Would an undercover enter your car and allow you to drive off?

To answer the question of the OP
She'll only get in your car if you're in a parking lot or some blocked in area where you can be stopped before hitting the street. You hit the streets and there is nothing to stop you from shooting the broad in the head as soon as you turn the corner. That's why a cop is not going to go riding with you.
singleagain45's Avatar
Here's what happened to me on East Lancaster 20 years ago: I left the Ranger game, and decided that the way I would go back to FW was to take Division street west, and eventually it basically turns into East Lancaster.

As I crossed Beach street and was heading West towards Riverside I saw one of the hottest young white girls I had ever seen in my life. When I saw her, my instinct was to hit the brakes and slow down to get a better look. Well, there was a cop car tailing a good 200 yards behind me, and it turned its lights on, got right on my bumper and pulled me over.

There were two cops, one a black guy, and one a white guy. They came over to the driver's side, and asked me to step out of the car. They searched my car without a warrant or without asking me, they cuffed me, and they put me in the back of their squad car. They said the only reason a white guy was cruising East Lancaster at 11pm was to find a hooker.

After harassing me, running my plates, threatening to call my wife, and threatening to haul me to jail, they took the handcuffs off, wrote me a $500 ticket for solicitation of prostitution, and drove off.

At the time, I had absolutely no cash on me, no condom, nothing to indicate that I was looking to buy a hooker, and of course, nothing illegal in my car.

When my wife found out, she didn't believe my story, and told everyone in the family that I was out looking for hookers and smeared my name to my friends and family. To this day I feel like my family doesn't believe my story.

I got my preacher, who was also a prominent attorney, to make a few phone calls and get my ticket dismissed. He also took it up with the police chief, and those officers got admonished for their behavior.

The officers even admitted that they were harassing me, but defended themselves by telling their Sergeant that they were trying to teach me a lesson not to come down there, and that they were convinced I was looking to hook up.

To this day, I am not sure my family believes me.

True story.
Chung Tran's Avatar

To this day, I am not sure my family believes me.

True story. Originally Posted by singleagain45
damn.. I can't let this story stop on a dime without a couple of questions. when your instinct kicked in to slow down, was it because you did look for SW then, but you were not on this night?

did your wife ever suspect you previous to this night? seems like your Pastor bought the story, right?

and.. not that the Cops cared, but I personally would not attempt to hobby after a long Rangers game, sweaty, tired.. did they ask you what you were doing, or they just went for the kill?
Guess we will never know the answer.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Guess we will never know the answer. Originally Posted by mdj7129
for the record, I did get the answer, via PM.. it is as interesting as you expect.
CaptainFerrill's Avatar
I had a popo on my ass right after picking up a girl. I turned on two roads and he seemed to drive by. I took her to a notel in that area and did the deed. When I walked out, that popo was parked there blocking my car. I can't say for sure it was the same popo but, damn if it was a coincidence. He knew what exactly was going on and started grilling me about what I was doing there. I told him I dropped off a friend and would like to leave. He gets this stupid look on his face and starts saying shit like, "what kind of drugs are in there, and why were you in the house if you were only dropping her off." I told him I felt he was harassing me and I was feeling violated. He trumped up with some bull shit about not ever wanting to see me in the area again. I told him that's too bad because (at the time I really did) I worked at the adult video store on the next block. He finally pulled out and let me go but damn sure had me scratching my head how I got out of that one!