The Hillary Files

My suggestion is to forget the US press. Those on her side will not tell you the truth and you won't believe FOX news. A lot of my sources come from England like the Guardian. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Perhaps the Guardian (from England) was the source JDIdiot relied upon for his infamous hijacked Malaysian Airlines 777 story.

Hmm, I wonder if anyone has that Guardian (from England) link??????

Rumor has it that the hijacker's camouflaged the 777 so well, they can no longer locate it!
Please Please put me on ignore... Thanks Ozommunists!

  • shanm
  • 04-18-2015, 09:31 PM
Please Please put me on ignore... Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
But finding the ignore button would take slightly more effort thay you're worth IIFFY!
  • DSK
  • 04-18-2015, 10:07 PM
Perhaps the Guardian (from England) was the source JDIdiot relied upon for his infamous hijacked Malaysian Airlines 777 story.

Hmm, I wonder if anyone has that Guardian (from England) link??????

Rumor has it that the hijacker's camouflaged the 777 so well, they can no longer locate it! Originally Posted by bigtex
Puerile repetition, the hobgoblin of a man-child.
Puerile repetition, the hobgoblin of a man-child. Originally Posted by DSK
Thanks for nothing JLIdiot, errrr DSKIdiot!
Thanks for nothing JLIdiot, errrr DSKIdiot! Originally Posted by bigtex
You fatass Clinton dick/dick sucker go away. errrr
But finding the ignore button would take slightly more effort thay you're worth IIFFY! Originally Posted by shanm
GOOD..."shamer" the Corn and Peanut dooky miner... I enjoy taunting you... but your breath STINKS!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
So far the usual idiots have misunderstood or misused this thread. Lets get back on track.

Hillary, while talking about immigration, said that her grandparents were immigrants to this country. The truth is that only one grandparent (a Rodham) came to this country as a child. This is very much like her claim of having a Jewish heritage when she ran for the Senate. It wasn't true either.
You shouldn't post in ignorance. I've told you that before whoever you used to be. You write like you know me but that would be impossible unless you are a collossal liar. We both know that you are.

Nope, you don't tip at Chipotle but there was a tip jar right on the counter. When you run for public office, you always leave a tip, a large tip! You'd think Hillary or her handlers would know that by now after the last time out. This goes back years I suppose. If you read about their early 80s experiences, Bill was always eager to get some low life digs at a budget motel (guess the proximity of working girls had a certain allure) whereas, Mrs. Rodham-Clinton wanted something more upscale. I guess she hasn't changed.

Released a video....just like Barack. Flies coach and carries her own bag....just like Jimmy. She seems to be copying other successful candidates. I thought she was supposed to new and fresh.

Her van....not fresh again. Remember her magical bus tour for her healthcare plan. Another stale repeat and another lie that she is really living out of her van. I guess you fell for it.

You even admit that you're not sure but you post anyway. Hillary went to Kirkwood Community College and while she was there some things happened;
The school went into lock down.
She came out against mystery money in political campaigns like she is using.
She had a round table discussion with what turned out to be a hand picked group of students. More phoniness on her part. Ask me about my experience in Jacksonville FL with the Clinton machine.

My suggestion is to forget the US press. Those on her side will not tell you the truth and you won't believe FOX news. A lot of my sources come from England like the Guardian. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Your suggestion and a $1 leaves me with $1. I write like I know you? I know the republican mind. And I've been debunking idiots like you for years. You take half of something and try to make it a whole. Of course it falls apart when you're confronted with even a shred of evidence.

Copying succesful candidates... hmmm, yeah what's wrong with that? She can't carry her own bag AND be new and fresh in your mind I suppose. I would mention the word dichotomy, but I really don't think you morons even know what it truly is.

Where did she ever say she was living out of her van?

She came out against private money in political campaigns. She JUST fucking announced. How do you know what she's doing in a matter of days?

A discussion with a handpicked group of people. Yeah, a politician has never done that before.

I know you don't like her, but you've got to come up with better shit than this. This is just some weak-ass busta shit.

The Guardian? The UK newspapers don't even feign an attempt at neutrality. This actually makes a lot of sense now that I look back at all the crazy bullshit you post about.
So far the usual idiots have misunderstood or misused this thread. Lets get back on track.

Hillary, while talking about immigration, said that her grandparents were immigrants to this country. The truth is that only one grandparent (a Rodham) came to this country as a child. This is very much like her claim of having a Jewish heritage when she ran for the Senate. It wasn't true either. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
She admitted this error. Here's a quote though, that I'm sure you won't like. This is just more evidence to my point that you leave out pertinent information that brings context to the story. Of course it makes your pitiful attempts to somehow belittle her seem petty, but you can't help yourself. Your hatred knows no bounds. Not even the need to actually be correct.

"Seven of Clinton’s eight great-grandparents were born overseas into working-class families."
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Your suggestion and a $1 leaves me with $1. I write like I know you? I know the republican mind. And I've been debunking idiots like you for years. You take half of something and try to make it a whole. Of course it falls apart when you're confronted with even a shred of evidence.

Copying succesful candidates... hmmm, yeah what's wrong with that? She can't carry her own bag AND be new and fresh in your mind I suppose. I would mention the word dichotomy, but I really don't think you morons even know what it truly is.

Where did she ever say she was living out of her van?

She came out against private money in political campaigns. She JUST fucking announced. How do you know what she's doing in a matter of days?

A discussion with a handpicked group of people. Yeah, a politician has never done that before.

I know you don't like her, but you've got to come up with better shit than this. This is just some weak-ass busta shit.

The Guardian? The UK newspapers don't even feign an attempt at neutrality. This actually makes a lot of sense now that I look back at all the crazy bullshit you post about. Originally Posted by WombRaider
I'm actually waiting for some of that evidence you mentioned. Haven't seen it yet.
I'm actually waiting for some of that evidence you mentioned. Haven't seen it yet. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I'm actually waiting for some evidence (about an alleged hijacked Malaysian 777) that you mentioned, as well.

When will you provide that information?
  • DSK
  • 04-19-2015, 06:15 AM
I'm actually waiting for some evidence (about an alleged hijacked Malaysian 777) that you mentioned, as well.

When will you provide that information? Originally Posted by bigtex
I am not aware of any wreckage found, are you, you uninspiring man-child?
  • DSK
  • 04-19-2015, 06:16 AM
She admitted this error. Here's a quote though, that I'm sure you won't like. This is just more evidence to my point that you leave out pertinent information that brings context to the story. Of course it makes your pitiful attempts to somehow belittle her seem petty, but you can't help yourself. Your hatred knows no bounds. Not even the need to actually be correct.

"Seven of Clinton’s eight great-grandparents were born overseas into working-class families." Originally Posted by WombRaider
As a Hillary supporter, things like this make her harder to defend.
Either she was lying, or doesn't know the difference between grandparents and great-grandparents.
I am not aware of any wreckage found, are you, you uninspiring man-child? Originally Posted by DSK
I am not aware of any hijacked and/or camouflaged Malaysian Airlines 777 that has been found, are you, you uninspiring JLIdiot, errrr DSKIdiot?