Exporting Inflation

Carter wasn't anti nuke!

Three Mile Island could not have come at a worse time.

You can't blame Carter for that

We are stupid as a society, sorry but thats just the way it is. We should have built nuke and still should be of course Iowa being the first primary sure makes it hard for politicians to tell the truth in this regard. Both parties guilty there. Originally Posted by WTF
Did I say Carter was anti nuke? No -- learn to read.

I said he was naive and that the kinds of alternative energy that DOE has been pushing are dumb -- which they were then and are today. They will never scale and they create worse problems than what they solve. (Ooooh! I have a great idea, lets burn the food for energy. Fucking morons!)

I said the tree-huggers killed nukes -- by driving the cost of construction through the stratosphere in some half-wit search of perfect safety -- which doesn't exist. Why we pay any attention to these lunatics is beyond me. They have been wrong for 50 years.

The way to get out from under the Mideast oil is to exploit our own. We have plenty here, if only we would go after it. But no, we have to let some fucking caribou in ANWAR keep us from doing it.
Imposing those stupid price controls was another of Carter's biggest mistakes. That was the main reason for the long gas lines of 1979, since the actual supply shortfall was pretty modest according to energy executives I've known. Such price controls never work. It seems that the Carter people learned nothing from the failures of the Nixon administration (failed wage/price controls of the early '70s.)

And, of course, the main reason for the big price spikes in the first place was disastrous monetary policy. Carter replaced Arthur Burns (up to that time arguably the worst Fed chairman in history) with the even worse Bill Miller. Only in 1979, when he replaced Miller with Volcker, did he begin to get it right, but of course by then it was just too late to save his presidency.

Location of the early primaries is an outdated argument. Candidates are running (& fundraising) nationally from the start. Polling data is better. Candidates pandering to Iowa or NH voters is not the reason any policy exists or doesn't exist. Originally Posted by atlcomedy
I'm not so sure about that. Yes, national coverage and early national polling momentum may render the Iowa caucuses less critical than they were in the past, but I still think they are seen as a strong momentum kickoff for a candidate. To the extent that so many senators and congressman like to think they see a future president when they look in the mirror, they may be eager to pander to the cornbelt vote.
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  • WTF
  • 02-13-2011, 10:40 AM
Did I say Carter was anti nuke? No -- learn to read. Originally Posted by pjorourke
That wasn't meant for you, it was meant for people that might be fooled by your false association game.

Carter/alt energy= bad
nuke energy=good

I said he was naive and that the kinds of alternative energy that DOE has been pushing are dumb -- which they were then and are today. They will never scale and they create worse problems than what they solve. (Ooooh! I have a great idea, lets burn the food for energy. Fucking morons!)
. Originally Posted by pjorourke

You can take the same reading class as me.

Carter=naive=no nukes built=PJ/BS

I said blaming Carter for not building nuke is like blaming the Wright brothers for 9/11

I said the tree-huggers killed nukes -- by driving the cost of construction through the stratosphere in some half-wit search of perfect safety -- which doesn't exist. Why we pay any attention to these lunatics is beyond me. They have been wrong for 50 years.

The way to get out from under the Mideast oil is to exploit our own. We have plenty here, if only we would go after it. But no, we have to let some fucking caribou in ANWAR keep us from doing it. Originally Posted by pjorourke
Sounds like it might have been in Big Oils best interests to kill nuke energy too. Betcha never thought about that uh PJ? Two opposing forces joining hands....nawwwww that could never happen. WE would never join up with the Russians to fight the Germans!

I would say expand your partisan slant but I been told that a few of you fellows think I been to mean to you so I will just say "Consider this possibility, PJ, would you pretty please with sugar on top!"


I'm not so sure about that. Yes, national coverage and early national polling momentum may render the Iowa caucuses less critical than they were in the past, but I still think they are seen as a strong momentum kickoff for a candidate. To the extent that so many senators and congressman like to think they see a future president when they look in the mirror, they may be eager to pander to the cornbelt vote. Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
Thanks Capt. I like atl to much to school him on politics! Between this and him bumping old threads and I'm not sure he can take it!
We have inflation here too (Been to the grocery store lately? The gas pump is a no brainer here.) but in Egypt they make only $2 a day so most of their money after bills goes to food. The reason is the Fed monetization of billions last year and this year with more to come. The dollar is the world reserve currency so therefore, in order to buy goods (except unilateral oil trade agreement between Russia and china) you must purchase the goods in dollars first.

The whole Reagan/Carter debate is due to the indoctrination via the public education system.


Hth and buckle up kiddies because we are in for a helluva bumpy ride.