I agree with the gun owner....Fuck those drones!

In the practice of Texas law, and certainly not excluding the sections accurately presented by LexusLover, the person who hires the best lawyer who knows property rights in this state and spends the most money is the one most likely to be able to use the airspace in the manner he desires.

In practice, it will probably prove cheaper to abandon the drone, and send a new one up to accomplish the goal, whether nefarious or not. If one is inspecting gas or oil pipelines, I would suggest you do not shoot it down. At this point, the oil and gas industry is full of lawyers worried about staying employed and need something useful to do. Stomping on some cowboy shooting down drones in Texas would prove to be a career enhancing case, if done properly. Originally Posted by DSK
Spoken like a true Jewish lawyer.
To me that's the same as someone sticking their head over your fence. If i'm banging my girl in my hot tub, i don't particularly want a drone recording that unless it's my drone. Light birdshot won't hurt anybody but a drone. Carry on gents.
Budman's Avatar
I would send up my drone to take out his drone.

LexusLover's Avatar
Stomping on some cowboy shooting down drones in Texas would prove to be a career enhancing case, if done properly. Originally Posted by DSK
In most parts of Texas ...

................... the philosophy of "Good fences make good neighbors" prevails.

So the "forum" might well determine the potential "enhancement" of a career.

Additionally, contrary to what might be thought there are many land owners in Texas who resent "big oil" entering into their communities, sucking the oil from beneath their property, and "harvesting" their trees in order to create tanker roads and tank farms in their backyards. The lawyers who "enhance" their careers may be only those who manage to persuade an appellate court to set aside the horrendous punitive damage award for the intrusion into their personal space.
LexusLover's Avatar
Light birdshot won't hurt anybody but a drone. Carry on gents. Originally Posted by sand247
Originally Posted by LexusLover
LLIdiot, is that the same ammo that "your man" Dick Cheney used when he shot poor ol' Harry Whittington?

LexusLover's Avatar
Originally Posted by LexusLover
and if one lives in the "city limits" where discharging a firearm may be unlawful, one might consider electronic jamming .... or even try a laser light pointed at the drone ...

If the Taliban can figure out how to jam them ... you geniuses should be able to...... and even include a motion detector in your electronic arsenal.
Originally Posted by LexusLover
LLIdiot, quit running and hiding and answer the question!

Is that the same ammo that "your man" Dick Cheney used when he shot poor ol' Harry Whittington?

LLIdiot, quit running and hiding and answer the question!

Is that the same ammo that "your man" Dick Cheney used when he shot poor ol' Harry Whittington?

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dick_C...nting_incident Originally Posted by bigtex
" Is that... " There's that word again...IS !!!!! So what IS the definition of the word " IS " ?
LexusLover's Avatar
" Is that... " There's that word again...IS !!!!! So what IS the definition of the word " IS " ? Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
BigTits is like an old 78 record with a scratch in it ....

.. just keeps up the same old noise ... not a moment of creativity.

I think that's why he likes the Clintons so much. Same old noise..... not to mention..

... the carefully crafted sentences to assure nothing is said of substance.

Birds of a feather ... make the same squawk.
" Is that... " There's that word again...IS !!!!! So what IS the definition of the word " IS " ? Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Is rey lingo a swishy walker. Depends on what is is. Is he is or is he not a degenerate cocklicker. I say he IS
Is rey lingo a swishy walker. Depends on what is is. Is he is or is he not a degenerate cocklicker. I say he IS Originally Posted by WombRaider
We KNOW that it IS a fact that woomby try transference to deny his predilections and his idiocy.
We KNOW that it IS a fact that woomby likes to swallow. We know that it IS a fact that woomby has expressed his preference for sucking dicks over having sex with women ( unless they're over weight porkers from backpage ) . So the real swishy walking, cum guzzling glory hole entrepreneur IS woomby !!!!!!! :wavetowel 2:
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Before you go off on another tangent the shooter said that his 15 year old was sun bathing in the backyard at the time. Roll video...
LexusLover's Avatar
Before you go off on another tangent the shooter said that his 15 year old was sun bathing in the backyard at the time. Roll video... Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I didn't read that (and I'm not disputing it), but if that is the case, it will depend on her "condition" of sunbathing (and we are not to discuss such topics on here) the owner of the drone could be prosecuted for taking and possessing illegal images .... and each "frame" is an image (separate count) x 15 years minimum with a MANDATORY STACKING of each count.
BigTits is like an old 78 record with a scratch in it ....

.. just keeps up the same old noise ... not a moment of creativity. Originally Posted by LexusLover
While I agree with you LL, BigKotexLiar thinks he has "Bottles of Creativity"....in abundance.