Happy Birthday And Get Well Soon, St. Mateo!!

Happy Birthday... I hope you get to feeling better soon... As with Jack.. I'll do a few bead laps also...
SASpurfan's Avatar
Mateo -

Understand that you are having a birthday - wish you well. Have a great day. Also, please know that I will say a special prayer for you today as well. Hang in the buddy, there are lots of folks who care about you from a distance.

St.Mateo's Avatar
Just wanted to thank everyone for their kind words...

I am not going to go into details but you can imagine the idea of chemo things usually say rut roh. For the last three years I have been fighting a situation where fortunately then the problem was caught in time. There have been bumps in the road and this is the biggest so far. For those who know me you will recall last year on another board I stated that a friend of mine(non hobby) was fighting the battle of her life which she lost surprisingly quickly and even though she is gone the power of prayer and belief helped all those surrounding that in that time. For my situation I am very grateful that there are many who share the power of prayer. I also didnt realize how many people consider me their friend and that in itself keeps things so very much in perspective which is a very good thing.

Thank you Dannie and everyone that has contacted me here and wherever.
I am pretty much a private one when it comes to lots of things but this is a good thing and you can never have enough good positive energy about even when things get tough....
TexTushHog's Avatar
All the best, mi amigo.
Sir Lancelot's Avatar
Keep your good attitude, buddy. And I hope your birthday was good despite the chemo. If not, I'm sure you'll be feeling better soon.

I hate cancer. It has claimed someone really close to me.

MarieLynn of DFW's Avatar
Happy Birthday Hun! I'll be sending my good vibes your way... everyday. Hope you get better soon.

St.Mateo's Avatar
Keep your good attitude, buddy. And I hope your birthday was good despite the chemo. If not, I'm sure you'll be feeling better soon.

I hate cancer. It has claimed someone really close to me.

SL Originally Posted by Sir Lancelot
That is why it is so important the answer to this nasty problem of cancer needs to be found. It must be destroyed. I now support all the people and organizations that are fighting this......
Happy Birthday and Get Well Soon.