Respect ...


Excellent points all!

Respect is a two way street and we get what we give and that being said Thank YOU!

DD Originally Posted by DDarkness

Hi DD,


As some have noted, many of us prefer not to participate because the board seems to be monopolized by a few animals, JJ Walker among them, always ready with an insulting an mindless comment, including one in response to your own thoughtful request. The moderators should take a strong stand, reprimanding gratuitous garbage, and possibly banning such scoundrels for a time to make a point.

Another issue: banning words such as "hiookers". Wholly unacceptable. Sex workers are immeasurably valuable and since ancient times have been viewed as SACRED. Sacred for reasons to many to adequately convey, but in all societies, from the Assyrians, to India to Japan, SANCTITY was key to the profession of the courtesan.

I can refer to the the Buddhist scriptures, e.g. the Bodhisattva of the Chained Bones, and to innumerable other instances of the "sacred courtesan" in the Buddhist universe, as well as in its parallel streams. For example, the concept of the Nilakantha Shiva, "the Blue-Throated Lord of All That IS" is a trope, describing the voluntary swallowing of poison that was a necessary product of the churning of the 'world ocean' that none else could possibly withstand. Long story short, it fell to the Supreme Sovereign of All That IS to grasp that poison and drink it down, turning the throat blue, an allegory of course, of the nature of society.

If all these ladies did not absorb all our negativities, needs, pain, and hungers UPON themselves, imagine the darkness that would then be thrust upon the world? Hence, they are seen and worshipped as the Blue-throated Shiva. I have been warned by mods, and vilified by the mighty illumined minds here as to why I am a hyprocrite, fool and better gone. I welcome censure by such. However, reality and truth cannot be altered at the behest of a few benighted souls, and I am delighted that DD has finally come out strongly against the tide of garbage flowing out of ECCIE. If some can be BANNED, some more should be as well. Perhaps permanently. I should be happy to be among the latter group, provided some of the very worst also be included.

Ideas have consequences, and so does what we say and think. Animals have limited powers of speech, thought and volition, and hence their culpability is limited as well. Our responsibilities and culpability are without limit. There is no getting around this fact with rudeness and oafish, filthy comeback, that merely emphasize how debased the writer is.

Most of these ladies are doing a punishing job under very high pressure, for very little ultimate material reward. One might say that what they do is an act of pure charity, in most cases, because what they lose in terms of personal well-being is enormously more than what is gained in monetary terms which is negligible [except for a very thin creamy layer]. This can be proven with recourse to stark economics, without getting enmeshed in futile debate.

This is all the more reason to treat our ladies with utmost respect, recognizing their activities as a form of voluntary or involuntary self-sacrifice. Were someone to probe deeply into the nature of cause and effect, there would be even more stupendous elements to be discovered. I am not being supercilious but say this with extreme humility. It is fashionable to dismiss whatever is not understood by attacking it. This is actually demonstrating one's weakness, this mindless aggression, so continuously visible on ECCIE, like a pack of caged mad rats. Perhaps this only applies to 5 or 6 members who have taken over and have practically destroyed the utility of this board with their vileness and idiocy.

This sort of behavior is not noticed on TER, and nor was it found on the erstwhile SEX Guide USA. Presumably, decent human beings inhabit/inhabited those boards too, including the CNY forums, as I can personally attest. So why the psychopathic filth being tolerated to this extent here?
Hi DD,



As some have noted, many of us prefer not to participate because the board seems to be monopolized by a few animals, JJ Walker among them, always ready with an insulting an mindless comment, including one in response to your own thoughtful request.


So why the psychopathic filth being tolerated to this extent here? Originally Posted by greenpeace2014
This is SO "Bizzarro XY" that it might actually be him....
But it ain't.... it's WAY more Postal than that.....
Mods... can you check??

And GP (heh).
What you got against poor ol JJ????
I thought I was your foil????

I've got discount coupons to the buffet if you need them....
Give me a holla brudda.....
Wakeup's Avatar
My request... Originally Posted by DDarkness
"Request" that we have no responsibility to honor, or "directive"?

The nasty and derogatory terms... Originally Posted by DDarkness
Which terms are those? Got a list?
"Request" that we have no responsibility to honor, or "directive"?

Which terms are those? Got a list? Originally Posted by Wakeuр
I know "krill" is on the list....
There may be others....

You Texas guys sure are quick to find the hilarity on the board.....
AmishGangster's Avatar
So dark name + rough avatar = big softie?
Sad how this board is going into the toilet.....

But this is what happens when a few trolling blowhard assholes who contribute little to the board are allowed free reign to do as they please, spreading disruption, creating multiple handles at will, completely unfettered by board administration that appears content with the twisted BS they sow.....

Other adult hobby boards BAN these morons straightaway!
Can't understand why this board coddles them as they do.....
JohnnyCap's Avatar
"This is all the more reason to treat our ladies with utmost respect, recognizing their activities as a form of voluntary or involuntary self-sacrifice."

Fuck that.

I treat everybody out of the gate with respect, one and all get my respect to lose. With some folks, no respect is granted out of the gate and it all has to be earned. I think those folks are wrong, but they think I am.

But I am sure Greenpeace is in the post I quoted above. Persons providing charity don't advertise their fees. The ladies I patronize are treated fairly but they are not sacrificing themselves for me, they are earning. Maybe I shouldn't use the word whore but I'm not going to pretend they provide reverse cowgirl to end world hunger.

I'm not arguing against decency, just against preaching.

And where exactly are these areas of the board that misogyny lies dormant and politeness abounds? Point the way, I'll check them out.
texasjohn1965's Avatar
Somebody get those whiners some midol and a tampon change.
Wakeup's Avatar
blah blah blah hookers are all broken dolls that we should cherish speech Originally Posted by greenpeace2014

Somewhere in there did you say they do this for "very little material gain"?


Have you ever asked one of them what they do with their $250 per hour, for one hour per day, for five days a week, with no taxes, material gain?
AmishGangster's Avatar
It appears somebody had a powwow with urhuckleberry and decided to go all eharmony here in Upset
Wakeup's Avatar
Other adult hobby boards BAN these morons straightaway!
Can't understand why this board coddles them as they do..... Originally Posted by Celso
Google "pay per click" and "cost per impression"...

Class dismissed...
Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
Other adult hobby boards BAN these morons straightaway!
Can't understand why this board coddles them as they do..... Originally Posted by Celso
Because St.C recognizes people like a train wreck and that we're fucking rockstars.
Get over it!

Find out what it means to me
Take care, TCB

Oh (sock it to me, sock it to me,
sock it to me, sock it to me)
Guest042416's Avatar
u done good dd, and other areas of the board are more polite than here.
I will try and talk pussy and I thought I had nice convo with saige the other night, shes did good

DD you done good
Because St.C recognizes people like a train wreck and that we're fucking rockstars.
Get over it! Originally Posted by Out_of_Bounds
Never too many rockstars.... never enough drama....
Thanks for visiting Upset.... Drop in anytime....