unemployment Trump administration

bambino's Avatar
if you say so

just because you answer a question doesn't mean the answer is correct.

as usual you post without any source, just a chart and some claim without any other context or info. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
That’s what “rich” people do!!!!!!
if you say so

just because you answer a question doesn't mean the answer is correct.

as usual you post without any source, just a chart and some claim without any other context or info. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
That's how, as the thugs say...he rolls!!
He asked me REPEATLY if I got my gumment "free" money and when I tell him...HE FLIPS OUT!! If that's not TDS what is??
VitaMan's Avatar
if you say so

just because you answer a question doesn't mean the answer is correct.
as usual you post without any source, just a chart and some claim without any other context or info. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

A question is asked, answered, and then you state the answer may not be correct.
What to do then ? Just stop answering questions ? You were so eager to have your questions answered, you begged for prompt answers. Probably best just to stop answering questions, or put more members on ignore. Or maybe these members just should stop asking questions, since any answer that doesn't fit what they want is considered a lie. 3 members have done this in a short time: Bambino, bb1961, and TWK They ask questions, get an answer, it doesn't fit their logic, and they state the answer must be a lie

Or wait......just answer everything with......if you say so

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Bureau of Labor Statistics

Look it up. Educate yourself. You can even use Google search.

You do have a zoom feature on your computer, don't you ?
VitaMan's Avatar
That's how, as the thugs say...he rolls!!
He asked me REPEATLY if I got my gumment "free" money and when I tell him...HE FLIPS OUT!! If that's not TDS what is?? Originally Posted by bb1961

No bb, I said you were fortunate

On TILT, with BDS, and chanting

'’Hare Rāma Hare Rāma
Rāma Rāma Hare Hare
Hare Kṛṣṇa Hare Kṛṣṇa
Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa Hare Hare"
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
A question is asked, answered, and then you state the answer may not be correct.
What to do then ? Just stop answering questions ? You were so eager to have your questions answered, you begged for prompt answers. Probably best just to stop answering questions, or put more members on ignore.

Or wait......just answer everything with......if you say so

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Bureau of Labor Statistics

Look it up. Educate yourself. You can even use Google search.

You do have a zoom feature on our computer, don't you ? Originally Posted by VitaMan

you can zoom it all you want, still doesn't make the image any better.

still waiting for you to explain how the FED "took care" of the unemployment issue.
VitaMan's Avatar
Another question. I'm done answering questions from TWK, Bambino, and bb1961. They can't handle the answers.

Unemployment statistics show unemployment at 3.9% in December. Say whatever you want.

Image is fine on my computer. If your zoom feature doesn't help you, perhaps....reading glasses ?
You're done answering questions...but you haven't answered ANY!!
... They ARE sayin' what they want.

Saying that Biden's employment numbers don't mater as much
as the rest of his Presidency being A DISASTER!

### Salty
VitaMan's Avatar
You're done answering questions...but you haven't answered ANY!! Originally Posted by bb1961

Look it up bud.

You asked a question. I answered it. You said the answer was a lie.

Maybe it is time to respond to everything with.......

if you say so
  • Tiny
  • 01-09-2022, 06:27 PM
Which administration had the highest unemployment rate since 1950 ?

Originally Posted by VitaMan
The same administration which had the lowest unemployment rate since 1969, i.e. Donald Trump's.

As to the 3.9% unemployment rate in December, I'll provide the same explanation that esteemed poster WTF does for GDP Growth under Trump vs. Obama. Low unemployment rates are just a continuation of the pre-Covid trend during the Trump administration. That's a joke, kind of. But I do believe that a lower corporate income tax rate and deregulation during the Trump administration were part of the reason for a good jobs market pre-COVID. The corporate tax rate has not changed since then, although Biden is increasing the regulatory burden on business.

As other posters have noted, a lot of people have dropped out of the labor force. This is despite there being a huge number of unfilled job openings, which have been hovering around 10.5 to 11 million since July. Previously the highest that number had ever been was around 7.5 million, in 2018/2019. What's going on? Well there was an interesting article in the Financial Times today blaming it partly on people who've decided to do the least amount of work possible, some by becoming self employed or working part time, and then dumpster diving. They're called "idlers." I'll include an excerpt below.

And, as you've partly acknowledged in this thread, can you really attribute the level of unemployment or the stock market to just one person? There are so many other factors at play -- interest rates, the business cycle, events like the COVID pandemic, globalization, changes in technology, what state and foreign governments and Congress are up to, etc.

I believe you can tie back good policies to economic performance in the long term. I'd speculate for example that the reason that the USA, Switzerland, Ireland, Singapore and Hong Kong have outperformed other countries in terms of GDP per capita (adjusted for purchasing power) is because the private sector accounts for a smaller % of their economies, compared to their public (government) sectors. This however is something that Biden seems to be dead set on changing.

How long does it take bad government policies to show up in economic performance? Well, it could take a long time. Look at Venezuela. Chavez was a hero for many years and the country did well as long as oil prices were high. Now it's a basket case. I'm not saying we're headed in the same direction as Venezuela, although sometimes I wonder given some of what comes out of the mouth of people like Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders. And Biden has been catering to the Progressive wing of his party. Fortunately though Sinema, Manchin, and some others like Tester and Warner won't let this happen for the time being.

An excerpt from the article I mentioned,

Doreen Ford spent 10 years working in retail stores in the Boston area and hated it.

So in 2017, when Ford’s grandmother suggested that she give up her traditional job altogether and leverage her love of dogs to make ends meet, she went for it. Ford walks dogs part-time, but otherwise has not held a traditional job since and says she has never been happier.

“Usually, at best, [working was] pointless,” said Ford, 30, “and at worst it was degrading, humiliating and exploitative”.

Ford is an early pioneer of the “antiwork” movement, which encourages followers to work as little as possible in traditional jobs or abandon them altogether for self-employment, with the goal of prioritising leisure time.

She is also a moderator of r/antiwork, the influential thread on internet forum Reddit. Its membership has ballooned from 180,000 in October 2020 to 1.6m this month as the coronavirus crisis leads many to re-evaluate their careers.

Huge numbers of Americans quit their jobs last year, including 4.5m in November, the labour department reported on Tuesday. That was the highest “quit rate” since the department began tracking it in 2001. Data show that many workers probably left their jobs after receiving better offers.

But the labour force participation rate has flatlined to below pre-pandemic levels, indicating that some workers still have not returned to the labour force despite record job openings. Many may be focusing on their care-giving responsibilities, or are fearful of contracting Covid-19. But at least some seem to have become disillusioned with conventional employment opportunities during the pandemic, like Ford.

Their numbers are sufficient to prompt Goldman Sachs to warn in a November research note that the antiwork movement posed a “long-run risk” to labour force participation.

“I think there’s a lot of positions that just don’t make any sense, that do not have to exist,” Ford said. “You’re just pushing around papers for no good reason. It doesn’t really help anybody.”

“Idlers”, as members of the antiwork movement call themselves, largely believe that people should strive to work as little as possible and preferably for themselves. Many who have stopped working say they operate their own microbusinesses, like Ford, or work as few hours as possible in part-time jobs in order to survive. Some take on roommates or raid dumpsters for food to reduce their cost of living, according to Ford.

The antiwork movement traces its ideology back to Marxist texts suggesting that humanity could evolve beyond the requirement to work for a living. A parallel has emerged in the popular “lay flat” trend among Chinese millennials, where they swear off ambitious careers in favour of simpler, less materialistic lives.

Jacuzzme's Avatar
r/anti-work is a riot. It’s basically the opposite of everything a responsible parent teaches their kids, and tons of fun to troll.