Any such thing as an honest review?

Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 08-14-2015, 08:35 AM
Lots of research. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I have found the majority of reviews to be accurate. Research the reviewers, too. Some embellish their experience.

I remember reading a review saying the lady was tall. Hmmm, 5'3" isn't tall imo. Another guy had stated a lady was model material. I know some models. The lady he mentioned --- not even close.

Experience in the hobby will help in discovering which hobbiests' reviews to rely on for an idea of a lady who meets your expectations. It also helps to have Premium Access. Originally Posted by am-a-pleaser
Well said. I will add two points:

First, I do not believe most reviewers try to mislead with their reviews. Much of how they actually feel depends upon what a guy values. If a leg man finds someone with good legs he is likely to say she is great looking--while others who have different priorities disagree. One should not only research other reviewers, but identify which other reviewers seem to have similar tastes. There are a small handful of reviewers whose opinions I value very highly. There are a lot of reviewers who--while I believe they are honest--their reviews are of no value TO ME.

Second, they write as much based upon how the lady made them feel as they do based upon cold, objective facts. That is true of reviews in almost any business. I have sone some statistical analysis of the numerical scores on TER, thousands of them. There is a very large correlation between the "looks" score and the "service" score. If a lady provides the services a particular guy is looking for, she becomes much better looking in his after-meeting euphoria. If the services were missing or poor, then she becomes much uglier in his eyes. Often the write-up seems to confirm that the service drives the score given for looks. It shouldn't, but it does, and I think in most cases not consciously.

Lastly, I do agree that issues of bad habits, unsafe conditions, etc., SHOULD be mentioned in reviews. But understand the limitations in mentioning some of them in reviews here. However I also have seen them mentioned in reviews of ladies I know very well, and they are sometimes "observed" by a client but not real.

Personally, in multiple hundreds of meetings I have had two abject failures where the reviews either completely misled me or they missed something I though they should have clearly mentioned but did not. I have had a LOT where after the fact I can see how a reviewer would have said what they did but it did not match my perspective.
I'll admit I obsessively read my fellow provider's reviews in my neck of the woods. I don't see the rest of the story but you would be amazed what ya'll give away in your comments. It's part of my screening so I can avoid customers of drug users and BBFS providers.

You can get around the blacklisting by "Yes - see ROS". Make sure you remind the commentators to keep the ROS private. If a chick is high all the time she generally ain't the brightest bulb so you have a good chance that she won't figure out that you "yes" is provisional upon if the customer feels like polluting their own body as well or whatever else.

Also you don't have Premium access so you aren't getting all the details of the encounters. Write a review so you can get PA credit so you can research better.
~Ynot~'s Avatar
First and foremost you have to take in to account the "reviewer" is he creditable? Do your research.. Thats the whole beauty of this site. You can look at the lady's info and comments as well as the guy's The BS ones pretty much stand out.. IMO
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
I'll admit I obsessively read my fellow provider's reviews in my neck of the woods. I don't see the rest of the story but you would be amazed what ya'll give away in your comments. It's part of my screening so I can avoid customers of drug users and BBFS providers.

You can get around the blacklisting by "Yes - see ROS". Make sure you remind the commentators to keep the ROS private. If a chick is high all the time she generally ain't the brightest bulb so you have a good chance that she won't figure out that you "yes" is provisional upon if the customer feels like polluting their own body as well or whatever else.

Also you don't have Premium access so you aren't getting all the details of the encounters. Write a review so you can get PA credit so you can research better. Originally Posted by SA Angel
You seriously can not go wrong when this lady gives advice. One of the more intellectually stimulating and drop dead sexy ladies around!

Gosh.....I'm gushing over a lady....LOL Girl, you rock!

I don't read other ladies reviews, with the exception of gents who provide references....and then yes, I am interested in a few details, just to ensure we are compatible and I will at least have a chance of fulfilling his desires. It's not a competition to me. I can only be me, no matter how awesome any lady is or what she provides. When I see outlandish things that don't correlate with who I am and what I can offer the gent, I don't allow him the opportunity to be disappointed, if I can help it. I think they think I'm being mean, but I'm really all about everyone having the best time they can, along with making money in this biz. It is possible to do both. It's your money honey, and I want ya to get the best bang for your buck, without me trying to do things I don't enjoy or are simply....not me.
The entire thought behind this was suggested by another lady on here. She has many reviews, most probably are accurate. However, to read 10-15 reviews on the same person, with the exact same responses, they mostly say "she looks just like her pics in profile" to look at that profile and think hmm that is a beautiful lady, and get to the appointment and see she does not look like her pics is the question.
To go to see a beautiful photo'd lady and see bruises on her arms, make up covering meth marks on her face, and again to actually see one shoot up during a session is quite alarming. Some of the Men here may like a junky looking trashy lady. If that is your type best to you, however dont quote the 30 reviews prior to you that she looks just like her pics if she doesnt. I am not overly picky, but the only research I can do is read the 30 that have seen her. (STAFF EDIT: #15 - There is no place in our forums for the general discussion or speculation of illicit drug use. This is to be considered a forbidden topic and mention of it will be removed). That would keep me from going, and wasting everyones time. I have never stated I messed with all the women who have had these issues, some of the women in KC who do know my username will know I am a very observant person, when I see something out of place, I do ask.
If I get to your room, and see a (EDIT) in the bathroom, I am not messing with you. If I see (STAFF EDIT) and bruises in your elbows, I am not messing with you. Then, everyone is frustrated.
Just asking if pure honesty in a review is too much to ask. Every person that saw that provider did not have the exact same experience, however in reading reviews, they seem to have.
Being new to Eccie, this is all very helpfull.
I appreciate all the responses, and suggestions.
Thank you all
am-a-pleaser's Avatar
We can't speculate about illegal substances a particular person. Also some guys are not as aware. The Rest of Story and men's lounge are a big help. What would you think if you read things like --- girl has acne problems, needs dental work, looks like she has diabetes and takes insulin, bruises easily, stayed in the bathroom for 20 minutes (said she didn't feel well).

