What If You Suspect a Client Has an STD?

Well, it's still hard for me to believe that you could forget whether or not you had sex with someone, and especially forgetting those "less than memorable clients" because if that person calls you again wanting a repeat you'd recall him being a lousy lay.....

The other thing that concerns me about your post though is the fact that these ladies were willing to give a reference for someone that they hadn't seen in over six months.....I thought the standard practice would be to give a reference for someone that has seen you recently (to me that means within the past 2 or 3 months), or someone who has been a longtime client that you've seen multiple times over a period of a few years.....If these ladies are giving referrals to someone that they haven't seen for such a long time (and then they both tell you that they can't remember such an important aspect of their session with him), then you probably need to make this fact known to your fellow providers, and I'd DEFINITELY not take any more referrals from them.....

I've been a hobbyist for many years and I can remember every provider that I've seen (the good and the bad) and if someone were to ask me about that provider and her services rendered, I would be able to give them details such as CBJ vs. BBBJ, GFE vs. Non-GFE, and MOST ASSUREDLY FS vs. non-FS..... Originally Posted by BIG C

Well, thanks for the business advice, but I have my reasons for sometimes accepting references from up to a year ago. For example, used in conjunction with other screening methods, I am more than satisfied. I have plenty of tools at my disposal, and less than perfect references can still be a part of the screening if I use these other tools. I will continue to run my business the way I have been, because I believe I do it quite well.

I also have my reasons for thinking that you probably haven't seen nearly as many providers as these providers have seen hobbyists. There is a huge difference between you going through and selecting your favorite ladies to see and these provider ladies being with hundreds of middle-aged men, many of whom they don't have a connection with.

Where does the line form for those less than memorable hobbyists? With my history I'd get honorary first place in that line. Downside: providers won't be picking off that line anytime soon. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Ha ha, I think you're probably in the clear. I can only speak for myself here, but I'll try to do your question justice.

In the very beginning of my entry into this business, I was at an agency. I don't remember how long I was there for, but it wasn't very long at all. It think it was roughly a month.

I refused to see more than two or three people a day, and I worked a couple of days a week. That's quite a few people in comparison to how many people I see now.

Ok, so now that you have the background info, do I remember every person I saw back then? Goodness, gracious, no! Many of those men are just a blur in my mind. This isn't necessarily evidence that they were a "lousy lay" either. When it comes to remembering a few experiences out of many, I, just like every other human, tend to remember the very good and the very bad. Someone not indulging in FS is hardly "bad." I'm here to please you, not the other way around.

Now, I have thought about this "less than memorable" concept before. There are some men whom I can remember much about at all. I saw them around a year ago. If a lady asked me for a reference on them, I would say, "I remember that he was kind and respectful, but just so you know, it has been 11 months since I have seen him." Would I remember every activity we performed? Nope. Would I remember what we talked about? Nope. With these guys, I plant inside my brain one characteristic that makes them different. That's what sticks, and it allows me to remember enough to make a judgment of whether or not I would see him again.

I have to use these memory aids, and I'm pretty fresh in the business. When I think of those who have been in this business for many years and who see more gents than I do, well...I understand why they would forget these things.
BIG C's Avatar
  • BIG C
  • 06-27-2010, 04:14 PM
Well, thanks for the business advice, but I have my reasons for sometimes accepting references from up to a year ago. For example, used in conjunction with other screening methods, I am more than satisfied. I have plenty of tools at my disposal, and less than perfect references can still be a part of the screening if I use these other tools. I will continue to run my business the way I have been, because I believe I do it quite well.

I also have my reasons for thinking that you probably haven't seen nearly as many providers as these providers have seen hobbyists. There is a huge difference between you going through and selecting your favorite ladies to see and these provider ladies being with hundreds of middle-aged men, many of whom they don't have a connection with. Originally Posted by China Doll
Hey, cool your jets here.....There was no need to go on the offensive as I made absolutely no comments about the way you run your business, and I was not giving you, or anyone else any business advice.....I simply stated what I thought was the standard practice for providers and I didn't say anything more or less.....Yeah, I said I probably wouldn't accept references from those ladies anymore, but again, to say that I was trying to give you advice on how to run YOUR business with that statement is really a stretch.....And since you have no idea how many providers I've seen, or how many hobbyists the other providers have seen, then there's no merit to your statements on that issue so no need to bother addressing your assumptions there.....

