Starting a session: Preferences .... Disappointments

FloridaShark's Avatar
Yeah it's amazing how much this can vary. Most providers understand the basics of looking like they care. And I don't think it's a communication issue. It's professionalism. The worst are either the really immature providers or the really burned out ones.

I had a really cute young provider one times start peppering me with really personal questions. She just didn't know any better. Other providers will stop shaving their legs and whatnot after you repeat a few times. The real pros make it feel special. Giving them your money is a treat.
To Dodger and IB:

I guess there is a difference in the generational gap here. A lady half my age would be barely legal under Texas law and not old enough to drink, so the gap isn't quite as wide for me.. and I'm usually dating ladies from 25-40 as a late 30s guy anyway.

WALDT, obviously.. and I apologize if I worded things poorly and sounded like I was making a judgement of the preferences of other 'mongers.
I think this is a really interesting topic.

I can't paint my clients with any one brush, but most of the clients to whom I appeal are interested in conversation to some degree. Any of you who have met me know that I am genuinely interesting and entertaining, and you'll likely forget what else I'm good at. I try to point the conversation towards more intimate topics, and I try to limit anecdotes and jokes to things related to adult activity, in order to set the appropriate mood while still getting-to-know-you. Otherwise we'll discuss etymology or Viking history for an hour, and no one wants that.

But everyone is different.

I've been asked to arrive without panties, with a certain kind of panties, no makeup, etc., and I have no problem accommodating. My default, however, is a nice dress and heels, purchased from a higher-end store like Nordstrom or a boutique. My nails are always done, makeup is done (unless you prefer without, I'm not self conscious without it at all), hair is done. I dress to impress. Yes, even at 2am.

How I dress, however, is purely *before* the appointment, and entirely in my control, intended to scoot me in past the lobby clerks and out past hotel security while they're on their rounds. I choose my outfit without my client's input, typically, but obviously, the appointment is going to be more of a two-way street for pacing.

I find the process very similar to retail sales. As a salesperson, I display the product, and then I subtly get to know you and what makes you tick in order to sell you the best product for your preferences in the context of a specific, seductive shopping experience. As a provider, I control the appointment enough in the first few minutes in order to quickly discover those things about you, and I perform from there.

A hand on the knee, a kiss on the lips, a brush of the hair are the hobby equivalents of "What size do you wear?" "Which color do you prefer?" and "Rounded or Square?"

Most of my clients would not call themselves "hobbyists," and many are first-timers. In certain ways I need to hold their hands through the process, and many of them have questions about appropriate behavior. I love that I get to show them the way. If I came in, cannons blazing, dropping to my knees and grabbing their junk, I'm sure I'd scare the shit out of some of them! Of course, I've noticed that more experienced clients are more comfortable "jumping in," and I respond accordingly.
I'll give honorable mention to Emary Preston ( who greeted me with beautiful hair and make-up, a see through red teddie, red thong, and high heeled pumps. Just gorgeous, hot, and make following her up the stairs ... an erotic journey. Thank you for that, Emary! Originally Posted by dodger
You are my sweet ol' grouch. I adore you!!


Emary Preston
Who the he'll showed up for an appointment in sweats??
Might as well just be naked.
dodger's Avatar
You are my sweet ol' grouch. I adore you!!


Emary Preston Originally Posted by Emary Preston
thank you, emary. you are as sweet and genuine as you are beautiful and sexy. almost makes me believe you.

Who the hell showed up for an appointment in sweats??
Might as well just be naked. Originally Posted by Ebony Jasmine Love Austin
sweats were bad enough. the cat hair put it over the top. naked .. would have been preferable. have had that several times ... and those sessions were excellent.

you know what i like about the hobby? it's the sex. sex with hot ladies ... soooo nice.
Who the he'll showed up for an appointment in sweats??
Might as well just be naked. Originally Posted by Ebony Jasmine Love Austin

EBJ, remember my house, where I first met you? Very nice area.

Anyway, I had a Provider show up there wearing sweats and looked like she just came back from Wal Mart. and was 25 pounds heavier than advertised...
talk about regretting that outcall to me...

All I ask is yall wear a presentable outfit.. and enjoy what you do!
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
Starting a session requires a lady to show up, that's all I care about.

I once showed up to a last min out call mid-winter wearing a bebe velour "sweat suit".
My regular said: "what are you wearing?"
He STFU when he saw what I was wearing underneath.

That said: I might be a lil bloated or causal or not my absolute best on a last minute call but I will be sexy, I will be happy to see you, and I will provide.

If you want to see something specific, be specific.
If you can't appreciate various ladies for their various personal style on various days then this hobby is not the spice you need in your life. Go pick up a postal service worker, or someone any other woman in a uniform.

Also, what do you guys have against the lonely people glitter???😹
We can't wear real glitter... you picky lil pumpkins.

P.S. The Onion hires me this is my posting style from now on...
Except I'm mostly being honest.

Peace out mitcheeees ✌
until The Onion*
I don't want the edit messing up my emoji game again.
Shuttleman's Avatar
Good TCB is important, but problems with TCB can be reversed pretty quickly if the provider greets me like she is genuinely happy to see me.

The BEST start so far was someone I saw recently. She always has great TCB and started with the compliments in our communications. (I had seen her before). But, when I knocked on her door, I heard her yell, "Yay!" from inside! At that second I knew this was going to be fun.
It is also nice to get a "Yay" in the front of a PM or text message esponse back from a request to a provider. Silly, but sometimes the little things make a great impression and embed the desire to return for some more fun--especially when the lady makes me feel appreciated.

Big turn offs are comments such as, "You obviously didn't go read my personal web site" since the answer to your question is on page 3 of my rules. Just saying ladies...
dodger's Avatar
Big turn offs are comments such as, "You obviously didn't go read my personal web site" since the answer to your question is on page 3 of my rules. Just saying ladies... Originally Posted by BugleBoy
+1 i had been pretty impressed with one lady's communications during initial contact. I followed her ads and such and noticed some variations in published rates. when i was getting ready to select a date, i contacted her and asked about 2 hr rates.

her response was her rates were on her pages. i had read eccie and p411 but no 2 hr rate was posted which is why i was asking. took the shine off my woody pretty quickly.
Little Monster's Avatar
I try to start off every session with a rock step, then I go triple step, Rock step triple step, rock step triple step rock step, step step rock step, rock step kick step kick step kick step rock step rock step kick step

Do do de do da!!

illuminati's Avatar
You are my sweet ol' grouch. I adore you!!


Emary Preston Originally Posted by Emary Preston
Sweet old grouch? That's an underhanded compliment, sort of like giving a girl a dozen roses with the thorns still on the stems.