Obamacare FIXED! Take that you Teabaggers!

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I'm convinced the Tea Baggers want this country to fail, are rascists that will never like Obama because he's black, and they oppose people's choices on individual freedoms. Maybe the system would have worked better if not for the shut down. It's all for not, the vast majority of America don't support the Tea Baggers. I will be crying tears of joy when their beloved wealth is redistributed. Originally Posted by Misawahawk

Obamacare is going to hurt this country badly so anyone who is against this monstrosity is FOR the country.

The racists are the people who vote 98% for someone because of their race. The racists are the people who think minorities can't do it for themselves and need government help. The racists are the people who think all minorites are the same and can be categorized as a group. Kind of like the racist MSNBC host who wanted to play "Mexican" music when talking about Ted Cruz who's father was Cuban. I guess all hispanics look alike to liberals.

They had three years to set up this system. Only an absolute idiot would think or believe the slimdown (remember Obamacare was not part of it) had any impact on this embarassing debacle.

It doesn't take a majority to run the country as every president for half a century has not won a majority of adult population vote. They may have gotten a majority of the votes but not the people. A third of the population supported the revolt against the British and that seemed to be enough. After some polling (following the slimdown) they found that the people have not really changed as far as the Tea Party. Whiff, air ball fools.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
What happened Pissenhawk. Car wreck? Brain damage is hard to overcome. You can take you socialistic....why bother. Your just too stupid to understand. You make FuckZup look like a Rhodes Scholar if you're not FuckZup's little sister.
Do you believe in democracy? Do you believe in the American system of government? If so, then news flash America is sick and tired and voted out the majority of cronies in government. The right is scared and they damn well should be. Your days of locking up over 2 million people, mostly poor and minorities, for bullshit crimes is over. I say to you rightist if you are sooo rich then why aren't you smart? Do you honestly think manipulating the common man is sustainable? Ask yourself, I beg you, do you have more than 500k in the bank? If not the GOP doesn't give a flying fuck about you!!! They are concerned with preserving generational wealth (by all means necessary). You are a pawn in a game you don't even understand. For the love of God please wake up!!! Don't let the GOP pea on your leg and tell you it's raining. Originally Posted by Misawahawk
You ask if I believe in Democracy and the American system of Government. For the most part yes, but it has become distorted. It's distortion isn't the fault of one party. Your post is nothing but an example of Liberal double talk. Our country is based on two things Oil and the Military that's it. Commonly known as the Military Industrial Complex. Our monetary system is made up of money that has no real value without the ability to trade. Our Military ensures oil producing countries continue to trade with us. Wars and threat of wars is what actually ensures our dollar remains the basis for global trade. We ecru massive debt to keep our economy intact. In other words America borrows from Peter to pay Paul to avoid economic collapse. One day our economy will collapse it's inevitable and it really won't matter who the president is. What politicians are doing is trying to prepare for it now. The Patriot Act and the NDAA were enacted not for terrorism but what to do about 330 Million Americans if the Economy goes under because our Dollar is no longer tradable. Now people say Obamacare isn't about Healthcare but rather about control. Well if anyone thinks a 1000 plus page piece legislation is about Healthcare only, ya better think again there are other provisions in that law that could and would be enacted in the event of economical collapse. Not everything we hear is bullshit. It's best to question everything and stay objective rather than put all your stock in a leftist administration. So don't tell me to open my eyes. My eyes are wide open Iam watching both sides of this coin with great interest.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-23-2013, 10:07 AM
You ask if I believe in Democracy and the American system of Government. For the most part yes, but it has become distorted. It's distortion isn't the fault of one party. Your post is nothing but an example of Liberal double talk. Our country is based on two things Oil and the Military that's it. Commonly known as the Military Industrial Complex. Our monetary system is made up of money that has no real value without the ability to trade. Our Military ensures oil producing countries continue to trade with us. Wars and threat of wars is what actually ensures our dollar remains the basis for global trade. We ecru massive debt to keep our economy intact. In other words America borrows from Peter to pay Paul to avoid economic collapse. One day our economy will collapse it's inevitable and it really won't matter who the president is. What politicians are doing is trying to prepare for it now. The Patriot Act and the NDAA were enacted not for terrorism but what to do about 330 Million Americans if the Economy goes under because our Dollar is no longer tradable. Now people say Obamacare isn't about Healthcare but rather about control. Well if anyone thinks a 1000 plus page piece legislation is about Healthcare only, ya better think again there are other provisions in that law that could and would be enacted in the event of economical collapse. Not everything we hear is bullshit. It's best to question everything and stay objective rather than put all your stock in a leftist administration. So don't tell me to open my eyes. My eyes are wide open Iam watching both sides of this coin with great interest. Originally Posted by acp5762