Have a great day.....
I guess I just take it as advice when someone says I "probably need" to do something. I'm sorry if I jumped the gun on you there. You're also right that I don't know how many providers you have seen, but I do have an idea of how many hobbyists these providers have seen. Assuming that you have seen hundreds of different providers over the past several years, I still think it's different because you chose them.
DianaDeepthroats's Avatar
Condoms are a common practice, but PLENTY of STDs & STIs can be passed through skin contact, because they dont cover every inch. A LOT OF PROVIDERS SEEK BROKEN SKIN OR BLISTERS, which is common in Herpes 1&2. However, many women miss the flesh colored bumps (and sometimes raised), around & under the ridge of the head, which is common signs of HUMAN PAPPILLOMAVIRUS. There are several types of this virus, spread by skin to skin, men go unnoticed for yrs, women over the course of 3-12months sprout cauliflower like patches of raised skin.. & it can cause cancer. You can also get warts in your throat if someone male or female, shows any signs of these kinds of bumps. JUST AN FYI.

I was just curious as to what any ladies thought of the entire situation, at hand. What you'd do or what you had done in the situation. Plenty of hobbyists I've met think that theyre immune to catching something.

I turned a guy away after the donation was already in place. I told him he couldnt have it back bc I was willing... he was unable, that wasnt really fair to me, & he should get checked out. he got angry.. decided he would sit in my apt until.. he felt like it. I had to get my apt security to make him leave.

I've put a lot of thought into it and you have a valid point, since I AM a provider, I think will start to use condoms AT ALL TIMES during sessions. CBJs are here to stay.

Thanks for the insight.

Were I a provider, I'd treat every client as if he had a STD. That's why they make condoms. Originally Posted by sky_wire
Randall Creed's Avatar
You could give him the alcohol test (pouring rubbing alcohol on his dick). Anything beyond a cool, 'mint' sensation could be trouble. If he reacts as if it burns he might have something. At the very least, he has open skin somewhere on his wood, which means he shouldn't want to do anything anyway, because it makes him susceptible to catch something. While shaving I've nicked myself a bit and took a couple days off to allow it to heal (as anyone who trims up should...or at least until they can pass the 'test').

I've heard of providers using peroxide (watered down, I think) to gargle after a session. I'm guessing it kills any germs before they've had a chance to spread in her mouth and beyond.

These are a couple things to try if you don't want the scene to feel too awkward. I don't think any sensible guy would be offended by the 'test'...unless he's worried he'll fail it. Lol.
atlcomedy's Avatar
I've been a hobbyist for many years and I can remember every provider that I've seen (the good and the bad)..... Originally Posted by BIG C
You must be a much better man than me....I've forgotten many of them...

You could give him the alcohol test (pouring rubbing alcohol on his dick. Originally Posted by Rambro Creed
Do your screening your whatever you feel the need to do...but if I'm paying you good money we aren't going to start our date with you playing science lab on my penis.....
Randall Creed's Avatar

Do your screening your whatever you feel the need to do...but if I'm paying you good money we aren't going to start our date with you playing science lab on my penis..... Originally Posted by atlcomedy
Don't forget the point of the thread, here. If your dick shows up looking like it's been through a meat grinder...we're talking visible damage, i.e. nicks, open sores, abnormal discoloration, if I were a provider the session's going to end quickly. I wouldn't give a shit how much 'good money' you're paying, if your shit looks like something's wrong with it, we've got issues.
atlcomedy's Avatar
Don't forget the point of the thread, here. If your dick shows up looking like it's been through a meat grinder...we're talking visible damage, i.e. nicks, open sores, abnormal discoloration, if I were a provider the session's going to end quickly. I wouldn't give a shit how much 'good money' you're paying, if your shit looks like something's wrong with it, we've got issues. Originally Posted by Rambro Creed
My dick doesn't look like it went thru a meat grinder....

