist in the White House deplorables are noisier but still just uneducated low life racist. Originally Posted by StandinStraight

You’re a liar, hypocrite, racist and a fraud. You don’t debate Jackasses like you. You call them what they are.

Where is my barf bag?

Someone is parked in the HEB parking lot waiting for you.
You’re a liar, hypocrite, racist and a fraud. You don’t debate Jackasses like you. You call them what they are.

Where is my barf bag?

Someone is parked in the HEB parking lot waiting for you. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Does MT Fluffer know that LUBE is seeing " Perfesser " Peter Puffer on the side ? What a way for LUBE'S # 1 WK to find out !
StandinStraight's Avatar

You and others call him a stupid moron time and time again.....and yet the question has to be asked: how could he be so GD stupid and (yet) achieve what most would label Mission Impossible? I'm sure you and Standing Straight have a logical, healthy explanation for that....and I'm all ears to hear it.

Maybe its a simple explanation....the fact HiLIARy was a terrible candidate and Trump was the proverbial blind squirrel finding a nut...right place at the right time. Or maybe it was the genius of Putin....who had never met Trump personally prior to the elections...collaborating with him from afar to pull off the greatest hoodwink known to mankind.

I welcome you opening a New Thread (reasonably penned...void of name calling and insults) to explain how all of this unfolded. You and Standing Straight have the floor...have at it. Originally Posted by Chateau Becot
Donald Trump is a crook and has had deep business ties with the Russian Mafia for years. Money laundering with the Russian mob was one of the ways he financed his failing casinos. Then I do believe when he traveled to Russia for his beauty pageants he was provided women by the Russians and they filmed him. Trump is a mastermind of nothing, he is a bumbling idiot. They Russians knowing he was compromised did everything they could to elect him president once he decided to run. It was a long shot but worth the effort if they could have a compromised American President.
Trump knows that the Russians have proof of all of his crimes and deviant sexual behavior. Trump cannot afford to do anything to piss off Russia and that’s why he does everything he can to help them. He knows that while he is useful Russia will be silent and let him continue to be president. Mueller will expose his crimes because of the money laundering paper trails and guys like Manafort and Gates turning witness against Trump.
  • grean
  • 02-23-2018, 11:50 AM
After reading a lot of his posts, you GOPPers never debated him. You just threw out the F bombs, etc. He punked you Trump people regularly. Dont let the idiots run you off SS. Its the same old tired liars responding. There really aren't that many. I think most of them are probably Russians. Originally Posted by themystic
You don't debate people who blame others for what a murderous nut job did.
Donald Trump is a crook and has had deep business ties with the Russian Mafia for years. Money laundering with the Russian mob was one of the ways he financed his failing casinos. Then I do believe when he traveled to Russia for his beauty pageants he was provided women by the Russians and they filmed him. Trump is a mastermind of nothing, he is a bumbling idiot. They Russians knowing he was compromised did everything they could to elect him president once he decided to run. It was a long shot but worth the effort if they could have a compromised American President.
Trump knows that the Russians have proof of all of his crimes and deviant sexual behavior. Trump cannot afford to do anything to piss off Russia and that’s why he does everything he can to help them. He knows that while he is useful Russia will be silent and let him continue to be president. Mueller will expose his crimes because of the money laundering paper trails and guys like Manafort and Gates turning witness against Trump. Originally Posted by StandinStraight

Everything you said in this post is nothing but regurgitated crap WaPo, NYT, CNN's been slinging for a year and half plus.

Money laundering conspiracies...Russian tapes...nothing but pure fiction until proven otherwise. Innocent till proven guilty, remember? And so far, the evidence that is beginning to surface is stacking up vs Clinton (and possibly Obama) instead of against DJT. How ironic.

Now you can believe what you want to believe, SiS. Quite frankly, once Mueller completes his investigations and Trump is declared Winner (once again), I believe you'll be off on a brand new tangent on something else...more off the wall theories attempting to link him with something Mueller and his team might have missed. Because you see.....that's standard operating procedure per the Libturd Handbook, ya know...
Sitsinhisownshit has a white knight now? I guess he needs one after getting his butt handed to him on a daily basis.