High end market

The high end of the market has little to do with looks or skills -- those are a given. The market is about exclusivity.

To use our old friend the auto analogy, there are some performance differences between any high end car (e.g., Mercedes AMG) and a Bugatti 16C Galibier, but how often do you really have an opportunity to go 0 to 200mph? The $1.6 million Bugatti price tag is mainly because there are so few of them built (i.e., exclusivity).
Originally Posted by pjorourke
I agree that limited editions command a premium. But, limited collection such as the high end car is the thing you display openly to the world and let them know (some may say brag) that you have one. I'm sure most of you will agree that an encounter with an escort is something you want to keep private and not brag to your neighbors about (I certainly hope so anyways). So I'm not sure the same analogy could apply to an escort... unless you want the world to know about your tryst. Part of the thrill in spending so much money on limited editions is not only that you have one, but EVERYONE knows that it's YOU that has one. Not really possible with a "clandestine encounter," is it? :-)

I tend to think higher priced companions are like Giffen goods.
Ah yes, Giffen goods!
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A few remain thank the Maker.
However, many have been run off by vicious bitches and a few small dicked white knights. Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius
*Sigh* Marcus, Please don't use such words and how do you know the white knights have small dicks?? Hmmmmmm....

Anyways, I have a question. Is a HDH still a HDH if she lowers her rates?

Ok so you all say it's not about money. If it's not, doesn't HDH mean High dollar Hottie? If it is not about the money, Can a girl that charges $100 an hour be considered HDH? Please.. c'mon I see a lot of real time contradiction here.

Now when you guys say "exclusive", it's almost a joke. I have seen ladies that charge $200 an hour claim themselves as exclusive. How do you know how exclusive she really is? For all you know that girl could have had a gangbang at 9am and another 6 guy fuck fest at 3pm and a 4 hour date at 8pm. Would she still an "exclusive" companion? The term "exclusive" is almost a joke.

then we go to the denotation:
a : excluding or having power to exclude b : limiting or limited to possession, control, or use by a single individual or group
I can see being exclusive to the group but what group? lol. Providers aren't exclusive. They are paid to screw multiple guys for money. Even the ladies that claim that see one guy a day for all you know she could be seeing 5. That is the thing.. you wouldn't know.

When I think of true HDH's, I think of my girl crush Laynie Harper, Holly Brooks, Veronica Mae, Aina Montero, Chelsey Heyden, Nina Sastri... *sigh*. All women I'd pay to do btw. I can see them seeing just one guy/girl a day just because I want to think that ya know? ...

Then you have my dear friend, Val, whose rates are a little less but is a true artiste and worth a million bucks.

After the countless threads on "What constitutes a HDH.. noone know what a HDH is? Everyone has their own definition. I'm sure the girl on the street corner is a HDH to SOMEONE .

The only difference between a backpage girl and an "exclusive companion" is the packaging. At the end of the day, the job description is still the same. Oh wait.. I meant "HDH".. you know everyone's "exclusive" nowadays.

OP, I admire you for your taste. I hope you do find what you are looking for. IMHO I'm sure you'll have better luck on that other site. :-) Good luck love.
All this argument about what constitutes an HDH. The real HDH is called a "wife."
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All this argument about what constitutes an HDH. The real HDH is called a "wife." Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
When I think of true HDH's, I think of my girl crush Laynie Harper, Holly Brooks, Veronica Mae, Aina Montero, Chelsey Heyden, Nina Sastri... *sigh*. ...
Then you have my dear friend, Val, whose rates are a little less but is a true artiste and worth a million bucks. Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Thanks Naomi, you found my list....put your name at the top and send it back to me!!
All this argument about what constitutes an HDH. The real HDH is called a "EX-wife." Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
There Chucky, now it's right!!
Naomi4u's Avatar
Thanks Naomi, you found my list....put your name at the top and send it back to me!! Originally Posted by Ed Highlight
I have been with 200 girls and with 1500 girls..It depends on the GFE in the girl.
Looks are great, but they are no substitute for enthusiasm
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  • BradP
  • 04-23-2011, 09:10 AM
The answer may be, as it was posted, that the women I am looking for must be imported from other countries.

Here are a few examples of what I would be willing to pay for. And if they're willing to pose nude, you could quite possibly talk them into going further for the right price.

And to answer to the original post.........
There have been many a HDH here.

A few remain thank the Maker.
However, many have been run off by vicious bitches and a few small dicked white knights. Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius
Classy....referring to some as vicious bitches? I'm curious, who exactly are you referring to? I mean, if your going to make such a brash statement and namecall, why not just come out with it?
Classy....referring to some as vicious bitches? I'm curious, who exactly are you referring to? I mean, if your going to make such a brash statement and namecall, why not just come out with it?
cc Originally Posted by Valerie
Always good to see you so bright and cheerful in the morning!!
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Classy....referring to some as vicious bitches? I'm curious, who exactly are you referring to? I mean, if your going to make such a brash statement and namecall, why not just come out with it? Originally Posted by Valerie
Gosh you sound just like Wakeup LOL

I sooo agree though.


And there goes the BS about importing them from another country.
Try it and see what happens. I'm sure there are bait and switch girls/ROBs in London AND Milan as well.
Heck why not import them from Russia. Those girls are HOT, whew! But you know.. it's true what they say
.. there's no thinking with the big head just the little one and that's all that matters.
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  • BradP
  • 04-23-2011, 09:27 AM
Nice, thanks Texasbrowning, going to look into these.