
berryberry's Avatar
Lol. Nobody's "invading" the U.S. Originally Posted by tommy156
Wrong yet again. nearly 6 million illegals have invaded our country under Senile Biden. 6 Million. Sucking up US taxpayer dollars after illegally invading our country

This whites-only America you dream about, and somehow think you're entitled to, would be one of the most boring, most unintelligent places on earth. Thank goodness we'll never be that. Originally Posted by tommy156
- Please show me where I ever suggested any such thing. That is an utterly false statement and you know it
Nobody is "invading" the US. But don't worry, I'll just put that on the list of words you love using but don't understand what they mean (right next to 'insurrection').
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Foreign nationals pouring into a country to commandeer its resources is an invasion. Your not understanding that is why it doesn’t need to be armed.
It's literally part of what makes America, America. It's always been this way (since colonization anyway). Every single one of us has ancestors who were "invaders" at one point. Your not understanding that is why you have this all backwards. It's their turn now. We don't get to sneak in and close the doors behind us. Sorry.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Actually we can and we have, many times in fact. Learn your history.
Commandeer it's resources? LOL That's just another inaccurate attempt to justify your hate of southern immigrants. Every single adult "illegal immigrant" that I know works. They're not commandeering resources. They are resources. To think that they're coming here to live in free hotel rooms for the rest of their lives would be delusional.
berryberry's Avatar
Foreign nationals pouring into a country to commandeer its resources is an invasion. Your not understanding that is why it doesn’t need to be armed. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Exactly. Alas the leftists will never get it. They are fine lighting $150 billion of hard working American taxpayer money on fire each year to support these illegals invading the US with free food, housing, phones, etc. Probably because a number of leftists don't pay much in taxes so they don't care. Meanwhile American veterans and others go homeless
Jacuzzme's Avatar
I think that’s a big part of it. People who estimates quarterlies and have to actually write a check to the IRS tend to be more anti illegal immigration. Those who pay nothing or have a pittance deducted from a weekly paycheck don’t much care.

Obama called it “skin in the game” and to a certain extent I agree with him. We should raise taxes on the poor and middle class creating a single flat rate for everyone, end payroll deductions, make people save the money on their own and send it in. I’d give it a few months before there was a tax revolt and Washington was burned to the ground.
The top 25 counties for Federal Tax income are all liberal urban areas. Looks like you're gonna have to find something else to use to justify the hate.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Well golly gee willikers. You figure that one out all by yourself? I mean, who’da suspected THAT, with 900 people per square foot. Changes nothing, everyone should be made to feel the same pain every 3 months.

You’re really obsessed with this ‘hate’ nonsense. It must suck being so miserable all the time.
berryberry's Avatar
I think that’s a big part of it. People who estimates quarterlies and have to actually write a check to the IRS tend to be more anti illegal immigration. Those who pay nothing or have a pittance deducted from a weekly paycheck don’t much care.

Obama called it “skin in the game” and to a certain extent I agree with him. We should raise taxes on the poor and middle class creating a single flat rate for everyone, end payroll deductions, make people save the money on their own and send it in. I’d give it a few months before there was a tax revolt and Washington was burned to the ground. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
It is indeed. Too many leftists are used to paying nothing or a mere pittance in taxes so they don't care when taxpayer money is wasted. Hell, they like seeing more wasted as long as it comes to them and their pet projects. Forgive their student debt - sure. House, feed, clothe, etc illegals who have invaded our country - you bet.

I agree with you - if we reformed the tax system creating a single flat tax, no deductions, no credits, nothing -but x % of income they would start singing a different tune when they were no longer free loading off the backs of others

$150 BILLION a year of hard working taxpayer money utterly wasted by Senile Biden on these illegals who have invaded our country. Despicable
Well golly gee willikers. You figure that one out all by yourself? I mean, who’da suspected THAT, with 900 people per square foot. Changes nothing, everyone should be made to feel the same pain every 3 months.

You’re really obsessed with this ‘hate’ nonsense. It must suck being so miserable all the time. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
900 per square foot? Are you ever gonna learn that ridiculous hyperbole isn't the way to prove a point? Squirell Hill, Shadyside, East Liberty, Lawrenceville, and Highland Park all pay well above average taxes per capita, but we don't go for the immigrant hate and LGBTQ hate that you're so fond of. There's no correlation between how much taxes one pays and how much hate they have for immigrants and LGBTQ.

Miserable? Sounds like another personal insult, but I'm not the one posting miserable thread after miserable thread, hating LGBTQ, hating immigrants, responding to myself and bumping 8 of my threads at 1 in the morning.
Hell, they like seeing more wasted as long as it comes to them and their pet projects. Originally Posted by berryberry

The same can be said about the other side of the aisle. As long as the money that's extorted from taxpayers goes to the camo costume wearing welfare queens of the armed forces or the leeches of law enforcement, you don't seem to have a problem with it even though those 2 socialist jobs programs cost taxpayers far more than any border crossers. The only group commandeering your resources are the IRS.
Commandeer it's resources? LOL That's just another inaccurate attempt to justify your hate of southern immigrants. Every single adult "illegal immigrant" that I know works. They're not commandeering resources. They are resources. To think that they're coming here to live in free hotel rooms for the rest of their lives would be delusional. Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh
Exactly. And most of them work harder than any American I know. They are the resources.
The same can be said about the other side of the aisle. As long as the money that's extorted from taxpayers goes to the camo costume wearing welfare queens of the armed forces or the leeches of law enforcement, you don't seem to have a problem with it even though those 2 socialist jobs programs cost taxpayers far more than any border crossers. The only group commandeering your resources are the IRS. Originally Posted by CrispHundos
Amen, brother. They really don't have any problems with taxpayer waste, as long as it's not being wasted on, you know, brown people.