Looking for a talented Photographer

  • INFP
  • 12-13-2021, 05:12 PM
Contact Nikki Tylor in New Orleans and see who all she has used. Her pics are varied and nice although some have way too much filter. Also, Megan Love Photography out of Nashville. She has a really good portfolio of escorts on her site. She has a certain style that you can always pick out her photos that may look repetitive for a “stable”. Hilary Holiday in FL has used someone named “Aldo” “Alido”? that has some very sexy pictures. Pro pics are worth it. Please for Gods sake. No part timers! NO FILTERS!!!! The blurs and smoothing look terrible. No filters! Did I say that already? And no amateurs or even local photographers with no experience with escorts. Good luck! ��
  • AgFox
  • 12-13-2021, 08:43 PM
Gonna be hard to get a professional without pay.
Not exactly. Sometimes professional photogs will gladly do projects like this without pay if it's for something that they are passionate about or if they are trying to do something specific or creative.
  • AgFox
  • 12-13-2021, 09:02 PM
lol. I can’t tell if you’re disagreeing with me or not.
Yes I am disagreeing with you. I'm a professional photographer and I would gladly do this for Lauren for free for the reasons I stated.
  • AgFox
  • 12-14-2021, 08:31 AM
Sounds more like an amatuer photographer than professional to me, but I suppose thats just arguing semantics.
How does that old saying go? Never argue with a fool because onlookers won't be able to tell the difference.
Victoriajolie's Avatar
They are several professional photographer that tour but mostly in big cities
However they are photographer professional that are on model mayhem they might be one near you I did with few that it was exchange for prints some you pay Kansas nyc Dallas
I am looking for a photographer to take photos must have some kind of experience in nude photos or have a artistic side . Can be women or male just not a pervert . I really want someone who will take it seriously and not scare off talent , please let me know if you are interested. I will be resuming on photo projects right after Christmas . This gig does not pay , BTW Originally Posted by Laurenspencer
Lauren, do you prefer the NWA area or is LR an option for you? I know of a few amazing photographers in the Central AR area. Text me for more info.
WMJ4657's Avatar
Wondering if you ever selected a photographer & if any new pics might be appearing?

Rumor has one applicant is more than ready & has additional free time now
Fr8nk&Bnz's Avatar

Passionate about his new found hobby, he really gets into it.
#SarahLynn's Avatar
I do a little photography myself if u r interested in a female . I have a very great camera and eye .
Laurenspencer's Avatar
I do a little photography myself if u r interested in a female . I have a very great camera and eye . Originally Posted by #SarahLynn
Omg I would love that ! Thank you ) I will call you

Thank you Chloe so much for the info , so sorry for the delayed response I have had a log going on

Victoria thank you too for the info , all this is greatly appreciated

Happy New Years ladies , let this year be amazing for all of you
Laurenspencer's Avatar
Wondering if you ever selected a photographer & if any new pics might be appearing?

Rumor has one applicant is more than ready & has additional free time now Originally Posted by WMJ4657
Yes I have , one reached out to me in a text and is very talented ! Also I just saw Sara Lynn has a good eye I will be renting a place in January and photos will be coming soon on Twitter/ website
BK's Avatar
  • BK
  • 01-03-2022, 12:26 PM
After seeing the iPhone “shot on iPhone commercial “ anyone with a phone & semi good eye for staging and editing can be a professional photographer.