If I show up with a normal looking dick....I'm not subjecting myself to her science lab....
Don't forget the point of the thread, here. If your dick shows up looking like it's been through a meat grinder...we're talking visible damage, i.e. nicks, open sores, abnormal discoloration, if I were a provider the session's going to end quickly. I wouldn't give a shit how much 'good money' you're paying, if your shit looks like something's wrong with it, we've got issues.
Thank you Rambo! Alt...so, are you saying that you would rather have a provider just "overlook" a potential health issue...seriously?
atlcomedy's Avatar
Thank you Rambo! Alt...so, are you saying that you would rather have a provider just "overlook" a potential health issue...seriously? Originally Posted by Likinikki
can you read????

I said I don't have this issue....
DianaDeepthroats's Avatar
Let me repeat myself.


(In this line of play, its a great ethical question, if you don't have a great ethical, non judgemental answer, you're not helping the cause.)

If your a client, you can't answer this question. You cant even say what you would do, quite frankly, because YOU'RE NOT DOING IT. It's easy to think you know what you'd do, looking on the outside, but you don't.

The type of answers I need are real, well thought out, organized responses, not all this back and forth about what would and wouldnt happen.


Also, if you don't have an STD, or barely noticeable flesh colored or immediately seen raised rashes, then you don't have to worry about being turned away or being subjected to her..'rubbing alcohol' on your stick. (which isn't a bad idea since it kills bacteria & cleanses you, BEFORE entering the mouth.) And! I wasnt talking about you.

Thanks for the tip tho, RAMBO.. other providers need to have that knowledge. WHICH IS WHAT THIS THREAD IS FOR.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Well, Diana, if you are ONLY asking providers for their input and don't want client responses and the "back and forth," then why didn't you post this in the Ladies Only forum? Otherwise, you kinda have to take the good advice with the bad cracks the gents like to make.

Um, with some medical background behind me, I can say that while results from the "Rambo test" might be tons of fun to watch, it isn't a measure worth taking as it won't be accurate, and while it may shoo away exterior bugaboos, it won't prevent blood transference. BTW, Herpes can be passed with NO outward visible signs.

No matter how careful we all may be and what preventative precautions we take, there is always a heath risk that we have to accept in the hobby, and condoms are not foolproof in guarding against STDs and we shouldn't think that they are the Golden Goose Hat that magically protects us.

Myself, if I saw a serious blemish that wasn't from any friction that occurred in the last 10 minutes, I'd have to stop the session.
  • Tiny
  • 06-30-2010, 01:20 PM
Condoms are a common practice, but PLENTY of STDs & STIs can be passed through skin contact, because they dont cover every inch. A LOT OF PROVIDERS SEEK BROKEN SKIN OR BLISTERS, which is common in Herpes 1&2. However, many women miss the flesh colored bumps (and sometimes raised), around & under the ridge of the head, which is common signs of HUMAN PAPPILLOMAVIRUS. There are several types of this virus, spread by skin to skin, men go unnoticed for yrs, women over the course of 3-12months sprout cauliflower like patches of raised skin.. & it can cause cancer. You can also get warts in your throat if someone male or female, shows any signs of these kinds of bumps. JUST AN FYI.

I was just curious as to what any ladies thought of the entire situation, at hand. What you'd do or what you had done in the situation. Plenty of hobbyists I've met think that theyre immune to catching something.

I turned a guy away after the donation was already in place. I told him he couldnt have it back bc I was willing... he was unable, that wasnt really fair to me, & he should get checked out. he got angry.. decided he would sit in my apt until.. he felt like it. I had to get my apt security to make him leave.

I've put a lot of thought into it and you have a valid point, since I AM a provider, I think will start to use condoms AT ALL TIMES during sessions. CBJs are here to stay.

Thanks for the insight. Originally Posted by DianaDeepthroats
Sorry, I'm not a lady, but that's a great post, and I think equally relevant to providers and their customers. The prevalence of HPV (genital warts) and HSV-2 (genital herpes) in the adult female population is higher than the male population. For adult women, both HPV and HSV-2 prevalence is in the range of 25% of 30%. I've read that up to 2/3rds of people with HSV-2 don't know they have it. Women are more likely than men to have both genital herpes and HPV and not know it.