you may be watching both sides with great interest, but you rail against one side in particular with mucho gusto ... aka the distortion you mention
you may be watching both sides with great interest, but you rail against one side in particular with mucho gusto ... aka the distortion you mention Originally Posted by CJ7
Well if what you mean is that I don't blame Bush enough. Well sorry he really doesn't play much of a roll in the political climate these days.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-23-2013, 11:08 AM
Well if what you mean is that I don't blame Bush enough. Well sorry he really doesn't play much of a roll in the political climate these days. Originally Posted by acp5762
you can't find anyone on the right in the current political climate to vent your frustrations ?
you can't find anyone on the right in the current political climate to vent your frustrations ? Originally Posted by CJ7
Yeah, I suppose I could. Iam not all that crazy about the way House Republicans handled the shutdown most of my focus would be on Boehner and Cruz. The reason for that is they used Obamacare as a weapon knowing dam good and well the law couldn't be defunded. I will agree with anyone Republican strategies are a bit lame. Iam not all that hopeful of ever seeing another Republican as President, but on the flip side of that coin I haven't seen a Democratic hopeful I would rave over at this point. I'll tell ya this, and take this however you wish there are both Democrats and Republicans out there that could very easily make good presidents but they just don't fall into that niche so they probably won't run or even get nominated. Ben Carson is one that comes to mind.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-23-2013, 01:25 PM
Yeah, I suppose I could. Iam not all that crazy about the way House Republicans handled the shutdown most of my focus would be on Boehner and Cruz. The reason for that is they used Obamacare as a weapon knowing dam good and well the law couldn't be defunded. I will agree with anyone Republican strategies are a bit lame. Iam not all that hopeful of ever seeing another Republican as President, but on the flip side of that coin I haven't seen a Democratic hopeful I would rave over at this point. I'll tell ya this, and take this however you wish there are both Democrats and Republicans out there that could very easily make good presidents but they just don't fall into that niche so they probably won't run or even get nominated. Ben Carson is one that comes to mind. Originally Posted by acp5762
a bit to blame ?

the Senate passed a budget early March, invited the Republican House to sit down and iron out the wrinkles 18 times ... 18 times the House refused ... enter the shutdown timeline .. The House decides to talk at the last hour ?? a bit much IMO

partisan division has become the order of the decade, regardless which side of the aisle gets the nod in 2016, the cancer that's destroying the country will continue to grow ... Tea Party chemo therapy isn't the answer either.
Well if what you mean is that I don't blame Bush enough. Well sorry he really doesn't play much of a roll in the political climate these days. Originally Posted by acp5762
I guess you have not looked at how the Deficit skyrocketed when he (Bush) was in charge. Take a look at what happened when Cheney was driving the ship and look at the arc towards balance it has taken since. Seems to me Ted Cruz likes to tout a estimation of where we are headed but never mentions the fact that it has slowed its growth since Obama took over. There is no other way to explain the jump in deficit around 2006 besides it was on the Republicans watch. Bush done what he thought was right (tax breaks for corporations) or what Cheney "told" him to do, either way it screwed us to the wall. Now we have those Corporations such as Koch spending the money they saved on taxes to fund nuts like Cruz. Now even Koch has abandoned the Teaparty I for one am glad.

Before somebody decides calling me a name is gonna make things all better just do a little research. By the way you do know the Onion is fake.
Yeah, I suppose I could. Iam not all that crazy about the way House Republicans handled the shutdown most of my focus would be on Boehner and Cruz. The reason for that is they used Obamacare as a weapon knowing dam good and well the law couldn't be defunded. I will agree with anyone Republican strategies are a bit lame. Iam not all that hopeful of ever seeing another Republican as President, but on the flip side of that coin I haven't seen a Democratic hopeful I would rave over at this point. I'll tell ya this, and take this however you wish there are both Democrats and Republicans out there that could very easily make good presidents but they just don't fall into that niche so they probably won't run or even get nominated. Ben Carson is one that comes to mind. Originally Posted by acp5762
I would like to comment on one thing you said here. In my opinion it is not so much the Republicans that are the cause of the shut down as much as the Teaparty attempting to take over the Republican party. Had they been able to meet their agenda it would have given them a platform. Republicans need people like Marco Rubio instead of Ted Cruz.
a bit to blame ?

