A Stealth Coup d'État in the United States

Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 07-07-2012, 09:34 AM
Faux journalists, who falsely proclaim themselves as tireless defenders of liberty, then distort the news in an effort to manipulate public opinion to further the goals of selected politicians and their wealthy benefactors. Originally Posted by MrGiz
Sorry to break it to ya, COG, but this statement sounds an awful lot like what you do in here.....along with the journalists you rely on to spout your nonsense.

You can think you're part of the solution all ya want. Fact is, you're part of the problem.
I don't understand the doomsdayers; things are bad and will get worse if Obama is re-elected. But to think you are going to replace what we have in some single event, some revolution (in the minds and streets) is childish.

It ain't gonn happen. And if revolution comes it will look more like the French Revolution than the revolution led by the American colonies.

Until you can articulate a more plausible course of action, you are just blowing smoke.
The reasonable men and women (constitutional conservatives) who are disgusted with Washington are getting behind Tea Party candidates and changing politics at the local, county, state and federal levels.

Running for town councils, school boards, volunteering, trying to make a difference.

Yeah, you might not get everything you are wanting and will likely have to put up with things that we don't like. But it is the only viable option. If you have a better one. Please let us know.

Just get invovled, that is what the American colonists did. Do it now. Stop the bitching and volunteer your time, get organized.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
What is your damned obsession with this woman, anyway?

It doesn't to matter what the subject is, but you will bring up this non-entity into the conversation.

. . . We could be talking about different grades of linoleum and you would still drag up Shelia Jackson Lee!

Just take a look a Shelia Jackson Lee and you will see a person that truly is a representative of the people that vote her into office. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
What is your damned obsession with this woman, anyway?

It doesn't to matter what the subject is, but you will bring up this non-entity into the conversation.

. . . We could be talking about different grades of linoleum and you would still drag up Shelia Jackson Lee!

Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
It goes back to the P days. He has had a crush on the Congresswoman for quite a few years.

2Dogs is never at a loss for words where the love of his life is concerned!
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Maybe she just has a real power grip on him!

Maybe she just has a real power grip on him! Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
That seems to be a fairly accurate description!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
BigTurd, I didn't "cut and run" from a bet offered by WTF. He's dishonest, as are you, and I would never want him to know who I really am or where I live. I don't trust him, so there would be no point.

As far as the similarities between Joe and me, you left out some.

-We both believe in freedom
-We both think liberty is worth fighting for
-We both oppose the tyrannical policies of Obama

Freedom is not a concept you understand. You have sold your soul to the system, hoping you will be safe and cared for. You won't be.

In a state known for assholes, you are the peak of the shit pile.
I didn't "cut and run" from a bet offered by WTF. He's dishonest, as are you, and I would never want him to know who I really am or where I live. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Awwww, poor little thing! SOF is afraid the big, bad wolf is going to "huff and puff and blow your house down."

BTW, I found the youtube video your Mommie made of you when you were a child.


Does it bring back memories?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Ah, BigTurd, at least your fantasy world is a happy one. Enjoy it! Remember, independent thought, if you're capable of it, which I doubt, will only get you in trouble. Keep following the government line, you will do ok. They like Obamatons like you.

The rest of will continue the fight to be free. You just relax. We'll tell you when it's over. Enjoy!
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-07-2012, 11:58 AM
BigTurd, I didn't "cut and run" from a bet offered by WTF. He's dishonest, as are you, and I would never want him to know who I really am or where I live. I don't trust him, so there would be no point.

As far as the similarities between Joe and me, you left out some.

-We both believe in freedom
-We both think liberty is worth fighting for
-We both oppose the tyrannical policies of Obama

Freedom is not a concept you understand. You have sold your soul to the system, hoping you will be safe and cared for. You won't be.

In a state known for assholes, you are the peak of the shit pile. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

Texas wasnt known for all its assholes until all the jobs up NORTH dried up and the mass exodus of rusted out station wagons full of plastic furniture limped accross the Red River Bridge during the 80's

and we were nice enough to welcome you ..
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Your presumptions are totally wrong as usual, old geezer.

Texas is in general, a great state.

. . . I just wish it wouldn't automatically go red in each Presidential election!

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-07-2012, 12:26 PM
Your presumptions are totally wrong as usual, old geezer.

Texas is in general, a great state.

. . . I just wish it wouldn't automatically go red in each Presidential election!

Originally Posted by Fast Gunn

like cof said, its all the assholes

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-07-2012, 12:28 PM
Start Over. . . send a message. . . vote out all incumbents from both houses of Congress!

Then demand the following:
- demand term limits
- end lifetime Congressional pensions
- move all funds from Congressional Retirement Fund into Social Security
- Congress participates in Social Security , or set-up their own private retirement programs
- Congress participates in same health care programs as rest of population
- Congress must equally abide by all laws they impose upon citizens
- end Congressional self-pay raises

End Political Careers ! Originally Posted by MrGiz

and Congressmen/Senators work for min wage
Cpalmson's Avatar
Ok, what's the next step now that we all agree? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
A benevolent military dictatorship. It worked very well in Roman days. Please don't ask me to define the term. Google it or better yet, do research on the Roman general Cincinatus-- name sake of the City of Cincinnati.