Definition of "Communism"

As that great Communist Mao said, "Political power comes from the barrel of a gun".

Why won't true Communism work, and be destined to fail? Two words.

Human nature.
As that great Comunnist Mao said, "Political power comes from the barrel of a gun".

Why won't true Communism work, and be destined to fail. Two words.

Human nature. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Only because we haven't evolved past the petty part of our nature.
Only because we haven't evolved past the petty part of our nature. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
We never will because Human Nature is the one constant throughout history.
normalguy21's Avatar
It looks like you view the presidency as being about the POTUs's salary.

And I think you'll find he spent a lot more than 500 million to get it. Pale in comparison to what was spent to defeat him.

This has never been about simple math. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
No I see origins of a systemic catalyst of corruption starting from the beginning of fund raising for a campaign .

Turn into the driving factor of laws are policy that are in acted while office is held .

How can a person that holds any office as a public servant justify the excess to which it takes to get elected? Actions speak louder than any words .Great leaders lead by example . And are elected officials at any level of government spend more money to get the office they will hold than they could earn at that position if they held it a 100 years .
Yet they are intrusted with the money of the tax payers to manage .

systemic catalyst of corruption comes into play the day dollar one is raised for a campaign .

Campaign finance reform is what is needed .
Problem is, you can't introduce communism by force. You will always end up with an "Animal Farm" type hierarchy. For communism to work, humans have to be good.

. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

the fallacy of liberalism is the same, the idea of the perfectibility of man is a requirement for success else an ever growing police state

would that the seven deadly sins be forever banished

from top to bottom, and yes, in all practicality, in communism there is a top, the nature of men will defeat the dreamer

for the greatest harmony and the greatest fairness and the greatest improvement in the lot of men, systems must align with human nature

otherwise everything reverts to the lowest common denominator
normalguy21's Avatar
I,am just going to go live at a ash ram / brothel and i report back in a while . take care
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I sure found a lot of definitions for communism in several online dictionaries, but they make it sound so evil. I like Karl Marx's defintion as follows:

"a political theory derived from Karl Marx, advocating class war and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs."

That's the type of government I think we need. NOt where multi-national corporations are running the country, but when we have a country run by the each and every citizen, no matter where you come from!

I could not believe how Hitler was described as a communist, when that style of government was definitely "totalitarian", which meant the government ruled the people in an extreme manner. There is no comparison to Karl Marx's theory.

Think for yourself people. Anyone, especially Fox News and Murdoch can make you think that a society run by its own people, cannot possibly survive. I tend to disagree. Originally Posted by SeekingTruth
Don't you just love that sign off? "Think for yourself..." STD ignores his own advice. First run through a couple of things; Marx theorized Marxism, not communism. Lenin, a socialist, began what he called "war communism" in the Soviet Union about 1921 because he realized that socialism was not going to work.
Socialism is an economic system just as is capitalism.
Communism is a political system and is totalitarianism, democracy, and republicanism.

Marx in his theory said that the path to communism (yes, he did say it but he wrote about Marxism) was inevitable and though there would be bloodshed, it should be relatively (a loaded word) blood free. So why does every little tin pot dictator try to do things at the point of a gun? Because Marx was wrong. It has to be forced which costs lives. Millions so far. Humanity has to change for socialism, Marxism, or communism to work. Everyone has to get off their sorry ass, do their best work, and be happy getting what everyone else it getting for doing something less important. Imagine a doctor with years of education, making life and death decisions getting paid the same as a plumber. Or more appropriately, a master craftsman (a carpenter) being paid the same as a novice because they both do the same thing.
One could argue, quite convincingly, that it's never been truly implemented. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Amen! That's because the corporations and the powers that be don't care about the majority. They only care about "profit" and how much "profit" can you make from a person living in poverty? People who derive wealth from weakness will never be great leaders.
Don't you just love that sign off? "Think for yourself..." STD ignores his own advice. First run through a couple of things; Marx theorized Marxism, not communism. Lenin, a socialist, began what he called "war communism" in the Soviet Union about 1921 because he realized that socialism was not going to work.
Socialism is an economic system just as is capitalism.
Communism is a political system and is totalitarianism, democracy, and republicanism.

Marx in his theory said that the path to communism (yes, he did say it but he wrote about Marxism) was inevitable and though there would be bloodshed, it should be relatively (a loaded word) blood free. So why does every little tin pot dictator try to do things at the point of a gun? Because Marx was wrong. It has to be forced which costs lives. Millions so far. Humanity has to change for socialism, Marxism, or communism to work. Everyone has to get off their sorry ass, do their best work, and be happy getting what everyone else it getting for doing something less important. Imagine a doctor with years of education, making life and death decisions getting paid the same as a plumber. Or more appropriately, a master craftsman (a carpenter) being paid the same as a novice because they both do the same thing. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I read your post and agree! The problem is Americans today do not live in a country with "an equal playing field'. Most students who get "student loans" are in debt before they graduate. France and Denmark give their citizens free education, incuding higher educations. Yes, taxes pay for that, but they don't invade other Countries and use their taxes to pay for it. Oh, yeah
No I see origins of a systemic catalyst of corruption starting from the beginning of fund raising for a campaign .

Campaign finance reform is what is needed . Originally Posted by slickahhughs
Starting with the most corrupt contributors of all, Organized Labor Unions.
I read your post and agree! The problem is Americans today do not live in a country with "an equal playing field'. Most students who get "student loans" are in debt before they graduate. France and Denmark give their citizens free education, incuding higher educations. Yes, taxes pay for that, but they don't invade other Countries and use their taxes to pay for it. Oh, yeah Originally Posted by SeekingTruth
Exactly. I wonder what we could do if we weren't dropping billions on sticking our noses in other people's business. Not to mention 600 plus military bases in 38 countries around the world. For what? The problem is that we have people under the delusion that we are number one. We are number one in no category that is good. Low on the happiness index. Education is a joke. In debt up to our eyeballs. What EXACTLY are we number one in? Fattest people, probably. And yet you still have people who blindly follow.
Starting with the most corrupt contributors of all, Organized Labor Unions. Originally Posted by Jackie S
McCain Feingold is the worst thing to happen to our system in the last 10 years. It completely let's off the hook all the soft money going to these outside groups that in turn don't have to disclose any information.
I B Hankering's Avatar
One could argue, quite convincingly, that it's never been truly implemented. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Guess your stupid-ass missed the significance of how your word "implemented" reeks of despotic -- even totalitarian -- rule, didn't you, you "#Grubered" Odumbo Minion?
normalguy21's Avatar
normalguy21's Avatar
What would Sammy Hagar say ? He is after all the red rocker . Short attention spans