Dipshit Football Players

sixxbach's Avatar

Let's keep this civil....


Budman's Avatar
Sixx, I meant that in a nice way.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Granted, I did enjoy Andre Johnson's beat down of Cortland Finnegan, but that was between the player and player, not player and fan.

A wise coach - DKR - once said: "When you get into the end zone, act like you've been there before." That's why you never saw Earl Campbell Riverdancing when he scored.

I'm particularly disgusted every time a defender makes a tackle then walks off the field like he's got shit in his pants! But that's another story.
derek303's Avatar
Was it Buddy Ryan or Glanville that had everybody dirty hitting. "Sideline's were for pussie's" meaning they were instructed to hit late and after they relaxed their body running out of bounds. I think Moon was still the QB. I bet he loved that.....The other team defense retaliated on him and his guys.
allwins78757's Avatar
Modern day gladiators of the gridiron have long forgotten the way of the old. It's all about entertainment on the field in front of the fans. I don't think sportsmanship is gone its just not as profitable imo.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
lotta guys here without sons...

just sayin.
GneissGuy's Avatar
Hey I grew up in West Texas and football out there is a religion! Originally Posted by Wyldeman30
That statement is demeaning.

Football is serious, religion is just something you do for show to look good to the neighbors.

You know, maybe they should form an official "Dipshit Football League."

I wonder how long until football degenerates into just a variation of "Professional" wrestling.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I totally agree with anyone who says on-field celebrations have gotten out of hand in the NFL. The 15 yard penalty called against for their end zone celebration almost cost the Jets the game.

On the other hand, I am a Syracuse Orange fan and in the Pinstripe Bowl Kansas State scored near the end of the game and had a chance to tie it with a 2 point conversion. The KSU player, after scoring the touchdown, saluted the crowd and was called for unsportsmanlike conduct. Give me a break!! I know that the rule book says it was unsportsmanlike conduct, but to have a game decided like that was BS.
  • Booth
  • 01-18-2011, 09:27 AM
Modern day gladiators of the gridiron have long forgotten the way of the old. It's all about entertainment on the field in front of the fans. I don't think sportsmanship is gone its just not as profitable imo. Originally Posted by allwins78757
Excessive celebrations have next to nothing to do with entertaining the fans. It's all about "Look at me Look at me me me me me me me me me me me me".
Hey gents, sorry to bust in on the party.....

I LOVE pro sports and spend a good deal of every Sat at my fav sports bar watching it (until I get a call that is!!!! ). But to let these overgrown, illiterate infants behave the way they do and STILL let them make that kind of money? Dog fighting, guns in strip clubs, raping fans, etc.....and they just keep condoning this type of delinquent behavior.

If I acted like that they would throw me UNDER the jail, not let me keep my same job making millions and being a national celebrity. Very sad.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I, like many of you, am a native Texan and have attended and screamed my head off at hundreds of football games, high school to Super Bowls ... all over Texas! Seen my share of 6-man, too. Don't need to tell me how big a deal it is in Texas.

Though I've always considered myself primarily a pro football man, I am rapidly losing my taste for the game because of the thugnasty players who populate it... what percentage of them smile for their photos? (What's up with that?)

So I was told that last weekend's playoffs featured matchups between the Killers and the Rapists (Rapists won); and the Cheaters and the Assholes (Assholes won.)

Perhaps these teams ought to rename themselves in the "Baseketball" style.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You know, maybe they should form an official "Dipshit Football League."

I wonder how long until football degenerates into just a variation of "Professional" wrestling. Originally Posted by GneissGuy
Remember the XFL?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Actually, if you look at this weekend's AFC matchup, you get the Pittsburgh Rapists vs. the New York Assholes. Any question who's going to get pounded?

I look for the Rapists in a come from behind win!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I am glad to see Rex Ryan out of the limelight. Bring on hoops! "Nuff said!
I went to the first ever(and I think last) XFL game in Orlando about 10 years ago. It was a sad affair, the refs and scorekeepers didn't know how to run a football game and there were endless delays. They did have girls in gogo cages though...that was cool.