What would you charge for a 10 min meet only?

bored@home's Avatar
I see where the OP is coming from, sounds like speed dating, try before-you-buy, or window shopping in the red light district of countries where that sort of thing is allowed.... but the flip side if I were a provider it would feel like a job fair.... have to be the best version of yourself for 10 mins for a small fee, then may get passed on depending on preferences and feel bad the rest of the day.
Since you are willing to pay the fee why not do the lunch or coffee shop bit? Seems like it would be easier and maybe more informative.
(Still new so no real experience on either side but just my .02)
Torito's Avatar
Here is my suggestion. It is a little stale now as I usually only see a very few ladies that I know very well.
Phase 1
When I was shopping indies I learned to read lots of reviews as well as comments and ads to get an idea of appearance, services, incall, etc.

Phase 2
Make appointment by phone. I realize that many providers will not take time for conversation. They are immediately off my list. Not a condemnation. Just not right for me.
Usually only takes a very short talk for me to know how things will go.
If it is awkward, session will almost certainly be disappointing.
If we have fun on the phone, I have never failed to have a great time with her.
Talk and go with the gut.

I even used the convo before internet assistance. It never failed me. Unless I went against the gut feeliig.

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I know what you wish to do. Again, I understand where you're coming from.

You don't wish to pay someone their fifteen minute rate, if they even have one.

You have this idea in your head that you'll throw a twenty on the table and visit for a few minutes. And you're thinking that this is a fair and gracious offer and not the absolute BS that we're seeing this "offer" as truly being.

But I assure you, a ten minute meet and greet (interview) isn't that simple for the woman involved.

You'll meet at a Starbucks or at her incall. She's had to clean and straighten up the place, light candles, have something to offer you to drink. Then do you think that when it's getting close to ten minutes she is going to ask you to leave?

No. Because that would be rude. So you have just spent twenty bucks for more than a few minutes with a lady. But she has prepped, put on that smile, spent her time and makeup getting ready for you and has nervousness, because it's already obvious (from your posts) there is a fifty+ percent chance you're going to look at her and say, "I'll pass".

See where we're coming from?

I would suggest losing less money and seeing ladies for shorter appointments, and just see the ones that offer them.

Or put some free ads up on Craigslist. Ask for a picture before you answer her response. OKcupid.com works for hookups. Aff.com is pretty awful but I have some friends who've gotten laid from putting up a profile.

Pick up someone from a bar.

I'm not trying to be rude at all. You asked. The other ladies have been pretty sweet in their responses. I'll just be the one to burp at the table and spell it out since you don't seem to understand where we're coming from.

I know it's difficult at times to pick up women either from work, in a bar, or for a casual hookup without a bunch of hassles. But good luck. I'm sure a few of these options will work for you!
pyramider's Avatar
I would charge him $$$. I may be easy but I am not cheap.
Lifeking's Avatar
Why not attend a social event and meet some ladies?
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Shit. Didn't know I would get lambasted for suggesting an idea on a board. I'll tell you my reasoning. Well over half of my experiences (and yes more than my two or three reviews- just did them to get the ROS access-- and they were accurate.) have been blatant false advertising.

What would you ladies say about a client who many providers would say he just showed up and then left? I would soon be on the do not see list.

I keep hearing about how bad the economy is and how slow business is-- well if it were not for so many negative experiences or a way (like I just proposed) of cutting down on the lies/white knight reviews/misleading pictures ect... I would have spent several thousand dollars that I did not last year. I truly regret that it is so hard to find the lovely professional ladies that I would love to spend my time and money on.

Since my idea was so insulting, someone give me a better one. I don't want to waste your time when I up and leave a filthy incall and have you say- that asshole wasted my time.. And please don't say research and read reviews, been there done that. Maybe I'm unlucky but I ran into much bullshit. Originally Posted by ivangalt
I didn't see anyone "lambasting" you, ivan, at least not at the time of the above post. You asked for responses, and you got honest ones. No one raked you over the coals or called you demeaning names, so I don't understand your anger. You wanted to know how much ladies would charge for a short meeting, and the consensus seemed to be $80. It is against the stats that you ran into so many bad experiences, and for that I feel bad for you. Must be frustrating, indeed. If we knew the ladies you had seen, maybe we could find a pattern, but in the absence of that, you just appear to be unlucky, or the type of provider you are attracted to is less likely to be stable and dependable, or the guys in Dallas write a lot of "fiction." There are plenty of bad providers, yes, but more good ones overall, I think. Perhaps your expectations are different than those of the reviewers?

