The Legal Concerns of the Upcoming Trump Rallies

[QUOTE=HedonistForever;10620867 79]It's called sarcasm. Democrats could care less that they changed their entire message of the necessity of social distancing until it was a "protest", then, not a peep. Now when Trump wants a "rally", Democrats are back to worrying about social distancing.

Oh, I get it now.. Ha Ha, you both think the Democrats organized the protests. So: Vis-a-vis: what's good for the goose is good for the gander. Ha Ha funny. Thanks for the laugh.
[QUOTE=HedonistForever;10620867 79]It's called sarcasm. Democrats could care less that they changed their entire message of the necessity of social distancing until it was a "protest", then, not a peep. Now when Trump wants a "rally", Democrats are back to worrying about social distancing.

Oh, I get it now.. Ha Ha, you both think the Democrats organized the protests. So: Vis-a-vis: what's good for the goose is good for the gander. Ha Ha funny. Thanks for the laugh.
texassapper's Avatar
Oh, I get it now.. Ha Ha, you both think the Democrats organized the protests. So: Vis-a-vis: what's good for the goose is good for the gander. Ha Ha funny. Thanks for the laugh. Originally Posted by PillowPilot
No, ANtifa and BLM are just street arms of the Democrats. The same way the KKK used to be. They're fellow travelers on the way to their socialist utopia. You're a fool if you don't think there's a level of political coordination going on. FFS, the Mayor of Seattle is having porta potties brought in for the CHAZ losers.

If it's safe enough to protest, it's safe enough to go to church, political rallies, or anything else. Especially vote.

Medical expertise JUST squandered their legitimacy for when the next Pandemic happens by green lighting the BLM protests. I thought we weren't supposed to politicize science... I'm looking at you climate change models that don't work.

The next pandemic probably will kill a shitload of people because Democrats, medical experts are doing their best to draw out the response in the hopes that they can force national mail-in balloting processes. That would open the next National election to incredible amounts of fraud and make the 2000-2001 Florida recounts look organized.

They are desperate to get DJT out of the oval office because the longer he's there the more likely remnants of the Obama Admin face jail time for using the FBI/CIA to perjure themselves to the FISA courts to spy on American civilians. It pales in comparison to anything that Nixon did. And it has to be stopped and those folks need to see jail time. If not, we are well and truly all just subjects of the un-elected bureaucrats in DC.

If it were me, I'd shut the whole damn FBI down and turn over all investigations to an expanded Marshalls service. I'd close the CIA and turn it over to Naval Intelligence. EPA, HHS, DEA, ATF, DOE, education Dept. All of them shut down. All made redundant an no-one with more than 5 years experience could be retained in any other federal agency.

I'd also abolish public sector unions as simple conspiracies against the taxpayer. They extort tax revenue for their services and then donate that money to Democrats. Who then promise them pay raises.

Done. Dusted. Let the chips fall where they may and the blood coagulate where it stands.

It'd be nice to put a few hundred of the Commie ringleaders against the wall too... but I'd settle for destroying their political power.
pocketcash's Avatar
Fuck it let them have a convention and protest virus,elinate both radical on the left and right
funny.. but really, I'm looking for good answers. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Because he is The President of The United States of America.
HedonistForever's Avatar

Oh, I get it now Originally Posted by PillowPilot

I doubt it.
HedonistForever's Avatar

I'd also abolish public sector unions as simple conspiracies against the taxpayer. They extort tax revenue for their services and then donate that money to Democrats. Who then promise them pay raises.
Originally Posted by texassapper

This posses another dilemma for the Democrats. BLM is laying a lot of the blame at the feet of police unions protecting the bad apples. How will the "defenders of all unions" address this? Admit that unions aren't so great after all? Teachers unions are the reason bad teachers keep their jobs and police unions are the reason bad police keep their jobs.

I was a member of a union for 34 years. I remained a member and paid my dues because my dues supported a bargaining union that did very well for us but the same problem existed, couldn't get rid of the lousy workers. I was "in-charge" of the jobs I worked on for the last 25 years of my career. That meant I gave out work assignments and tried to bring in jobs on schedule but I wasn't management so I couldn't fire or even transfer somebody off the job I was in-charge off. When my supervisor told me one day that the job was falling behind schedule, I said I could tell him who the problem workers were and if he wanted to "fix" the problem, he could remove the "bad apples". He said no and my job steward also reminded me that I couldn't name names since I wasn't management.

