Since when have you or any other creationtist ever presented irrefutable evidence?
Point to the link.
Above, I asked you specific questions about what happened to vegetation and plant food as as result of the flood.
You ignored the questions because you have no answer to the blindingly obvious fallacy of the Ark fable.
Originally Posted by ExNYer
Are you an idiot or what? In present day time- you have vegetation that is destroyed by various natural events: Drought, floods, pesticides, and they grow back you idiot.
Here are a few questions for you: [B]How did sex originate? Asexual reproduction gives up to twice as much reproductive success (‘fitness’) for the same resources as sexual reproduction, so how could the latter ever gain enough advantage to be selected? And how could mere physics and chemistry invent the complementary apparatuses needed at the same time (non-intelligent processes cannot plan for future coordination of male and female organs).
who came first —a him or a her?
Which evolved first, male sex organs or female sex organs? Male sex organs are so different from female sex organs that neither could possibly have evolved from the other. Neither could either have evolved without the other! Think that through! Sexual reproduction could only have been successful if male and female organs fit one another and worked together at each stage from their very beginning. The only reasonable explanation is that both were created on purpose by an intelligent Creator.
If you take away asexual species and there's only a few- if evolution occurred - how could nearly every species living "mysteriously" have an opposite sex which happens to have the right apparatus to reproduce- hmmmm and how did early species know when and how to reproduce?
Science involves experimenting to figure out how things work; how they operate. Why is evolution, a theory about history, taught as if it is the same as this operational science? You cannot do experiments, or even observe what happened, in the past. Asked if evolution has been observed, Richard Dawkins said, “Evolution has been observed. It’s just that it hasn’t been observed while it’s happening.