delicate subject

agentx's Avatar
Definitely bring it up after the session. Even if he may seem too young to have a tumor, it may be something else that could be effectively treated if found early.

Most of us prostate owners would be very grateful (there might be a few idiotic jerks who would not but let's hope it's just a few).
texasfeet's Avatar
good job, Sue, good looking out! I may have to come to you to get mine checked.
I ain't skeerd! I'll give a second opinion!!

Girl, you did the right thing. All joking aside, you would want the same courtesy.
You did the right thing....with a young guy might even save a life!
FS_ITC's Avatar
I am a medical professional and...

You did the right thing.

Not necessarily easy, but right.
30seconds's Avatar
I would want to know.
[QUOTE=Mia Christine;1055360710]No, we're not medical professionals, but after engaging in several hundred Prostate massages, you learn what's to be

Damn girl, whats that finger smell like after over 300 trips into that region? That a shitload of exams, pun intended.
I am definitely NOT a medical professional and I concur with all the guys above who said they would want/need to know and appreciate the information, although it is not a good thing to hear.

Changing the topic slightly, would the ladies like to hear about things the guys find that is strange or different. Unusual swelling, lumps or sensitivity in the vaginal area--most of us consider ourselves to be "amateur gynecologists" while in the hobby.

Real-world situation, I found several swollen nodules under a ladies arms during a recent visit and pointed them out to her. She wasn't sure what to do about them, kind of laughed it off as funny, but I strongly suggested she see a Doctor ASAP, since it could be possible lymph node problems or could be more serious condition.

I didn't tell her that my 31-year old niece found similar lumps that were diagnosed as stage 4 melanoma, and she is currently going through chemo and radiation treatment, with only a "hopeful" prognosis. I just stressed to this lady that it was very important she seek medical review of her situation ASAP.
Whispers's Avatar
The gent definitely needs to go to a urologist - they special in that area of the body.

If he is under 40, for example, his regular medical checkup likely does not include a digital rectal exam.

Now, (stand by for the groaner)

What I really wanted to say was

he needs a second opinion.

(yes, I know!) Originally Posted by ck1942
That does NOT mean to write him a referral and send him to Mia.... or call her in for a doubles session... As expert as both might be.....I would consider that an "upsell"
Whispers's Avatar
On another note.......

I've tasted and smelled a lot of pussy's over the years and if I dove in just to find a horrible fish like odor would you...........

ahh hell....

never mind.......
VLombardi's Avatar
I would want to know.
I think u did the right thing
You did the right thing. He needed to know.
  • adogg
  • 05-27-2014, 03:33 PM

You absolutely did the right thing. Nurses uniform may be in order
justaphase's Avatar
You had a moral obligation to notify him.