I'd suspect that the people on this board, both women and men, have a much higher incidence of HPV and HSV-2 than the general population. The general population includes people who are celibate, people who are monogamous, etc. Most of us are promiscuous. If the probability your average person has the disease is, say, 20% to 30%, what's the probability that a provider or her customer has it?

As Fancy In Heels says, you can get both of these diseases from a partner that exhibits no symptoms and that doesn't even know he/she has the disease. And, as Diana points out, you can also get them when a condom is being used, properly. I would suspect that it's likely that anyone who has hundreds of partners over a lifetime would get one disease or the other or both, even if he/she is careful and uses condoms. I feel blessed that I don't have either, at least not to my knowledge, and what I've read has definitely affected my activity level in the hobby. I've cut back, and as another poster suggested here, assume that anyone I'm with has HPV and HSV-2.

I haven't cut out BBBJ and DTY with providers entirely. But as Diana points out, there are risks. From what I've read, if you have HSV-1, that is, cold sores, so that your body has developed antibodies, then the chances you'll get HSV-1 or HSV-2 from oral sex are limited.

But there are dangers -- if you're male or female, you can get gonorrhea or syphilis from giving or receiving BBBJ. As Diana says, if you deep throat, you could get HPV in your throat, increasing the probability of getting throat cancer. For men, the major risk is HPV, which again can lead to throat cancer. I believe this is a very real risk -- if you've performed DTY on 6 different partners in your lifetime, your chances of mouth/throat cancer increase several fold versus someone who's been monogamous, according to one study. If you've performed DTY on tens or hundreds of women, that might be something worth bringing up when you have physical exams -- it might save your life. When I do it, I'm careful not to swallow. I have no idea whether that actually does some good, or whether it's like, say, washing your penis after a condom breaks so you won't get an STD. In other words, probably useless. (By the way, according to a paper I read, washing your penis immediately after unprotected sex should increase your chances of getting AIDS, if your partner is HIV positive.)

Anyway, there are my two cents.
I feel like a lot of women wont say anything, they'll just keep it going. Originally Posted by DianaDeepthroats
And those are the women that are responsible for spreading disease!

I've had two instances in ten years where there were obvious blisters/sores. I immediately stopped all activity, went to the bathroom, poured bleach on my hands, went back and informed my guests that the session was over. No refunds either. How dare someone show up knowing he has some sort of lesion anywhere in his groin area!
chrissy's Avatar
My .02 cents = you play with fire you will get burned!! That said I have expereinced this also, I have always asked each gentlemen to wash their hands before we begin and after dealing with my gifts.
Some act wierd, some appreciate it,

But if it happens after Ive collected, I start by casually asking Who he has seen before, and how long ago, sometimes I will ask what she did for him. How long as he been hobbying ect ect and I just lie and say Im curious and need to work with her in the future but wasnt sure if she was legit or did the same activities I do...

I make sure my sanitizer is very visible in reach and just switch up the session to make up for the lack of intimate services.Longer time, more dancing, longer more sensual body massage, masturbation show,shower show, model more lingerie, offer a drink or two. When he departs I would look up the mentioned ladies and send an email similar to this

" Hi ___
Im Chrissy, a fellow provider in ___!
I am contacting you because I believe we have shared the same friend(client#) and he has mentioned your services along with others not advertised locally, During his attempt at my service I noticed he had an issue of __ and___in his __ areas.. I am a fellow provider as well and just like you I love and respect my body. I just wanted to let you know incase he we to venture your way again he 10000% ARRIVED this way and it could or could not be something to look into farther just for our and the other ladies he has seen safety. I chose not to offer a complete session due to this issue and am at risk of an invalid review or worse, you know how it goes girl !! Thank goodness I am a trusted verified member of our community!!..lol..
All in all I wish you the best ragards and hope you well...
We are paid ladies of creativity... I make it a point to use it to my advantage and do my best to show all a great time even when full serice is not an option. Its safe to say a true professional can and will always make it work with out putting the us and our clients on a chopping block..