Mass Shooting at Oregon Community College

Not news worthy.
Nothing has changed after a gunman entered an elementary school and shot up a bunch of kids.
Yet another psycho doing it to a community college? Who fucking cares.
Stop reporting on it. Stop discussing it. Just accept it. This is our tax to live our lifestyle. Carry on, nothing will change. People will bluster, but time will pass and life will go on until the next time this happens and the cycle starts all over again. Originally Posted by Lahk
"who fucking cares?" I care.
LordHelmet's Avatar
Guns don't kill people...people kill people. We don't need more gun laws, we need to enforce the ones we have. And if you don't like ur local politicians then vote them out. How many folks piss and moan about our current state of government but have never cast a ballot? ROCK THE VOTE peeps!!! And if you are a registered voter, then YOU are my fellow Americans!!
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
Guns don't kill people...people with guns kill people. Originally Posted by LordHelmet
Fixed for you.
Weird thing is that a week before this happened there was a drill that took place at this school

False flag event maybe?
pyramider's Avatar
Not news worthy.
Nothing has changed after a gunman entered an elementary school and shot up a bunch of kids.
Yet another psycho doing it to a community college? Who fucking cares.
Stop reporting on it. Stop discussing it. Just accept it. This is our tax to live our lifestyle. Carry on, nothing will change. People will bluster, but time will pass and life will go on until the next time this happens and the cycle starts all over again. Originally Posted by Lahk
Bad news is always newsworthy, its about the ratings.

Copy cat killers will always be out there, and have always been out there. Gun control laws do not work, see Chicago ...
  • Lahk
  • 10-06-2015, 10:03 PM
Thank God our long national nightmare is over.

It's been a week, that's enough dwelling on the past for all of us in America! Too bad about those 10 or 15 college kids though. It's been a week, who can remember exactly how many, much less their names right??
Hey, can any of you guys that said you care so much recall any of the victim's names? No google, that's cheating!
Oh well, we'll talk about it again in a month or so I'm sure.

Anyway, can you believe that shit about DraftKings and Fanduel! Omg, thankfully Congress is conducting some hearings into the matter. We can't let that kind of thing stand. We're getting on that shit right damn now.

  • grean
  • 10-07-2015, 04:36 PM
Hercules's Avatar
There were no guns at the worst school massacre (Bath). Problem is nutcases getting their 10 minutes of fame and portrayed as victims of society themselves.
luv2rimgirlsdfw's Avatar
...just wait until next year when carrying a weapon on campus is legal. (2017 for community colleges). I can only imagine the carnage when a dozen adrenalin-induced college students pull out weapons in self defense and bullets start flying around like a fire fight in Afghanistan. By the time the police arrive, they will have no clue who to take down. It's insane. I work in higher education and no one who actually works with students, many of whom are suffering from PTSD, think this is a good idea. Let us pray.
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
...just wait until next year when carrying a weapon on campus is legal. (2017 for community colleges). I can only imagine the carnage when a dozen adrenalin-induced college students pull out weapons in self defense and bullets start flying around like a fire fight in Afghanistan. By the time the police arrive, they will have no clue who to take down. It's insane. I work in higher education and no one who actually works with students, many of whom are suffering from PTSD, think this is a good idea. Let us pray. Originally Posted by luv2rimgirlsdfw

That's the same argument people who didn't want concealed carry to pass were using. They were predicting it would be the wild west all over again. But it never happened. It's not the law abiding college kids you need to worry about.

pyramider's Avatar
Yeah, the college students hopped on caffeine, and ADD meds with guns I would be worried about.
Chung Tran's Avatar
luv2rimgirlsdfw's Avatar
To clarify,yes there is a distinct differences between a law abiding citizen of any age and a kook with a gun. Hypothetical: Two shooters (like at Columbine) enter a common area packed with students and start shooting. Let's say three law abiding students respond by drawing a weapon and return fire. The campus police arrive. Five people are engaged with one another. How difficult will it be in those first very critical seconds to know who not to shoot? And as for"it hasn't happened"....yet.
Trill Jackson's Avatar
To clarify,yes there is a distinct differences between a law abiding citizen of any age and a kook with a gun. Hypothetical: Two shooters (like at Columbine) enter a common area packed with students and start shooting. Let's say three law abiding students respond by drawing a weapon and return fire. The campus police arrive. Five people are engaged with one another. How difficult will it be in those first very critical seconds to know who not to shoot? And as for"it hasn't happened"....yet. Originally Posted by luv2rimgirlsdfw
There were 4 armed & trained police officers at Columbine and most schools have at least one, some schools have entire precincts dedicated to one high school. It still happens.

There were two school shootings today.