the Senate passed a budget early March, invited the Republican House to sit down and iron out the wrinkles 18 times ... 18 times the House refused ... enter the shutdown timeline .. The House decides to talk at the last hour ?? a bit much IMO

partisan division has become the order of the decade, regardless which side of the aisle gets the nod in 2016, the cancer that's destroying the country will continue to grow ... Tea Party chemo therapy isn't the answer either. Originally Posted by CJ7
Yeah, everyone noticed that I am sure. Sixteen days of political war games on the 11th hour everything pans out. Seemed to easy. The Tea Party may have good intentions but they are going about too aggressively. I don't think either party want's the economy to crash, but the very methods they implement to prevent it could actually cause it.
I guess you have not looked at how the Deficit skyrocketed when he (Bush) was in charge. Take a look at what happened when Cheney was driving the ship and look at the arc towards balance it has taken since. Seems to me Ted Cruz likes to tout a estimation of where we are headed but never mentions the fact that it has slowed its growth since Obama took over. There is no other way to explain the jump in deficit around 2006 besides it was on the Republicans watch. Bush done what he thought was right (tax breaks for corporations) or what Cheney "told" him to do, either way it screwed us to the wall. Now we have those Corporations such as Koch spending the money they saved on taxes to fund nuts like Cruz. Now even Koch has abandoned the Teaparty I for one am glad.

Before somebody decides calling me a name is gonna make things all better just do a little research. By the way you do know the Onion is fake. Originally Posted by slingblade
Without getting technical, cause frankly I don't have the patients. Bush added less debt to the deficit in eight years than Obama has in just five. Obama is your big spender in this equations.
I B Hankering's Avatar

Before somebody decides calling me a name is gonna make things all better just do a little research. By the way you do know the Onion is fake. Originally Posted by slingblade
The Onion is real. It's the news that they report that is fake. Yeah, BL is trying to be funny for a change ... or has he always been trying to be funny? LOL
Misawahawk's Avatar
What happened Pissenhawk. Car wreck? Brain damage is hard to overcome. You can take you socialistic....why bother. Your just too stupid to understand. You make FuckZup look like a Rhodes Scholar if you're not FuckZup's little sister. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

You write this and call me stupid? Ok so be it, I'm stupid then. I've been called worse.
Misawahawk's Avatar
You ask if I believe in Democracy and the American system of Government. For the most part yes, but it has become distorted. It's distortion isn't the fault of one party. Your post is nothing but an example of Liberal double talk. Our country is based on two things Oil and the Military that's it. Commonly known as the Military Industrial Complex. Our monetary system is made up of money that has no real value without the ability to trade. Our Military ensures oil producing countries continue to trade with us. Wars and threat of wars is what actually ensures our dollar remains the basis for global trade. We ecru massive debt to keep our economy intact. In other words America borrows from Peter to pay Paul to avoid economic collapse. One day our economy will collapse it's inevitable and it really won't matter who the president is. What politicians are doing is trying to prepare for it now. The Patriot Act and the NDAA were enacted not for terrorism but what to do about 330 Million Americans if the Economy goes under because our Dollar is no longer tradable. Now people say Obamacare isn't about Healthcare but rather about control. Well if anyone thinks a 1000 plus page piece legislation is about Healthcare only, ya better think again there are other provisions in that law that could and would be enacted in the event of economical collapse. Not everything we hear is bullshit. It's best to question everything and stay objective rather than put all your stock in a leftist administration. So don't tell me to open my eyes. My eyes are wide open Iam watching both sides of this coin with great interest. Originally Posted by acp5762
Our economy is all about globalism. If country A can make a product cheaper than country B then let them make it and we will buy it. Yes we have a bad ass military but it's only because we know we need to maintain stability in the world. Don't think the US cares about oil because we don't. We care about free trade and open access to world markets. We have about 75 years of oil left btw.

I don't know what you mean by double talk? Do you mean I'm talking out of both sides of my mouth? Let me clarify- I have no problem with people making money and lots of it as long as it's legal. I love America, I joined the military for no other reason than to serve my country. I voted for and like Obama. I'm a Democrat, I'm a common person, and proud of it! I think all people should be able to see a doctor if they are sick no matter what. All people should be able to eat and have a roof over their head. When someone goes to jail I think that all of society is to blame. So if this is being a leftist then I consider it a badge of honor.