Now the "looks likes her pic's" issue. Sometimes the lady only sees guys in a dimly lit room. Also, some guys see what they have been conditioned to see. Ever see the young lady old hag illusion? Also the Rest of Story may explain - she looks like her pics even though they are a few years old. So look for selfies of the lady. Send a pm to the hobbiest and ask specifically. Look at the lady's review history and the guy's review history.

Finally, if you want to help other hobbiests, be sure to review ladies so those of us who prefer clean ladies will know who to avoid.

The more experience in the hobby, the better people become at finding who they really want to spend time with.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
We can't speculate about illegal substances a particular person. Also some guys are not as aware. The Rest of Story and men's lounge are a big help. What would you think if you read things like --- girl has acne problems, needs dental work, looks like she has diabetes and takes insulin, bruises easily, stayed in the bathroom for 20 minutes (said she didn't feel well).

Now the "looks likes her pic's" issue. Sometimes the lady only sees guys in a dimly lit room. Also, some guys see what they have been conditioned to see. Ever see the young lady old hag illusion? Also the Rest of Story may explain - she looks like her pics even though they are a few years old. So look for selfies of the lady. Send a pm to the hobbiest and ask specifically. Look at the lady's review history and the guy's review history.

Finally, if you want to help other hobbiests, be sure to review ladies so those of us who prefer clean ladies will know who to avoid.

The more experience in the hobby, the better people become at finding who they really want to spend time with. Originally Posted by am-a-pleaser

I assume when you said "people", you also meant the ladies. (Be careful, hon. There are those, who do not think of "providers", as real....LOL '-) )

So, be yourself, it makes it much easier for us (the ladies) to accept a request when we are able to discover a little about you by your choices. Board personas.....meh. Lotsa rebel rousers and whatnot, who are harmless in person, but real (not nice) individuals when they get behind a keyboard.

Anyway...... We can evaluate your likes, dislikes, and your intimate prefs by just seeing what everyone sees on reviews. Be polite in your exchanges before a meeting, but try not to go on and on forever. Responses take time, unless ladies already have pat answers available to copy n paste or something....LOL If a lady says no, because of what she sees, just say thanks. Because she probably saved you some dough to spend with another, who might be more willing or able to give you more of what it is you desire.

I had a gent contact me recently, kinda domineering, telling me it was perfectly OK if I didn't want to do things his way or to say no even, but kept insisting almost, that I do things his way, as if I hadn't even explained why I couldn't and wouldn't. It's like there was no mutual exchange back and forth at all. When I had enough, I politely told him so, and he got pissy back at me as if I was the one at fault. Needless to say, my instincts were right and I am thrilled the appointment didn't come to fruition, because guys like that are volatile. ijs

Reviews are there, but not the only tool one should utilize. Use your intuition, the showcase, board persona, and her exchanges with you. You have all the tools you need to hobby happily and safely. Best of luck!
Invisible1's Avatar
Wow, even with a little help from eccie, you picked some "doozies". (STAFF EDIT #15 - There is no place in our forums for the general discussion or speculation of illicit drug use. This is to be considered a forbidden topic and mention of it will be removed..).... I can only imagine how different they must have looked from their photo shopped pictures. What kind of discounted rates do you target? Any bait and switches? How many times did you get to play "meet the pimp?" You suck at selecting people. How are you at picking peaches in the fruit section of the grocery store? I bet you get the mealy peaches...huh?

Sheez....I think a blindfolded donkey with no access to eccie, but instead only the guidance of a horny circus monkey could pickem' better than you.

Stop complaining and start being a bit more picky about who you are willing to meet, how you research them, how much you are willing to pay for their time.....and about your own comfort and safety.

For a guy who is concerned about being utr because of your day job, I am amazed that you play on backpage. You are aware that earlier this year the dean of SMU law school was arrested when he responded to and visited a girl advertising on backpage? (BTW, The name of the girl in the bp ad was never revealed in eccie or anywhere else so eccie would not help you avoid her either).... Talk about a rough way to get pulled out from being utr. Think about it. I am guessing that the dean of the law school thought he was saving a few bucks using back page too. Poor cheap bastard.......How do you think his life is going now? (Google: SMU law school dean arrested)
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
Never could understand why one would venture there knowing what is here, yes there might be a thrill and that thrill is getting fucked by a BP girl. Don't complain if the snake bites you when in the pit.