And that is the problem with all unions. It's nice to have a bargaining unit but that's were the benefits end for people who think doing a job well is something to strive for.

I had a guy that literally took a 15 minute smoke break twice an hour and the other 30 minutes he was slow as molasses. Couldn't report him, against the union rules. Didn't really need to because the supervisor knew it. He couldn't do anything about it either.

Democrats and unions. I was in both for awhile. Now I wouldn't give you two cents for either.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Democrats and unions. I was in both for awhile. Now I wouldn't give you two cents for either. Originally Posted by HedonistForever

what kept you in that place for so long?
From what I remember, wasn't OK one of the few states never to have any sort of state-level mandates concerning COVID-19? Who told The Dixie Chicks they couldn't perform, and what was the reason given?
LexusLover's Avatar
funny.. but really, I'm looking for good answers. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
You mean .... that agree with you?

I didn't wade through all of your bullshit so if you posted it ... my apologies.

What is potentially "illegal" about Trump's POLITICAL rallies ... in your MIND?
LexusLover's Avatar
From what I remember, wasn't OK one of the few states never to have any sort of state-level mandates concerning COVID-19? Who told The Dixie Chicks they couldn't perform, and what was the reason given? Originally Posted by SecretE
The government (local usually) issues "permits" for events. The legal basis (originally) was to address community safety issues having to do with traffic and crowd control. Those activities requiring a "license" from the government can be controlled by the government provided that control meets basic constitutional standards (Federal and State Constitutions).

The current debate/discussion about "police authority" in the community is approaching some extremely UnConstitutional territory .... example: The 1st and 2nd Amendments.

You and book this post for future reference.

When the CommunistSocialistLiberalLoons finally get approval to disban the traditional law enforcement model and replace it with their "health and mental welfare" model of population control several items will be on the front burner to address ... and the #1 item will be: Firearms, which they have already deemed to be "unhealthy" during the Obaminable Administration ... and "inappropriate" for people receiving SOCIAL SECURITY, but NOT Aid to Dependents and other MEDICAID programs!

The NEW "Social Police" will take your firearms and YOU into custody until it can be determined BY THEM whether or not you are mentally capable of being FREE and/or POSSESSING A FIREARM.

I defy anyone to post a Pre-Covid19 State-statute that authorizes a Governor to declare Citizens MUST REMAIN IN THEIR HOMES to avoid a contagious disease .... or CITIZENS must shut down their businesses to avoid a contagious disease! Texas didn't have one .... Abbot didn't close businesses in Texas in his EOs. He didn't order people to remain in their homes.

The Unsettling environment in which we find ourselves today is: A bunch of SHEEP listening to internet blogs and the media making up shit and mischaracterizing EOs and "laws" to fit their agendas.

Perfect Example: A positive test for COVID19 is NOT a "case" of COVID19.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...Oh, I get it now.. Ha Ha, you both think the Democrats organized the protests. ... Originally Posted by PillowPilot

You can go to the BLM website and donate your $$ to the cause. When you do, it directs to the ActBlue donations page. Read the fine print. Better yet, look who the top 10 recipients of the $$ are. They are all Demonicrat political campaigns. Hmmmm... Sure would a crying shame (not really) if the DOJ and FEC started sniffing around that a bit more
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Well there’s been over 300,000 ticket requests, so it appears that most people don’t give AF about WuFlu.
They haven't for months. Only the old, the hypochondriacs and the people who are paid to "work from home." Soon we will be dealing with schools reopening and football starting. Then we can get back to the "new normal" which is the "old normal" but with the media harping on COVID instead of Russia collusion.

Looks like MLB and the DNC have fucked themselves.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Oh, I get it now.. Ha Ha, you both think the Democrats organized the protests. So: Vis-a-vis: what's good for the goose is good for the gander. Ha Ha funny. Thanks for the laugh. Originally Posted by PillowPilot

ur obviously not watching what they do.

what they're doing is too well organized to be an organic protest.