Puertorican Goddess will stand you up!

It's just reported more. Bunch of cry babies, can't believe so many get butt hurt over a hooker standing them up. Originally Posted by Worldtravler
I have to admit I've never fully understood it either. I don't have an SO. I also don't drive long distances to meet them. Maybe that's why it's never been a big deal. It's not like a doctor's appointment. It's an illegal activity. It's only natural that it attracts a certain type individual. Those individuals tend to have certain personality traits. To get into this and expect it to run like a clock is a little unrealistic.
I have to admit I've never fully understood it either. I don't have an SO. I also don't drive long distances to meet them. Maybe that's why it's never been a big deal.... To get into this and expect it to run like a clock is a little unrealistic. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
This is where I would respectfully disagree to a point. For many of us gentlemen, hobby time can be difficult to schedule. When I have an opportunity, I like to seek out a provider who does NOT have a history of NCNS, because it may be some time before I can try again.

I know that NCNS happens... that's life and it's happened to me... but there are providers who are much more conscientious about notification, and then there are providers who don't seem to give a damn. I know which ones I would be interested in!
This is where I would respectfully disagree to a point. For many of us gentlemen, hobby time can be difficult to schedule. When I have an opportunity, I like to seek out a provider who does NOT have a history of NCNS, because it may be some time before I can try again.

I know that NCNS happens... that's life and it's happened to me... but there are providers who are much more conscientious about notification, and then there are providers who don't seem to give a damn. I know which ones I would be interested in! Originally Posted by Slingerland
I totally agree.

As in any venue in life, there will be people who establish themselves as reliable through consistency, and those who only need a short amount of time to prove the opposite.
This is where I would respectfully disagree to a point. For many of us gentlemen, hobby time can be difficult to schedule. When I have an opportunity, I like to seek out a provider who does NOT have a history of NCNS, because it may be some time before I can try again.

I know that NCNS happens... that's life and it's happened to me... but there are providers who are much more conscientious about notification, and then there are providers who don't seem to give a damn. I know which ones I would be interested in! Originally Posted by Slingerland
I agree and you basically made my point for me. For you, it's difficult to schedule. So when it happens, you get more upset than say, me, who shrugs it off because I know there's always tomorrow.
hogmanjones's Avatar
Not sure why anyone would be OK with getting their time wasted, because you can never get it back. Unfortunately, there's NOT always tomorrow.
Not sure why anyone would be OK with getting their time wasted, because you can never get it back. Unfortunately, there's NOT always tomorrow. Originally Posted by hogmanjones

Yep, can't shrug some shit off!
I like the ones that post a NCNS and say everything was going as plan and when the time came couldn't get a hold of them. So they called a million times and leave voicemails and send several texts do you really think your getting anywhere by blowing up her phone. Talk about looking like a total ass.
It's just easier calling another provider up and book them. Then a million text or voice mails to your NCNS unless your message is just forget it i booked someone else.
Not sure why anyone would be OK with getting their time wasted, because you can never get it back. Unfortunately, there's NOT always tomorrow. Originally Posted by hogmanjones
Never said I was OK with it. I simply don't see what getting your panties in a bunch is going to do. Life's too short to waste it wondering why some hooktard ncns'd you. Next...
hogmanjones's Avatar
LOL, life's too short to get upset about being NCNS, but there's always tomorrow when that NCNS stands you up. Got it.
pyramider's Avatar
Is it just me or does the NCNS seem to be happening at a higher rate here vs other areas of the country?

Or is it just reported more? Originally Posted by bladtinzu

Higher rate. Arkietardville has fewer providers thus when one NCNS it skews the curve.

Or it could be because the fucktards get so butt hurt by getting NCNSed. It is hard not to laugh at several due to the fact that they get NCNS by the same lady multiple times.
LOL, life's too short to get upset about being NCNS, but there's always tomorrow when that NCNS stands you up. Got it. Originally Posted by hogmanjones
Jesus you're a piece of work. If there isn't a tomorrow, you're worm food and won't give a shit. Do I need to explain it as if I were talking to a child?
Higher rate. Arkietardville has fewer providers thus when one NCNS it skews the curve.

Or it could be because the fucktards get so butt hurt by getting NCNSed. It is hard not to laugh at several due to the fact that they get NCNS by the same lady multiple times. Originally Posted by pyramider
Because they live in hopes of pussy.
hogmanjones's Avatar
Wow, got pretty emotional pretty quick there, didn't you? You'd think as much as you like to take pokes at people you'd be able to handle it better. Just having a little fun with your contradictory statements; relax. I'll leave you alone.
I started the hobby about 21 months ago and I have had 21 sessions, so you can see that on average I get 1 op a month. I'm not gonna be "butt hurt" if I get a ncns. I've had 1 since I started, my first and last venture into BP and it happened on my second hobby attempt. I've been cancelled on and had to cancel. Sometimes shit just happens. But it's now been 2 months since my last hobby op and you can bet the farm that if I get ncnsed on my next I'm gonna be a pissed off MF. Doubt that will happen because I stick with well reviewed ladies who treat this professionally - but there are few guaranties in the hobby.

But I think the thing that many miss here is that we all deal with different realities. I have a wife and my ops normally revolve around her schedule (out of town or otherwise reliably tied down with something), not my wishes. Your hobby circumstances are not necessarily mine. And that shapes our approach to the hobby and how we feel about missing an op. To think that your views (largely shaped by your circumstances) fit everyone here is erroneous. But I see that time after time.