You are between Scylla and Charybdis, a rock and a hard place. You want to pay a small fee to providers for a brief meeting to see if you are compatible, when they have fellows willing to spend large chunks of cash and time based on what info is out there already. It is basic business to go with the bird in hand. YG and EW have made valid points.

You've gotten some good suggestions and feedback, although probably not what you may have wanted to hear. All you can do is ask the next lady what she's willing to do to assure you of her honesty, but chemistry, well, there's just no way to guarantee that until things start getting mixed and heated.

(You SHOULD write more reviews of the "filthy" incall conditions and other untruths you're finding. The gents needs to know that, and it lends more credence to your argument. Kinda like voting, I think; if you don't do it, how can you complain about the way things continue?)
Or put some free ads up on Craigslist. Ask for a picture before you answer her response. OKcupid.com works for hookups. Aff.com is pretty awful but I have some friends who've gotten laid from putting up a profile.

Pick up someone from a bar.

I'm not trying to be rude at all. You asked. The other ladies have been pretty sweet in their responses. I'll just be the one to burp at the table and spell it out since you don't seem to understand where we're coming from.

I know it's difficult at times to pick up women either from work, in a bar, or for a casual hookup without a bunch of hassles. But good luck. I'm sure a few of these options will work for you! Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
I was gonna suggest the same thing you just suggested. Don't hobby.

The only thing we have to sell is our time....if we give it away for free, how are we gonna pay our bills? We'll be meeting and greeting all day long for nothing cause if it doesn't cost anything....a lot of cheap curious guys will want to meet me. If I tell them to come to my incall, I'll be revealing where my incall is and a lot of guys will know where I'm located. If I meet them at Starbucks, there's a risk of being seen by people I know (neighbors, friends, etc.). And taking all these risks for nothing? I don't know!
I've actually done this before.
I screened him and also had him send me a cpl of pics first before I would even consider it.
He was HOT, and lived close to me so it wasn't much of an inconvenience to either of us.

I think he gave me a benjamin and we stood in my entry way for about 5mins of chit chat.
He came back 2wks later and scheduled a cpl hours together.

BBW Katrina's Avatar
BBW Katrina's Avatar
lmao IP!
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
Saying you've been dissapointed so many times may leave these fine ladies with the feeling your standards are too high, and the chances of making you happy are slim to none. I mean in 10 minutes you didn't even give them a chance to work their mojo on you that keeps all the boys in the yard coming back. And they risk you coming on here and giving your bad time story, and get what in return for that gamble? Less than 50 or 60 bucks or whatever.

You can find some girls to do it for sure, but if the point is to find the right kind of girls to make you happy, your plan is working against you.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
I think you should meet them for lunch at a nice place, and pay for the lunch as well as the hourly rate. I paid Giddyup Casey $300 to eat lunch with her at Steel (Oaklawn and Welborn), and check her out, though I was sure she was both good looking & courteous based upon her reviews. We had a really nice lunch and chat. I still remember it 6 years later. Providers put you in an entirely different category when you do things like that. You will have plenty of credibility with them.
Sleepy363's Avatar
I prefer to get to know the lady while at least getting a blow job. Who says you can't get to know her while she's going down on you? It's much better than coffee.
OldGrump's Avatar
It makes sense to want to see if there is compatibility. I don't mean the Eharmony type. Do you have anything to talk about? If you and the provider are so different you struggle to talk to each other, it would be a waste of time for both of you.

The ladies make some great points why this is not attractive to them. IP did mention some circumstances that worked out well for both. Torito mentioned calling. That is probably the best approach. No one burns up any gas or lipstick in vain & you know if you click beforehand. With very little effort, it is easy to determine if there is a physical attraction but the rest of it is what makes a good time great.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I refuse to see anyone UNLESS I've had a brief chat with them over the phone. There have been a few times where after speaking with someone, I just KNEW that meeting would be a nightmare for us.

It gives both parties a chance to decline. Speaking over the phone, which I thought most did but I guess not, and going to socials were two excellent pieces of advice.