Street in Austin

Skip_8's Avatar
Logan was mentioned. Logan is an artist with words and I do hope he shows up here. The putrid smell of sulphur is in the air...
SpyderToezzzz's Avatar
I love reading Logan's stuff. A lot of the "rules" I go by while trolling the street come straight from him. He posted one thread that I found very info filled.

Once again I would like to point out that I am not charging anyone. I am getting my gas money back. Jeez. But I am through with this. I have a review to go write!!!
maxhaleys's Avatar
"Im am going in" as they say to take the grand master tour. This should be better than a bus ride. I just hope I am not part of a bigger story.
LadiesFan's Avatar
TFF.... I have this mental image of Spydee and Sixxbach giving "ho tours" in an old english double decker bus filled with hard-legs.

"If everyone will please look over to your left you will see Monica over at the pay phones....."
sixxbach's Avatar
very very funny!!! would be hilarious indeed.... maybe have some SW's who came out on BIA autograph copies.... how about a dunking booth with sw's that have ripped or tried to rip us hardlegs off
maxhaleys's Avatar
This could turn into a big attraction for travelers. One more scenic route to add to our lovely city.
SpyderToezzzz's Avatar
Deja effin vu. This is just like another thread from ASPD months ago. the thread that got the tours started in the first place. Wow......